Source of NIT : Corporate Materials (EOC, Scope, PMI, NETRA)
State : Uttar Pradesh
Region : Corporate Center
NIT No. : GEM/2024/B/4583792
Brief NIT Description : Housekeeping and Deep Cleaning Contract for DR Hyderabad Datacenter.
Contracts Classification : Services
EMD Cost :
Tender Cost :
Estimated Fee :
Date Of Issue of NIT : 07/02/2024
NIT Link: Click here to go to E-tender site E-Tender   
Document Sale Start Date : 07/02/2024 :10:00
Closing Date : 22/02/2024 :17:00
Bid Submission End Date : 22/02/2024 :17:00
Bid Opening Date : 22/02/2024 :17:30
Contact Person :
Contact Information : Designation: Manager
NTPC Ltd., Engineering Office Complex, Plot No. A-8A, Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, UP, India