Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
(A Joint Venture of NTPC Ltd. and TANGEDCO)
Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater & 50 seater) at NTECL
for a period of 02 years
Bidding Document No: NTECL / C&M / OT / CS - 4508
(This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this Bid
DocumentNo./Specification only and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for
purposes other than that for which it is specifically issued)
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
NTPC TamilnaduEnergyCompanyLimited
BID DOCUMENT NO: NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 dated 16.01.2021
Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater& 50 seater) at NTECL
for a period of 02 years
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), Brief Details, Other
Terms & Conditions
Price Schedule / Bill of Quantities
Scope of Work
Special Conditions of Contract
Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
List of schedule, Qualifying Requirement Data,
Vendor Data & NEFT form
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Limited
Vallur Thermal Power Project
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
Ref. NTECL / C&M /OT/ CS-4508 Date :16.01.2021
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Limited (NTECL), a JV of NTPC & TANGEDCO
invites sealed bids for its 3 X 500 MW Thermal Power Project at Vellivoyal Chavadi Post,
PonneriTaluk, Thiruvallur District., Chennai 600103, Tamil Nadu from eligible bidders
who fulfill the Qualifying Requirements stipulated below, for the following package:
Description of work
Bid Security / Earnest
Money Deposit
Contract period
Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater & 50
seater) at NTECL for a period of 02 years
24 (Twenty Four)
The scope of the subject package envisages Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater & 50
seater) at NTECL for a period of 02 years.
The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three (03) financial years as on
the date of techno-commercial bid opening, shall not be less than Rs.29.70 lakhs (Rupees
Twenty Nine Lakh Seventy Thousand)
Notes :
i) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
ii) In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of techno-
commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing
Chartered Accountants shall be considered acceptable. In case, the bidder is not able to
submit the certificate from Practicing Chartered Accountants certifying its financial
parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years preceding the last
financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a
Certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the
bidding documents stating that the financial results of the Company are under audit as on
the date of Techno-commercial bid opening and the Certificate from the practicing
Chartered Accountants certifying the financial parameters is not available.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Bid Document No.
NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 dated 16.01.2021
Description of Work
Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater & 50 seater) at
NTECL for a period of 02 years
Cost of bid document
Earnest Money Deposit
Last Query date (Queries if any shall be
entertained up to this date only)
Submission of Bids (Both Techno-
Commercial Bid and Price Bid) i.e.
Envelope I & II together.
01.02.2021 up to 1430 Hours
Techno - Commercial Bid Opening
(Envelope - I)
01.02.2021 at 1500 Hours
The date of opening of Price Bid (Envelope - II) shall be intimated separately.
Address for bid submission of Bids
Addl. General Manager (C&M),
Contracts and Materials Dept.,
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd,
Vallur Thermal Power Project,
VellivoyalChavadi Post,
PonneriTaluk, Thiruvallur District
Chennai - 600103, Tamilnadu.
Location of Tender box in NTECL Site
office premises
Contracts & Materials Department Hall,
NTECL Office Complex.
The bidder in the preceding seven years prior to the date of techno-commercial bid
opening should have executed contract(s) for operating Public/Private Service Buses
on hire basis to companies/institutions, with
i) Single (01) order, of executed value not less than Rs.23.76 lakhs (Rupees Twenty
Three Lakh Seventy Six Thousand)
ii) Two (02) orders, each of executed value not less than Rs.14.85 lakhs (Rupees
Fourteen Lakh Eighty Five Thousand)
iii) Three (03) orders, each of executed value not less thanRs.11.88 lakhs (Rupees Eleven
Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand)
The bidder should have Provident Fund code (PF code) number allotted by concerned
Regional Provident Fund Authority.
The bidder should have GSTIN number issued by concerned authorities.
Note : In case of award, ownership of vehicle shall be only on the name of the bidder and
sub-letting of vehicle will not be permitted.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Contact Person.
S. Krishna Shankar
Asst.Manager-ES (C&M), NTECL
Mob. No : 7260814302
Hariprasad S
Sr. Manager (C&M), NTECL
Mob. No : 9445002639
1. Detailed specifications, Scope of work, Terms & conditions etc., are given in the bidding
documents. Bid documents can be downloaded from tender websites
/ or can be obtained in person on request along with a copy of GST
Registration (GSTIN)
2. It is deemed that bidder shall accept all the terms and conditions mentioned in the
tender documents without any deviation. For that the bidders are requested to
accept the no deviation certificate for fulfillment of technical/commercial compliance.
Any Clarification related to the scope, terms & conditions of contract may please be
sought before last query date. Clarifications received after last query date from any
bidder will not be entertained. Suitable clarification / reply will be given to bidders
based on their query before scheduled BOD. After this stage, no deviation is
acceptable to NTECL.
3. The bids shall be received up to due date & time of bid opening at the Site Office of NTECL
and shall be opened on the date and time as stipulated above in the presence of bidders
who wish to be present. Only one authorized representative of the bidder shall be
allowed for attending the tender opening.
4. The bidding documents shall be issued to all bidders upon receipt of their request letter
without prima-facie examination of qualification status. However, such issue of tender
documents will not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified.
5. The qualification status shall be examined by NTECL during the process of evaluation and
the decision of NTECL in this regard shall be final.
The bidder MUST ensure:
i) All the required documents are enclosed appropriately. (Please DO NOT mention
for any document that “already submitted” or “will be submitted later on- these
are not acceptable, failure to enclose relevant document may run the risk of their
bid being rejected)
ii) “Qualifying Requirement (QR) Data” format MUST be filled properly along with
supporting documents.
iii) The envelope(s) should be sealed properly.
The bids are invited for aforesaid work/s under “Single Stage Two Envelope” Bidding
system. The bid documents signed and stamped in all pages are to be submitted in two (02)
separate sealed envelopes as detailed below:
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
a. Bid security / Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
b. No Deviation Certificate
c. Relevant Documents to meet Qualifying Requirements (QR) of the subject
Tender along with Qualifying Requirement Data and vendor data (format enclosed).
d. Authority / Power of attorney on the person signing the bid.
e. Copy of GST Registration (GSTIN) issued by concerned authorities. In case of
exemption, supporting documents for claiming exemption under GST Act to be submitted.
f All other tender documents (except Price Schedule/Schedule of Items/BOQ) duly signed
with name & designation and stamped on each page.
Price Bid (Price Schedule/Schedule of Items/BOQ) signed with name & designation and
stamped on each page.
The envelopes should be sealed properly.
