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Contract for Statutory Inspection, Testing & Certification of 210T/25T EOT NTPC SOLAPUR
"Salient Technical Features of the equipment / systems / services covered in Tender reference
No.: Tender Reference No.: NTPC/Solapur STPP/9900171954 Dated.18.01.2019 are
mentioned below. These Salient Technical Features are mentioned only to facilitate the
prospective bidders to prima-facie understand the requirements under the tender and shall not
in any way limit or alter the scope of work and technical features / specification of equipment /
systems / services covered in the Bidding Documents. Detailed provisions in regard of scope of
work and technical features / specification of equipment / systems / services, contained in the
Bidding Documents shall be final and binding."
(EOT/Cranes (<>) Testing):
Against this item agency has to carry out Inspection, testing & Certification of EOT Cranes (02 nos).
"The EOT Cranes to be inspected for general safe working condition with and without load. They should
also measure the deflection of EOT Cranes in the loaded condition.
"Immediately after inspection & load test protocols are to be prepared and to be signed by the Competent
Person or his Authorized Representative AND Concerned Maintenance Area engineer.
"After inspection, the Competent Person should issue the test certificate in the prescribed format.
"The agency should also provide the details of inspection consisting, size, lift, safe working load,
date of inspection & testing and due date for next inspection etc. in the form of durable tags / Stickers to
be tied / fixed to T&P.