NTPC Approved Sub Vendor List

NTPC Approved Sub Vendor List

Disclaimer for Sub Vendor List approved by CQA-NTPC

1.1 The approved sub-vendor list attached herewith is not based on NTPC driven enlistment process but based on the sub-vendors proposed by various Main Contractors for different NTPC corporate awarded projects and consultancy projects where NTPC-Ltd is the consultant. As such, it is possible that some of the Suppliers/Manufacturers who may be involved in similar work/process may not be appearing in the list as such sub-vendors may not have been proposed by Main Contractors against NTPC Corporate Contracts awarded packages or Consultancy projects contracts where NTPC-Ltd is the consultant.

1.2 Reasonable efforts have been made to collate the sub-vendors proposed by the various main contractors from time to time against different Projects/Packages and accepted by NTPC for various items. However, in case of error/omission, if any, and represented by the Main Contractor for corporate awarded packages this will be addressed during the execution of the contract based on the documentary evidence available with NTPC / Main Contractor.

1.3 Sub-vendors have been grouped under different categories of items. It is possible that an item characterized by certain specific features such as range and type required as per Main Contractor’s design requirements may not be in the range of the listed sub-vendor’s manufacturing process/capability. As such the main contractor has to ascertain the vendor’s capability to meet his specific requirements before considering a sub-vendor.

1.4 The approval was granted based on the evaluation of relevant capabilities and facilities possessed by the sub-vendor at the time of evaluation. Also, some of the sub-vendors may not be active. As such, the Main Contractor is to carry out his own due diligence regarding the current status of the sub-vendor, the continued availability of productive resources including Human Resources before considering the listed sub-vendor for subletting:

1.5 The list of sub-vendors is periodically revised to include new sub-vendors. Such a revision may also see a deletion of certain sub-vendors who may have been disqualified on grounds of inadequate performance or banned in line with NTPC’s banning policy.

1.6 The list is prepared based on the sub-vendors proposed by various Main Contractors for different NTPC projects and consultancy projects (where NTPC Ltd is the consultant), Sub vendors are approved for specific works address only. But it may so happen that the name/ and location of a sub vendor may have been changed and it was not informed by any main Contractor of any project to NTPC. For this, if any Main Contractor proposes the name/location change to NTPC, It shall be reviewed as per Sub vendor approval procedure of NTPC CQA with relevant supporting document.

1.7 The items not covered in the list shall be mutually discussed and agreed for item categorization and vendor control during detail engineering of specific project.

1.8 Each sub vendor is approved with certain approval conditions. Main contractor to ensure/verify approval conditions of NTPC before considering the sub vendor.

In case of any communication, you may please contact NTPC-CQA at 0120-4946617 or email cqa@ntpc.co.in.

Sr. No. Title Action
1 Steam Generator and Aux Sub Vendor List View
2 Turbine and Aux Sub Vendor List View
3 Balance of Plants - Sub Vendor List View
4 Electrical - Sub Vendor List View
5 C&I - Sub Vendor List View
6 Civil - Sub Vendor List View