All the above two sealed envelopes may be
placed in another main envelope, the top of the
main envelope must indicate, say >>>>
(Techno - Commercial Bid)
Shall be opened at 15.00 hours on the day set for
submission of Bids.
The date of opening of Price Bids shall be intimated
separately to the qualified bidders.
7. Earnest Money Deposit :-
A. Bidder has to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.1,00,000/- along with the offer
B. The EMD offered shall, at bidders option, be in the form of (i) Demand Draft/Pay
Order/Bankers Cheque in favour of NTECL payable at Chennai or (ii) an unconditional
and irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) from any of the banks specified in the bidding
documents. The format of Bank Guarantee towards bid security shall be in accordance
with the ‘Proforma for BG’ included in the bidding documents. While getting the Bank
Guarantee issued, Bidders are requested to ensure compliance to the points mentioned
in Bank Guarantee Verification Check List in the bidding documents. Bidders are required
to fill up this check list and enclose the same along with the bank guarantee. EMD for an
amount less than or equal to Rs.50,000.00 shall not be accepted in the form of bank
guarantee. EMD shall not be accepted in any other form.
ENVELOPE: I (Techno - Commercial Bid)
ENVELOPE: II (Price Bid)
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
C. The bid security shall remain valid for a period of Two Hundred Twenty Five (225) days
from bid opening date (i.e 180 days BG validity period + 45 days claim period)
E. Benefits to MSEs : Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries
Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries
Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts
and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises as per MSMED Act 2006, for goods produced and services rendered, shall be
issued the bidding documents free of cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest
Money Deposit.
The benefit as above to MSEs shall be available only for goods / services produced &
provided by MSEs for which they are registered.
MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose an attested / self certified copy of
valid registration certificate, giving details such as validity, stores/ services etc. failing
which they run the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for the benefits
applicable to MSEs.
8. The Price Bid/s of only those Bidders shall be opened who meets the Qualifying
9. The Bidder or duly authorized representative/s of the Bidder/s, who are present during Bid
opening shall sign in the Bid opening register. Only one authorized representative of the
bidder shall be allowed for attending the tender opening.
The Bidder or their authorized representative of the Bidder/s will be allowed to witness
the tender opening (Authorization letter is required). Only one authorized
representative of the bidder will be allowed for attending the tender opening. Without
authorization letter, the bidder will not be allowed to witness the Bid Opening.
10. NTECL shall not be responsible for any postal delays resulting in non-receipt of request for
tender documents/ original tender documents, bids etc. sent by post / courier.
11. Notwithstanding anything stated above, NTECL reserves the right to assess bidder’s
capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such
assessment in the overall interest of NTECL and decision of NTECL in this regard shall be
12. NTECL reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bids or Cancel / withdraw the Notice
Inviting Tender (NIT) without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder /
intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
13. Tender documents are not transferable.
14. NTECL reserves the right to extend the date for submission & opening of bids at its sole
15. Any change in Bidder’s company name, address etc. should be communicated separately to
NTECL with proof of change, reference etc. well before the due date for submission of tender.
16. The laws applicable to the contract shall be the law in force in India. The courts of Chennai
alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under the contract.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
17. If anywhere in the document Service tax/Taxes is mentioned, it shall be read as GST.
Address for Communication:
The AGM (C&M)
Contracts & Materials Dept,
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd
Vallur Thermal Power Project
VellivoyalChavadi Post,
PonneriTaluk, Thiruvallur District,
Chennai - 600 103.
The Sr. Manager (C&M)
Contracts & Materials Dept,
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd
Vallur Thermal Power Project
VellivoyalChavadi Post,
PonneriTaluk, Thiruvallur District,
Chennai - 600 103.
----- x -----
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
SCHEDULE OF ITEMS / BOQ (Price Schedule)
Hiring of Non-AC Bus (33 seater & 50 seater) at NTECL for a period of 02 years
Bidding Document Ref: NTECL/C&M/CS-4508
(This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this bid
document no./specification and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise
used for purpose other than that for which it is specifically issued)
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Notes To Schedule of items/Bill of Quantities/ Price schedule:
1. Details of the item under this schedule shall be read in conjunction with the corresponding scope, terms and conditions, and other parts
of tender documents.
2 Items of work provided in this schedule but not covered in the scope & terms and conditions shall be executed strictly as per description
of item in this schedule and as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.
3 Rates shall be quoted both in figures and in words in clear legible writing. No over writing is allowed. All scoring and cancellations
should be countersigned by the bidder. In case of illegibility, the interpretation of the tender opening committee shall be final. All
entries shall be in English language.
4 In the event of a discrepancy between description in words and figures quoted by tenderer, the description in words shall prevail.
5 In case of discrepancy between unit rate and corresponding amount of a particular item, the unit rate shall be taken as final and binding.
Accordingly, the corresponding amount of a particular item will be recalculated and the amount so calculated shall be considered for
6 The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor regarding clarification of items in this schedule with
respect to the other sections of the contract.
7. The bidder before quoting for the job is expected to thoroughly familiarize himself with the conditions prevailing at NTECL‟s project
site/Chennai city and access to site. In no case any claim of the contractor on account of the actual site conditions being different from
what he has assumed in his tender shall be entertained by the owner and bidder‟s quoted rates shall be deemed to include for the same.
8. Any Clarification related to the scope, terms & conditions of contract may please be sought before the specified last query date.
Clarifications received after the said date from the agencies will not be entertained. Suitable reply will be given to agencies
based on their clarification before scheduled BOD. After this stage, no deviation is acceptable to NTECL. No claim shall be
entertained at a later date for any assumption /presumption made by him
9. GST shall be paid extra subject to its applicability and production of documentary evidence. Also bidders shall submit their HSN &
SAC codes along with applicable GST rate.
10. All taxes & duties mentioned in the documents shall be read as GST.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
1. GST will paid as extra by NTECL subject to its applicability and production of documentary evidence.
2. Fuel charges will be paid extra by NTECL on actual kilometers travelled based on certification of Engineer-in-Charge. The cost of fuel (Diesel) shall
be reimbursed considering fuel consumption at the rate of 4 KMs per litre against BOQ Item No.01 and at the rate of 8 Kms per litre against BOQ
Item No.02.
3. Against BOQ Item No.01, charges for extra hours beyond 12 hours duty shall be paid extra @ Rs.100/- per hour.
4. Toll charges, Parking Charges, Entry Tax shall be paid extra at actuals against submission of documentary evidence and based on certification of
Sl No
Rate / per
month (Rs.)
