1.00.00Coal Handling Plant, Limestone and Gypsum Handling system, Ash Water Recirculation System and Fuel Oil Handling System
∙Coal Handling Plant shall be designed based on specified Indian coal. The plant shall also be designed for blending of imported coal and Indian coal. Rated capacity of Coal Handling Plant shall be as specified in the technical Specification. The design capacity of the conveyors shall be 110% of the rated capacity.
∙Limestone Unloading, crushing, stacking and feeding system, Gypsum conveying and storage system shall be as per scope of technical specification.
∙Online Coal Analyzer, Coal Stockyard Management System
∙Track Hoppers, paddle feeders, AWRS and Fuel Oil Handling System shall be as
per scope of technical specification.
2.00.00CW Pumps, Cooling Towers and Raw Water System
∙CW equipment & systems, Cooling towers, raw water system with associated civil
works shall be provided as per the scope of technical specifications.
3.00.00Fire Protection System, AC and Ventilation System
Fire Protection System Fire detection and protection system including associated drives and complete C&I for Complete main plant and offsite areas, Fire water storage tanks and pumping system, Booster pumping system, AC and Ventilation System shall be as per the scope of technical specification.
4.00.00Station piping
Station piping comprising of yard piping, balance of plant piping, valves, specialties, Instruments etc. as per the scope of technical specification.
4.00.00Water Treatment System
Pre‐Treatment plant, chlorine‐di‐oxide plant, Liquid effluent treatment plant, DM Plant, CW Chemical Treatment Systems, Misc. Pumps including associated C&I, Civil, structural & architectural, and electrical works, Water System Control room building, DM plant laboratory, Effluent Quality Monitoring System (EQMS) as per the scope of technical specification.
5.00.00Electrical Systems
The electrical items shall cover following as per the scope of technical specification:
∙Motors, Electric Actuators.
∙MV Bus ducts.
∙Power Transformers, Auxiliary Oil Filled Transformers, Indoor Transformers.
∙MV Switchgears, LV Switchgears and LV Bus ducts, Numerical Relay Networking, DC System, Battery and Battery Charger.
∙HT Power Cables, LT Power and Control Cables, Cabling, Earthing and Lightning Protection, Lighting, DG Sets.
∙400 KV GIS and 400 KV AIS.
∙Control & Protection of EHV system and Generator Relay Panels, Substation Automation System (SAS) based on IEC 61850 protocols.
∙Complete Electricals for Offsite Areas, 11 kV Lines etc.
∙Type Testing and Mandatory Spares as specified.
6.00.00C & I Systems
∙The control system, called Distributed Digital Control Monitoring & Information system (DDCMIS) is envisaged to be procured under this package for control and operation of Coal Handling Plant, Water System (PT Plant, DM Plant, Raw Water System etc.), AWRS (Ash Water Recirculation System).
∙Human Machine Interface & Plant Information System (HMIPIS) is based on Large Video Screen (LVS) displays supported by TFT monitor based Operator Work Stations (OWS). These devices through customized user‐friendly displays, soft alarm facia and pop‐up displays are used for giving fast pin‐pointed faults/ status to the operator. Local ON/OFF operation of equipments is envisaged through Graphical Interface Unit (GIU). The total system is networked through a Station‐ Wide LAN for use of real time data of various plant areas by other users like maintenance, planning, efficiency enhancement groups etc.
∙Alarm annunciation are also implemented as a part of DDCMIS system. A GPS based master and slave clock system is to be provided for uniform and synchronized timing signals throughout the entire station.
∙The power supply for the control system is based on 24V DC provided through microprocessor based modular charger system and for the peripherals and other subsystem through 230V Single Phase UPS.
∙Field instruments like pressure, DP, flow & level transmitter, analyzers along with their process connection & piping as well as measurement systems like vibration monitoring system etc are also procured through this package.
∙A plant‐wide CCTV system based on IP technology is included in this package for surveillance of plant equipment as an aid to the operation.
∙PA system, Operator control desks, panels, shielded twisted pair cables as well as optical fiber cables for system interconnection and all types of Instrumentation Cables are also included in this package.
7.00.00Civil Works
The scope of work consists of design, engineering, fabrication (including fabrication by rolling of plates and welding), erection and construction of all civil, structural and architectural works including topographical survey, geotechnical investigation, site clearance and site levelling etc. Open foundations are envisaged for structures inside plant boundary area. The steel structures shall be pre‐fabricated in factory and shall have bolted field connections (except coal bunkers and ducts which may be fabricated and welded at site). The supply of all construction materials for all buildings, equipment and facilities for the project including supply of Cement, Structural steel and Reinforcing steel required for the work shall be supplied by the bidder. Civil, structural & architectural works shall include following as per technical specification like underground facilities like drainage, sewerage, trenches, earthing mat/grounding for the offsite area covering switchyard, Fuel Oil unloading & Storage System, AWRS, Pipe cable supports/trestle in Offsite areas and its foundations, Condensate storage tank foundations and CST pump house, Outdoor transformer foundations, Transformer yard i.e. Transformer foundation, rail track foundation, fire wall, central oil pit, Foundation for DG set enclosure & stack foundation, Civil works related to Fire Water tank foundation, fire water pumps house, booster pump house, foam system, pedestal for pipes and DV housing, concrete encasement of pylon pipes (within filled up gravel portion) used for HVW spray system for protection of transformers, Sewerage works of BOP areas incl. STP
and connection from BTG areas, Misc. Switchgear buildings ,Approach roads to buildings in the package, balance Roads including approach road to ash silos, Coal slurry settling pond, CHP Office cum workshop building, Dozer shed, Pedestals, thrust blocks, trenches, Hume pipes & culvert, duct banks etc. at crossings in offsite area for pipes & cables, boundary wall of plant area, Civil works associated with buried pipes & crossing, any other miscellaneous civil and structural works.
8.00.00 SOLAR P.V Plants
Solar Photo‐voltaic plants to be supplied under the package shall be grid‐connected rooftop SPV plants including all auxiliaries. The SPV modules must conform to latest edition of IEC 61215/IS 14286 for crystalline silicon Terrestrial PV Modules design qualification and type approval. In addition, the modules must also conform to IEC 61730 part 1 & Part 2 or equivalent IS for construction & testing requirements respectively.
9.00.00DPR & Detailed Engg., Project Management and construction of coal transportation system including associated Electrical system
10.00.00 Rain Water Harvesting
11.00.00 Construction power & construction lighting 12.00.00 Construction water supply