Source of NIT : NVVNL - NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd.
State : Uttar Pradesh
Region : JVs & Subsidaries
NIT No. : NVVN/C&M/RE-272/2024-25
Brief NIT Description : Selection of Hybrid Power Developers for Setting up of 100 MW ISTS-Connected Wind- Solar Hybrid Projects in India under Tariff-based Competitive Bidding.
Contracts Classification : Administrative Works & Purchases
EMD Cost :
Tender Cost :
Estimated Fee :
Date Of Issue of NIT : 20/06/2024
NIT Link: Click here to go to E-tender site E-Tender   
Document Sale Start Date : 20/06/2024 :15:00
Closing Date : 18/07/2024 :17:00
Bid Submission End Date : 18/07/2024 :17:00
Bid Opening Date : 19/07/2024 :15:00
Contact Person :
Contact Information : Designation: Sr. Manager
NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED, 5th Floor, Engineering Office Complex, A-8A, Sector-24, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)