Providing and operating one 50 seater Non AC Bus, make Ashok
Leyland / Tata / Volvo Eicher, model 2019 or later, on hire basis for
transportation of school going children to Chennai city and back for 12
hours duty for a period of 02 years including driver charges,
maintenance charges, insurance, permit charges, taxes/duties
(excluding fuel charges & GST) as per scope, terms &conditions and
instructions of Engineer-in-charge.
Average monthly running kilometers : 2600 Kms.
Providing and operating one 33 seater Bus, make Ashok Leyland /
Tata / Volvo Eicher / Swaraj Mazda, model 2019 or later, on hire basis
with RTO permit for commercial operation for 24 hrs duty with 02
drivers for a period of 02 years including driver charges, maintenance
charges, insurance, permit charges, taxes/duties (excluding fuel
charges & GST) as per scope of work, terms &conditions and
instructions of Engineer-in-charge.
Average monthly running kilometers : 5000 Kms.
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Contact No/s.&Mail id :
Address (Company Seal) :
Page 1 of 44
1. For BOQ Item No.1 (50 Seater Bus):
1.1 Providing & operating 01 (One) number Non AC bus for transportation of CISF school
going children to Chennai city and back for a period of 02 years on 12 Hrs duty basis
inclusive of a) driver charges b) RTO permit charges for commercial operation c)
Maintenance charges d) Insurance e) Taxes/duties (excluding GST) and exclusive of a)
Fuel charges, GST, toll charges, parking charges, extra hour charges & out station
charges as per terms & conditions of contract, compliance of all statutory requirements as
per RTO & as per specifications below:
Seating Capacity
49+1 or more
2019 or later (i.e. registration made on or after 1st January
Ashok Leyland / Tata / Volvo Eicher or equivalent
1.2 The vehicle should be provided with the following :
a) GPS for tracking the movement of vehicle. The same shall be constantly in working
condition during the entire contract period.
b) CCTV system with complete coverage of passenger compartment and with 01 (one)
month recording back-up. The same shall be constantly in working condition during
the entire contract period.
c) First Aid Kit
d) Emergency door/exit
e) Good quality seating arrangements
f) Curtains for glass windows
g) Sufficient interior lighting arrangement
h) Clock
i) Drinking water provision
2. For BOQ Item No.2 (33 Seater Bus) :
2.1 Providing & operating 01 (One) number Non AC bus for transportation of CISF,NTECL
for a period of 02 years on 24Hrs duty basis inclusive of a) driver charges b) RTO permit
charges for commercial operation c) Maintenance charges d) Insurance e) Taxes/duties
(excluding GST) and exclusive of a) Fuel charges, GST, toll charges, parking charges &
out station charges as per terms & conditions of contract, compliance of all statutory
requirements as per RTO & as per specifications below:
Seating Capacity
32+1 or more
2019 or later (i.e. registration made on or after 1st January,
Ashok Leyland / Tata / Volvo Eicher/ Swaraj Mazda or
Page 2 of 44
2.2 The vehicle should be provided with the following:
a) First Aid Kit
b) Emergency door/exit
c) Good quality seating arrangements
d) Curtains for glass windows
e) Sufficient interior lighting arrangement
f) Clock
g) Drinking water provision
Page 3 of 44
1.0 The Bus(es) deployed shall be of first registration of January 2019 or later date (the year
shall be as the Model required) conforming to BS Norms and shall comply with all the
statutory rules of RTO along with permit for commercial operations (REGISTERED AS
2.0 Period of contract:
2.1 The initial period of contract shall be 24 months, which may be extended at the discretion of
NTECL for a further period of 12 months at the same rate and terms and conditions on mutual
consent, provided the services of the contractor were found satisfactory during the initial
deployment period.
2.2 NTECL also reserves right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason by giving one
month notice.
3.0 Deployment of Vehicles :
3.1 The contractor shall provide the vehicle of model 2019 or later within 30 days of issue of LOA /
Brief LOA. If the bidder decides to procure vehicle/s as per the tender specification after award of
work, and then on specific request a grace period of 30 days shall be granted for procurement of
vehicle for which contractor shall submit a declaration / undertaking.
3.2 In case the contractor avails the grace period of 30 days as above, the contractor must provide
similar vehicle of Model 2019 or later from any source within 30 days of issue of LOA / Brief
LOA. If the contractor fails to comply with the above conditions, the contract for the said vehicle/s
shall stand terminated automatically and the EMD of the bidder will be forfeited.
4. Ownership of the vehicle: The vehicle/s deployed must be registered in the name of the
contractor in case of proprietor firm or in the name of partner/s in case of partnership firm.
NTECL shall not accept deployment of vehicle on lease basis and no vehicle shall be
permitted without valid Commercial permit.
5. The Monthly hire charges shall be FIRM during the entire period of the contract and its extension
if any inclusive of Insurance, Road Tax, Permit for commercial operations,(COMMERCIAL
PERMIT, REGISTERED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE ) Driver charges, oil and lubricants,
vehicle maintenance etc. but excluding cost of fuel , GST, Parking charges, Toll charges etc.
6. The contractor shall ensure that vehicle deployed to the company is in perfect Running condition
and trouble free.
7. The following documents should be submitted to the Engineer in Charge before deployment of the
i) Copy of the registration certificate (showing ownership)
ii) Comprehensive insurance policy.
iii) Year of manufacture of the vehicle.
iv) Driving License of the Drivers.
v) Permit for commercial operation of the vehicle/s (valid taxi permit).
vi) Proof of Ownership
vii) Photocopy of PAN of Contractor/Agency
8. GST (only on service portion of the contract subject to its applicability), Parking charges, Toll tax
shall be reimbursed on submission of documentary evidence that the contractor made the payment
on these accounts to the respective authorities.
Page 4 of 44
9. Bills / Payments: The contractor shall submit bills in all respect to the Engineer-in-Charge along
with Log book/Travel detail slips on the first week of every month for the vehicle running
pertaining to the previous month based on which payment will be released within 15 days on
necessary certification of the Engineer-in charge. The contractor shall submit proof of GST
Registration details to the Engineer-in-charge for reimbursement of GST payments.
