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12. All brought out items required for execution and completion of the entire scope of work shall be
supplied by the contractor at their own cost unless it is specifically mentioned regarding owner
issue of material on free of cost, if any, in the tender document. Contractor shall obtain prior
permission of Engineer-in-Charge before placing order for all materials. The materials procured
by the Contractor should confirm to relevant Indian Standard code, quality checks etc.
13. The contractor should arrange sufficient number of Tools & plants as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
during execution of work.
14. The Contractor shall maintain an account with a nationalised/scheduled bank for the purpose of
payments received under the Contract(s) being executed at NTECL Power Project and for utilisation
of payments received from NTECL for disbursement to sub-contractors, sub-vendors etc. of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain separate books of accounts for all payments under this
contract and NTECL shall have access to these at all times and it shall be controlled by Resident
Finance/Accounts officer of the Contractor.
15. The award of work under this Contract shall be on “Works Contract Basis”. The Contractor shall be
responsible for payment of any tax levied on the transfer of property in goods involved in the “Works
Contract” under Tamil Nadu State Government Sales Tax Act and the rules made there under
including amendments if any. This liability shall be to the Contractor‟s account and it shall not be
reimbursed by NTECL.
Tax deductions at source shall be made as per laws prevalent in the country. It will be incumbent upon
the Contractor to obtain a registration certificate as a dealer under the Local Sales Tax Act and the
Central Sales Tax Act and necessary evidence to this effect shall be furnished by the Contractor to
NTECL. Sales Tax on the transactions between the Contractor and his Sub-contractors/Vendors etc.
shall not be reimbursed by NTECL.
The contractor shall be responsible for any taxes that may be levied hereinafter on the transactions
between Contractor and NTECL.
16. The Contractor shall be liable and responsible for the payment wherever payable,of the taxes, import
duties, tolls, octroi duties, excise duty, levies, entry tax, Cess, Royalty, Seinorage Charges etc. on all
materials and articles that he may use for this work. The quoted rates will be deemed to have included
all financial implication towards all taxes except GST which shall be paid extra on supply &service
portion of the contract subject to its applicability and submission of documentary evidence. Further
any increase in the aforesaid taxes, import duties, tolls, octroi duties, excise duty, levies, entry tax,
cess, Royalty, Seinorage charges etc. that may arise during the currency of the contract shall not be
paid to the Contractor by NTECL.
17. NTECL shall be entitled to deduct taxes at source from all the payments to be made to you in
accordance with the Indian Tax Laws and Rules as applicable from time to time and deposit it with the
concerned Government Authorities within the prescribed time. The contractor shall be required to
submit the PAN details to the Engineer-in-charge before submission of the first bill.
18. The Contractor shall prepare and finalise in consultation with NTECL, a detailed Contract
coordination procedure within 10 days from the date of issue of Letter Of Award for the purpose of
execution of contract. The Contractor shall have to attend all the meetings at his own cost with
NTECL or Consultants of NTECL during the currency of the Contract, as and when required and fully
cooperate with such persons and agencies involved during these discussions.
19. The Contractor shall enter into a Contract Agreement with the Owner as per Prescribed proforma
enclosed within thirty (30) days from the date of Letter of Award or within such extended time, as
may be granted by the owner. The Contractor shall provide for signing of the Contract agreement,
appropriate Power of Attorney and the requisite documents/materials. Unless and until a formal
contract agreement is prepared and executed, the Letter of Award read in conjunction with the Bidding
Documents will constitute a binding contract. Unless and until the Agreement is signed as above, no
payments under the Contract as per Clause 51 and 52 of Section-III of the General Conditions of
Contract for O&M Works (GCC) shall be released to the Contractor. The date of execution of contract
agreement shall not alter the date of start of the contract.