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Civil & Electrical works for the development of Central Park in Township, NTPC Solapur.
"Salient Technical Features of the equipment / systems / services covered in Tender reference
No.: Tender Reference No.:
NTPC/Solapur STPP/ 9900166551 Date: 13.10.2018
are mentioned
below. These Salient Technical Features are mentioned only to facilitate the prospective bidders
to prima-facie understand the requirements under the tender and shall not in any way limit or
alter the scope of work and technical features / specification of equipment / systems / services
covered in the Bidding Documents. Detailed provisions in regard of scope of work and technical
features / specification of equipment / systems / services, contained in the Bidding Documents
shall be final and binding."
The brief scope of work for the subject package is as under:
The work mainly consists of construction of boundary wall, path ways, civil works for fountains and electrical
works like laying of cables, erection of light fixtures, panels in Township area.