(a) Fuel Charges :
i) For 50 Seater Bus :The cost of fuel (Diesel) shall be reimbursed for the actual Kms
run in a month based on the certification of Engineer-in-Charge. Fuel consumption shall
be calculated at the rate of 4 Km. per litre and the diesel rate prevailing on the 1
day of
each month shall be considered. The average monthly running kilometres for this
vehicle shall be 2600 Kms
ii) For 33 Seater Bus :The cost of fuel (Diesel) shall be reimbursed for the actual Kms
run in a month based on the certification of Engineer-in-Charge. Fuel consumption shall
be calculated at the rate of 8 Km. per litre and the diesel rate prevailing on the 1
day of
each month shall be considered. The average monthly running kilometres for this
vehicle shall be 5000 Kms
(b) Extra Hour charges (For 50 Seater Bus only): Beyond 12 Hrs/day shall be reimbursed @
Rs.100/- per hour
(c) Out Station Charges (For both 50 & 33 Seater Bus): Outstation charges shall be
reimbursed @ Rs.150/- per night
11. EMD submitted by the contractor shall be converted into initial Security deposit. Further, Security
deposit shall be recovered from each running bill payment as per GCC which will be released after
completion of the contract.
12. Indemnification: the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified NTECL from all the claims
arising out the contract execution other than those mentioned in BOQ, tender documents including
third party claims, liability what so ever.
13. Contract agreement: The contractor shall enter into formal contract agreement with NTECL
immediately on receipt of Letter of Award; unless the contract agreement is signed no payment
shall be made to the contractor. The required documents for signing of the contract agreement shall
be provided by the contractor.
14. WORKING DAYS: The contractor shall provide vehicle for all the days including Sundays and
15. This transportation facility is meant only for CISF / NTECL Staff. Outside passengers shall not be
allowed for travelling in the bus.
16. Other Terms& Conditions:
16.1 The drivers shall possess valid driving license, badge etc. as per the requirements under RTO rules
and shall be adequately literate, medically fit, able to drive safely and to be able to maintain the log
book. They shall maintain discipline and perform under the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall comply with all statutory obligations towards engagement of drivers; they
shall be well behaved, polite and courteous to the officers and staff members.
16.2 The contractor shall instruct the driver to enter in the vehicle log book provided indicating the place
of start, place/s of the journey performed, Kms. Travelled, reading (starting & ending), name and
designation of officer who performed the journey along with his signature. Bills shall be processed
with reference to the log book.
16.3 No accommodation shall be provided to the contractor or to their Drivers by NTECL.
16.4 Driver shall be provided with a minimum amount of Rs.1,000/- in cash all the times for minor
maintenance works and to meet exigencies by the contractor.
Page 5 of 44
16.5 The driver shall be provided with mobile phone for communication and shall carry the mobile
phone and should be reachable over phone at all times during duty. The driver/s shall not use
mobile phones while driving.
16.6 The driver/s shall not be allowed to be on duty if reported with alcoholic beverages or any other
intoxicating substances consumed.
16.7 In case any of the driver/s does not behave properly or does not keep timings etc. NTECL reserves
right to ask the contractor for replacement of the driver immediately.
16.8 The contractor alone shall be responsible and liable to meet all expenses towards hiring the services
of driver/s to run their respective vehicle.
16.9 The contractor shall be responsible for all violations pertaining to traffic, accident, etc. and such
claims shall be settled directly by the contractor and NTECL shall not be responsible for any
proceedings or claims arising out of such claims.
16.10 Change of vehicle: The contractor shall not change the ownership of the vehicle during the
currency of the contract. If the ownership changes due to the vehicle being unserviceable on
account of accident or otherwise during the currency of the contract, the contractor shall provide
alternative vehicle, owned by the contractor, conforming to the contract specification and shall also
submit all the relevant documents pertaining to the replacement vehicle to the Engineer-in-charge
for verification before the deployment.
16.11 The driver should carry all relevant documents like Original Registration, Copies of comprehensive
insurance along with coverage for passengers, third party coverage, necessary permits as applicable
for commercial operation, Environment Pollution Certificate, etc. The driver should be medically
fit and should have valid driving license.
16.12 All major and minor repairs of the vehicle supplied on hire to the company shall be made by the
contractor and company shall have no liability on this account.
16.13 The agency has to provide two number (02) of competent drivers for 33 Seater bus. The drivers shall
be made responsible for day to day cleaning/minor maintenance/up keeping and they should maintain
proper logbook on daily basis.
16.14 For safety of people, Tyres to be checked periodically and if required the same are to be
replaced immediately.
16.15 Bus shall be deployed on all the days of contract period including Sundays and Holidays and will
report to the Engineer-in-charge.
16.16 The vehicle (Bus) provided by the contractor on hire basis to the Company should be made
available at the place and time as specified by Engineer-in-charge.
16.17 a) The 50 Seater Bus is meant only for children of CISF employees and the vehicle shall be
utilized for pick-up & drop of school going children from NTECL township to Chennai
city and vice-versa. However, the bus will be used for any other purpose during spare
time as per requirement of the NTECL Management. Outside passengers shall not be
allowed for travelling in the bus and the vehicle shall not be used for any other purpose
by the contractor.
b) The 33 Seater Bus is meant only for the movement of CISF personnel. However, the bus
will be used for any other purpose during spare time as per requirement of the NTECL
Management. Outside passengers shall not be allowed for travelling in the bus and the
vehicle shall not be used for any other purpose by the contractor.
16.18 After duty hours the vehicle (buses) has to be kept at a place specified by Engineer-In-Charge in
NTECL Township.
16.19 The vehicle which is in contract with NTECL during the contract period should not be used for any
other commercial purpose or personal purpose by the contractor.
Page 6 of 44
16.20 The contractor or his employees shall not at any time cause or permit any nuisance or damage to
properties on the site and township and or do anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbance
or inconvenience to the owners, tenants or residents and the public in general.
16.21 The persons (Driver) deployed by the contractor in the vehicles shall be paid wages by the
contractor timely and in full as per the relevant statutes i.e. Driver- Skilled Category. Such wages
shall not be less than the minimum rates of wages notified by NTECL minimum wages rules and
subsequent notification issued from time to time.
16.22 The vehicle owner shall facilitate opening of savings bank account in the name of the Driver.
Payment of wages shall be made to the driver through their SB Account only. NTECL shall in no
way be responsible and liable for any claim that may arise out of such employment of the drivers with
the contractors. Should at any stage NTECL be made responsible for any claim on this account, NTECL
shall have the right to recover such amount and liability from the contractor in full.
16.23 The bio-data of Drivers including Voter ID Proof, Ration Card Proof or any of the valid proof of
identity is to be collected and the bio-data form is to be sent to the police for verification and Police
Verification Certificate to be produced to EIC.
16.24 Medical Fitness Certificate also to be submitted to EIC.
16.25 The driver should be in uniform or in well-dressed manner and should be courteous and well
mannered. The driver should be conversant in local language. The vehicle should be cleaned
regularly both inside and outside and kept in well maintained road worthy condition throughout the
contract period.
