Source of NIT : Coal Mining HQ-Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Region : Coal Mining Region
NIT No. : SSC-C&M-P-631991
Brief NIT Description : Appointment of Architectural/Engineering Consultant for Availing Consultancy Services for Construction of Energy Bhawan at Greater Ranchi.
Contracts Classification : Consultancy Services
EMD Cost :
Tender Cost :
Estimated Fee :
Date Of Issue of NIT : 14/12/2021
NIT Link: Click here to go to E-tender site E-Tender   
Document Sale Start Date : 20/12/2021 :09:00
Closing Date : 04/01/2022 :14:30
Bid Submission End Date : 04/01/2022 :14:30
Bid Opening Date : 05/01/2022 :15:00
Contact Person :
Contact Information : Designation: Sr. Manager
NTPC Limited, SSC-Coal Mining, Coal Mining HQ, Ginni Plaza, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India-834001