16.26 The speedometer and odometer (running distance meter) shall be kept in perfect working condition.
16.27 The contractor shall be well versed and experienced and be able to handle issues with transport
authorities and police on their own.
16.28 Income-Tax shall be deducted from all the payments due to be made, as per the Income Tax
Act/Rules. The agency should submit documentary proof of PAN along with documents relating to
the vehicle.
16.29 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all personnel employed by them and
responsible for payment of any compensation that may arise from time to time as a legal obligation
or otherwise whatsoever it may be.
16.30 The contractor shall obtain General Insurance for the drivers employed by them, which shall
remain current and valid during the entire period of contract.
16.31 The contractor shall comply with various provisions of statutory laws relating to payment of wages,
Provident Fund, etc., wherever applicable.
16.32 Laws Governing the Contract: This contract shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time
being in force and the Chennai Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
16.33 Sub-Letting: No part of the contract shall be sublet without prior approval of the Engineer-in-
charge nor shall transfer by Power of Attorney authorizing others to receive payment on behalf of
the contractor.
16.34 Necessary Entry gate passes for drivers and vehicle for NTECL premises shall be applied by the
agency well in advance and any Entry / Statutory fee to obtain such passes shall be borne by
contractor. Agency shall be responsible to obtain such vehicle passes and to display the same
whenever demanded.
16.35 The drivers shall maintain the log book as per NTECL‟s prescribed format. The daily running
distance in KM shall be jointly confirmed by the bus drivers and representative of Engineer-in-charge
as per actual meter reading of the buses at the reporting &relieving points. The extra distance to be
traveled from reporting point & relieving point to Agency‟s garage/parking place if any shall be
borne by the agency himself.
16.36 The agency has to arrange for keeping first aid kit and emergency door in the bus.
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16.37 The agency has to ensure good quality seating arrangements, inside lighting , clock, music system,
drinking water provision ,cleanliness in the buses.
16.38 The drivers should be familiar with Chennai city land marks , main roads and routes of Chennai.
16.39 The agency shall engage only competent drivers with valid Driving License. NTECL reserve the
right to approve the performance of drivers at any time as deemed fit and in the event the driver's
performance is found to be unsatisfactory the contractor should replace the drive suitably. The
agency should not change their drivers frequently.
16.40 The NTECL is not liable for any claim on account of damages to the vehicle or injuries to the
driver or payments due to the third party. The contractor shall be solely responsible of this account.
16.41 The contractor shall have to cover this risk adequately by insurance policy for which the
corporation shall not accept any liability.
16.42 In the event of the contractor suffering on account of damage either to men or material, the
contractor shall be liable to make good such loss in the manner as prescribed by the corporation
from time to time.
(a) The agency shall ensure that any vehicle hired should possess valid permit/license as may be
required by the Road Transport authority .
(b) Such permits should be maintained current and valid during the total period of contract.
(c) The agency shall arrange to pay all taxes and dues to the Government from time to time and
shall abide by statutory requirements for operating and providing such hire services.
(d) The agency shall indemnify NTECL against all claims arising out such demands and NTECL
takes no liability on this accounts.
16.43 The contract may be short closed on three (03) months notice to the contractor.
16.44 The tenderer shall comply with all statutory rules and regulations of M.V. Act. NTECL shall not
take any liability in this regard.
16.45 NTECL shall pay monthly hire charges as may be finalized and stipulated in the Letter of award
(LOA). In addition to monthly hire charges, extra hour charges for beyond 12 hrs of retention in a
day in a month and any other charges as explicitly agreed and provided in the LOA will be paid
by NTECL. All other financial implication in providing vehicle on hire to NTECL, shall be borne
by the contractor. The contractor shall ensure all necessary permits, insurances etc., to provide and
run the vehicle on road, on hire basis to NTECL and NTECL shall have no responsibility
whatsoever other than the payment of charges and responsibilities explicitly agreed upon and
mentioned in the LOA to be issued to the successful tenderers as may be decided by NTECL. It
will be responsibility of the contractor to comply with all statutory provisions as per appropriate
acts for providing vehicle and running the same on hire basis to NTECL.
16.46 The driver shall not take on board unauthorized passengers while on duty. The driver/s deployed
shall obey/observe General Traffic rules including specific speed limit and shall not be rash and
negligent in driving.
17. Compensation for Non-Compliance :
a. The contractor shall ply vehicle/s as per program/ schedule given by Engineer-in-charge. Any
non-compliance to the schedule, recovery at the rate of 02(two) times of the pro rata rate or
the expenses incurred towards this by NTECL whichever is higher. The decision of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor in this regard.
b. In case of breakdown necessitating withdrawal of vehicle, the contractor shall provide
replacement vehicle immediately with same make and model or later with the approval of
officer/Engineer in charge for which no extra charge will be paid.
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c. Further, in case of continuous/frequent default of the contractor in providing vehicle with
services as per the terms and conditions or not maintaining adequate fuel on any instance,
Engineer-In-Charge may effect the recovery @ 2 (Two) times on pro-rata basis. Further the
contract shall be liable for termination on this account if it is deemed fit by the Engineer in
d. In the event of non-availability of vehicle at any time as per requirement of Engineer-in charge
and/or in the event of failure of the contractor to perform any obligations under the contract,
NTECL reserves the right to hire vehicles from any other agency at the risk and cost of the
contractor and/or carry out any or all obligations at the risk and cost of the contractor and all
expenditure thus incurred by the NTECL shall be reimbursed by the contractor and shall recover
such expenditure from any payments due to contractor. The decision of the Engineer in charge
shall be final and binding on the contractor.
e. NTECL reserves the right to cancel the hiring of vehicle either due to poor service of vehicle or
drivers or for any other reason whatsoever, without giving any prior notice.
f. If the performance is found to be unsatisfactory or if the agency commits default in complying
with any of the terms and conditions of contract, NTECL reserves the right to terminate the
contract at any stage with or without any notice and engage vehicle from another agency at the
risk and cost of the Contractor who was awarded with the work initially.
g. If NTECL sustains any loss due to any action/incident caused by the contractor or their staff, the
same shall be compensated by the Contractor as decided by NTECL. In case the Contractor fails
to do so, NTECL reserves the right to recover such amounts either from the running bill or from
the security deposit of the Contractor or any other payments due to the contractor against any
other contract from NTECL.
h. In the event of any accident / litigation to the vehicle, NTECL shall not be responsible for
payment of compensation whatsoever to any of the parties involved and the contractor shall be
solely responsible for any compensation under all circumstances arising out of such accidents
and the contractor shall indemnify NTECL against such claim arising out of such accidents.
i. The maximum amount of compensation towards non-compliance as above shall not exceed 10%
of contract value.
18. Security Check:
a) The contractor and his employees are liable to be physically searched at the time of entry / exit
and also at any time needed by the Company‟s security personnel.
b) Vehicles hired by NTECL shall also be liable for all such security checking at the gates of the
plant as well as at other places as per requirements of NTECL. The contractor shall ensure strict
compliance of this and shall co-operate with the Company's security personnel.
The Special Condition of Contract shall supersede the General Terms and Conditions (GCC) for O&M
Works wherever discrepancy arises.
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1. The work shall be executed for NTPC TamilNadu Energy Co. Ltd. Power Project site at Vellivoyal
Chavadi Post of Ponneri Taluk of Thiruvallur district, State of Tamil Nadu India. It is at a distance of
about 20 kms from Chennai city.
2. The work shall be executed in accordance with Specifications, Special terms &conditions, CPWD
detailed specifications (as amended up to date) & IS specifications and the method of measurement
will be in accordance with CPWD practice as outlined in CPWD Schedule of Rates (amended up to
date) unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the specifications enclosed along with the tender
documents. The General Conditions of Contract shall form part of the contract.
3. The contractor/bidder should get themselves familiar with the site conditions in advance where the
works are to be executed.
4. Bid Validity: The offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date set
for opening of tenders and EMD shall be kept valid and operative for a period of 225 days from the
date set for opening of tenders. During the validity period the tenderer agrees not to vary, alter or
revoke his tender either in whole or in part. If the tenderer, however, fails to keep his tender valid for
above period, the Owner shall be entitled to forfeit the EMD amount without any notice or proof of
5. The bidders shall quote their rates on FIRM PRICE basis.
6. The contractor shall be liable to comply with provisions under the various labour legislation. Besides
other obligations under the labour legislation, he is required to ensure payment of Minimum Wages
under the Minimum Wages Act, grant of leave as per the notification of Chief Labour Commissioner,
Provident fund under the Provident Funds Act, Compensation under the Workmen Compensation Act,
Maternity leave under Maternity Benefit Act, retrenchment compensation etc.. The Contractor shall
indemnify the Corporation against all claims, damages, compensations, damages on account of his
failure to comply with statutory provisions.
7. The contractor will have to follow all rules and regulations pertaining to payment of Minimum Wages
Act as notified by Government of Tamil Nadu from time to time applicable for the project site.
8. In case of any conflict amongst the various conditions between GCC and SCC, the conditions of SCC
shall govern.
9. In case of discrepancy between Schedule of Quantities, the specifications and/ or the drawings, the
following order of preference shall be observed.
a) Description in Schedule of Quantities.
b) Particular Specification & Special Conditions, if any.
c) Drawings.
d) General Specifications.
10. The work shall be performed in time and to achieve the targets, the Contractor shall plan for adequate
mobilisation of all required resources. All the contractor‟s activities shall be performed and completed
strictly in accordance with agreed work schedule. The Engineer-in-Charge, shall, however, have the
right to review the progress and modify the work schedule suiting the site conditions and the
Contractor shall be required to complete their activities in accordance thereof without any extra cost to
11. Construction Water & Construction Power:
a) Water will not be provided by NTECL and contractor shall make their own arrangement for the
same within their quoted rate.
b) Power shall be provided by NTECL at one point free of cost. The contractor shall tap from this
point through a proper mains board .However in the event of unsatisfactory quality of this power,
the Contractor shall make their own arrangements for power of required quality, at no extra cost
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12. All brought out items required for execution and completion of the entire scope of work shall be
supplied by the contractor at their own cost unless it is specifically mentioned regarding owner
issue of material on free of cost, if any, in the tender document. Contractor shall obtain prior
permission of Engineer-in-Charge before placing order for all materials. The materials procured
by the Contractor should confirm to relevant Indian Standard code, quality checks etc.
13. The contractor should arrange sufficient number of Tools & plants as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
during execution of work.
14. The Contractor shall maintain an account with a nationalised/scheduled bank for the purpose of
payments received under the Contract(s) being executed at NTECL Power Project and for utilisation
of payments received from NTECL for disbursement to sub-contractors, sub-vendors etc. of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain separate books of accounts for all payments under this
contract and NTECL shall have access to these at all times and it shall be controlled by Resident
Finance/Accounts officer of the Contractor.
15. The award of work under this Contract shall be on “Works Contract Basis”. The Contractor shall be
responsible for payment of any tax levied on the transfer of property in goods involved in the “Works
Contract” under Tamil Nadu State Government Sales Tax Act and the rules made there under
including amendments if any. This liability shall be to the Contractor‟s account and it shall not be
reimbursed by NTECL.
Tax deductions at source shall be made as per laws prevalent in the country. It will be incumbent upon
the Contractor to obtain a registration certificate as a dealer under the Local Sales Tax Act and the
Central Sales Tax Act and necessary evidence to this effect shall be furnished by the Contractor to
NTECL. Sales Tax on the transactions between the Contractor and his Sub-contractors/Vendors etc.
shall not be reimbursed by NTECL.
The contractor shall be responsible for any taxes that may be levied hereinafter on the transactions
between Contractor and NTECL.
16. The Contractor shall be liable and responsible for the payment wherever payable,of the taxes, import
duties, tolls, octroi duties, excise duty, levies, entry tax, Cess, Royalty, Seinorage Charges etc. on all
materials and articles that he may use for this work. The quoted rates will be deemed to have included
all financial implication towards all taxes except GST which shall be paid extra on supply &service
portion of the contract subject to its applicability and submission of documentary evidence. Further
any increase in the aforesaid taxes, import duties, tolls, octroi duties, excise duty, levies, entry tax,
cess, Royalty, Seinorage charges etc. that may arise during the currency of the contract shall not be
paid to the Contractor by NTECL.
17. NTECL shall be entitled to deduct taxes at source from all the payments to be made to you in
accordance with the Indian Tax Laws and Rules as applicable from time to time and deposit it with the
concerned Government Authorities within the prescribed time. The contractor shall be required to
submit the PAN details to the Engineer-in-charge before submission of the first bill.
18. The Contractor shall prepare and finalise in consultation with NTECL, a detailed Contract
coordination procedure within 10 days from the date of issue of Letter Of Award for the purpose of
execution of contract. The Contractor shall have to attend all the meetings at his own cost with
NTECL or Consultants of NTECL during the currency of the Contract, as and when required and fully
cooperate with such persons and agencies involved during these discussions.
19. The Contractor shall enter into a Contract Agreement with the Owner as per Prescribed proforma
enclosed within thirty (30) days from the date of Letter of Award or within such extended time, as
may be granted by the owner. The Contractor shall provide for signing of the Contract agreement,
appropriate Power of Attorney and the requisite documents/materials. Unless and until a formal
contract agreement is prepared and executed, the Letter of Award read in conjunction with the Bidding
Documents will constitute a binding contract. Unless and until the Agreement is signed as above, no
payments under the Contract as per Clause 51 and 52 of Section-III of the General Conditions of
Contract for O&M Works (GCC) shall be released to the Contractor. The date of execution of contract
agreement shall not alter the date of start of the contract.
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20. The Agreement will be signed in two originals and the Contractor shall be provided with one signed
original will be retained by the Owner. The documents require for signing the agreement shall be
provided by the contractor. (Affidavit / Partnership deed / power of Attorney, PAN etc.)
21. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for approach to the work site and for movement of
men, machinery, materials, other equipment etc.required for carrying out the work included under this
22. The Owner reserves the right to hand over the site in parts progressively to the Contractor. The
Contractor will be required to do work on such released fronts in parts without any reservation
23. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement to prevent pollution in any form including the water
in any stream, springs, nallah, river and lakes etc. The Contractor shall be solely responsible and
liable for all damage caused by any pollution that may take place during the execution of the work.
24. The Contractor shall depute qualified and experienced personnel for administration and execution of
the Contract at site.
25. If the last date of submission of bid and date of bid opening coincides with a holiday, the date will be
shifted to the next working day.
26. NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Co. Ltd. shall not be responsible for any loss / postal delays / Non-receipt
of request for tender documents, original tender documents, bids etc. sent by post / courier.
27. Earnest Money Deposit :-
A. The EMD offered shall, at bidders option, be in the form of (i)Demand Draft/Pay
Order/Bankers Cheque in favourof NTECL payable at Chennai or (ii) an unconditional and
irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) from any of the banks specified in the bidding documents. The
format of Bank Guarantee towards bid security shall be in accordance with the „Proforma for BG‟
included in the bidding documents. While getting the Bank Guarantee issued, Bidders are
requested to ensure compliance to the points mentioned in Bank Guarantee Verification Check
List in the bidding documents. Bidders are required to fill up this check list and enclose the same
along with the bank guarantee. EMD for an amount less than or equal to Rs.50,000.00 shall not be
accepted in the form of bank guarantee. EMD shall not be accepted in any other form.
B. The bid security shall remain valid for a period of Two Hundred Twenty Five (225) days from bid
opening date (i.e 180 days BG validity period + 45 days claim period)
D. Benefits to MSEs : Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries
Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or
Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom
or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED
Act 2006, for goods produced and services rendered, shall be issued the bidding documents free
of cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit.
The benefit as above to MSEs shall be available only for goods / services produced & provided
by MSEs for which they are registered.
MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose an attested / self certified copy of valid
registration certificate, giving details such as validity, stores/ services etc. failing which they run
the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for the benefits applicable to MSEs.
28. No interest will be payable by NTECL on the amount covered under EMD / other security
29. Bid Security / Earnest money Deposit(EMD) shall be forfeited on the following grounds:
a. On revocation / varying / alteration of the tender, (or)
b. On refusal to enter into a contract after the work is awarded to a contractor, (or)
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c. If the work is not commenced after the work is awarded to a contractor within the stipulated
period as mentioned in the scope of work, terms and conditions of Letter of Award.
d. If the Bidder refuses to withdraw, without any cost to the Owner, any deviation found elsewhere
in the Bid, or
e. In the case of the successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the time limit specified in Bidding
Documents to furnish the required Security Deposit in accordance with Clause 9.0 of General
Conditions of Contract for Civil Works.
f. If the bidder / his representatives commits any fraud while competing for this contract pursuant to
Fraud Prevention Policy of NTPC.
30. Language of the Bid :
All information in the bid shall be in English. Information in any other language shall be accompanied
by its translation in English. Failure to comply with this may disqualify a bid. In the event of any
discrepancy in meaning, the English language copy of all documents shall govern.
31. Signature of Bids:
(i) The bid must contain the name, residence and place of business of the person or persons making
the bid and must be signed and sealed with his usual signature. The names of all persons signing
the bid should also be written or printed below the signature.
(ii) Bids by corporation/company must be signed with legal name of the corporation / company by
the president, Managing director or by the secretary or other persons authorised to bid on
behalf of such corporation / company. The proof of authority of the person signing the tender
must be enclosed along with the other required documents with the bid.
(iii) All the cuttings / over writings / changes in the bid shall be duly initialed
32. Form of Submission of Bids:
All the documents issued to the bidder including covering letter should have signed and stamped in all
33. While filling up the rates/amounts, the Bidder shall ensure that there is no discrepancy in the unit
rates/amounts stated in figures and words in original & copy of the original. In case of such a
discrepancy, the rate/amount mentioned in the “Original Copy” of the Schedule of Items shall be taken
as final and binding.The rates/prices should be quoted in figures as well as in words as given in the
enclosed price bid proposal sheet (Schedule of items/BOQ/Price schedule). In case of discrepancy
between unit rate and corresponding amount of a particular item in the original copy, the unit rate shall
be taken as final and binding. Accordingly, the corresponding amount of a particular item will be
recalculated and the amount so calculated shall be considered for evaluation. In case of discrepancy
between the unit rate stated in figures and the unit rate stated in words, the unit rate stated in words
shall be final and binding. In case of discrepancy between grand total as indicated by bidder and total
price computed based on unit rates, then the bid price as computed from the unit rates shall be
considered for the purpose of evaluation and award. Each page of the original bidding documents and
the photocopies of the original shall besigned.
34. The bidders are advised to ensure that the bids are submitted in the manner explained above.
The tenders not accompanied by Earnest Money shall not be accepted and will be returned
without opening.
The bidders are required to submit their bids complete in all respect in the tender box well before the
last date and time set for submission of Bids.
Addressed to
Location of tender box
Addl. General Manager (C&M)
Contracts and Materials Dept
NTPC TamilNadu Energy Company Ltd
Vallur Thermal Power Project,
VellivoyalChavadi Post
PonneriTaluk, ThiruVallur District
Chennai 600103 ( TN )
Contracts & Materials Dept. Hall,
NTECL Office Complex.
(Site Office)
Page 13 of 44
Nearest railway station : Athipattu Pudhu Nagar
( Chennai Central to Gumudipundi / Nellore line
- approximately 20 Km. From Chennai central )
35. Bid Opening:
Bids shall be opened in the presence of those bidders who wish to bepresentatthe NTECL site
office at the address mentioned above.
(Techno - Commercial Bid)
Shall be opened at 15.00 hours on the day set for
submission of Bids. (After confirmation of Valid EMD)
The date of opening of Price Bids shall be intimated
36. Transfer of bid documents purchased by one intending bidder to another is not permissible.
37. Abnormally High Rate (AHR) and Abnormally Low Rate (ALR) items:
If the rates/prices quoted by the successful bidder for certain items of the Bill of Quantities (wherever
such rates/prices have been called for in the bids,) are found to be having a variation of +/-25% or
above in relation to Employer‟s estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, then
such items of works shall be identified as abnormally high rate (AHR) or abnormally low rate (ALR).
After evaluation of the rates/prices analysis which includes early cash flow analysis, Employer/NTPC
may require that amount of Performance Security be increased at the expense of the recommended
bidder by 25% of the value of variation in respect of ALR item, to protect Employer against financial
loss in the event of default by the contractor under the contract, to carry out such low rated items of
works if award is placed on recommended bidder. Further, the Employer/NTPC may require the
contractor to provide a suitable undertaking to execute the items of works to complete the entire work
under the contract.
The items for which performance security is enhanced shall be identified separately in the contract.
Upon execution of such identified items, the enhanced value of Performance security will be reduced
every three months on a pro rata basis.
38. NoDeviations:Bidders may note that any deviations, variations and additional conditions found
anywhere in the bid (Techno Commercial Bid & Price Bid) save those pertains to any
rebates/discounts shall not be given effect to in evaluation and it will be considered that the bidder
complies to all the terms and conditions of Bidding Documents without any extra cost to the Owner
irrespective of any mention to the contrary, anywhere in the bid, failing which the Bid Security of the
Bidder be forfeited.
Bidders are requested to accept the no deviation certificate for fulfillment of technical/commercial
Any Clarification related to the terms & conditions of contract may please be sought before the last
date for seeking clarifications mentioned in the tender document. No clarifications received after due
date for seeking clarifications from the agencies will be entertained.
39. Special attention of the Bidder is drawn to the provisions of the following clauses of General
Conditions of Contracts for O&M Works (GCC).
a. “Earnest Money
b. “Security Deposit”
c. “Compensation for delay”
d. “Defect Liability Period”
e. “Terms of Payment ” and “Loans
f. Governing Laws
g. Taxes, duties, levies
h. Contract Performance Guarantee(CPG)
i. Liquidate Damages (LD) for delay
j. Delivery schedule / Contract Period / Completion Schedule
k. Settlement of disputes
Page 14 of 44
Bidder may please note that no deviation whatsoever to the above conditions shall be permitted by the
Owner and therefore the bidders are advised that while developing prices, the above conditions may
appropriately be taken into consideration especially with respect to their effect, wherever applicable,
on the cash flow projections during the execution of the contract.
40. The bidder is required to carefully examine the specifications and documents and fully inform himself
as to all the conditions and matters which may affect the works or the cost thereof. If any bidder finds
discrepancies or omissions in the specifications and documents or is in doubt as to the true meaning of
any part, he shall at once request in writing for an interpretation / clarification to the owner in
duplicate. The owner, then, will issue interpretation and clarifications as he may think fit in writing.
All such interpretations and clarifications shall form a part of the specifications and documents, and
accompany the Bidder‟s proposal.
41. The contractor shall supposed to have included the cost of insurance of their employees in their
awarded rates.
42. The agency shall discharge all statuary liabilities within their awarded rates.
43. Surety for Materials:
(i) Apart from other required security, watch & ward etc., the cost of owner issue materials if any
shall be secured by Indemnity bond to be furnished by the contractor in NTECL‟s prescribed
proforma if asked for during execution work for maximum quantity of various owner issue
materials which can be custody with the contractor at any point of time.
(ii) If at any stage , material in excess of the quantity envisaged as per indemnity bond are required
by the contractor , the same excess quantity can be issued only after the value of the indemnity
bond is correspondingly increased and/or the contractor agrees to the deduction of amount of
such excess quantities from his running bills under the contract.
(iii) In case owner issue materials are allowed to be taken out from the project site with the specific
written approval of NTECL the materials shall be secured against the submission of acceptable
bank guarantee from a nationalised/scheduled bank for an amount equal to 1.5 times the
approximate max. rates specified for the value of materials issued or market value in case no
value is specified and with validity of bank guarantee for such periods as may be directed by the
44. Laws Governing the Contract : The contract shall be governed by the Indian Laws for the time
being in force and the Chennai Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction”.
45. Notwithstanding anything stated above, NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Co. Ltd. reserves the right to
assess bidder‟s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such
assessment in the overall interest of NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Co. Ltd. and decision of NTECL in
this regard shall be final.
46. These documents are meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this tender only.
47. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids the NTECL may for any reason, whether at its
own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, amend the bidding
documents. The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective bidders that have received the
bidding documents and will be binding on them. Bidders are required to immediately acknowledge
receipt of any such amendment, and it will be assumed that the information-contained therein have
been taken into account by the bidder in its bid. In order to afford, prospective bidders reasonable
time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bid, NTECL may, at its
discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids.
48. NTECL reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or combine/split the work or cancel/
withdraw the Invitation to Bid without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no
bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
NTECL shall award the contract to the successful bidder whose bid has been determined to be
substantially response and to be Techno-Commercial evaluated lowest bid evaluation shall be carried
out on overall basis in conformity with the requirement of tender conditions.
Page 15 of 44
a. The Bidder” along with its associate/ collaborator/ subcontractors / sub vendors / consultants /
service providers shall strictly adhere to the Fraud Prevention Policy of Employer available on
NTECL website and shall immediately apprise the Employer about any
fraud or suspected fraud as soon as it comes to their notice. A undertaking to this effect shall be
furnished by the bidder along with his bid.
b. The contractor along with their associate/ collaborator/ subcontractors/ sub vendors / consultants /
service providers shall strictly adhere to the Fraud Prevention Policy of the Employer enclosed
along with the tender documents.
The contractor along with their associate/ collaborator/ subcontractors/ sub vendors / consultants /
service providers shall observe the higher standard of ethics and shall not indulge or allow
anybody else working in their organization to indulge in fraudulent activities during execution of
the contract. The contractor shall immediately apprise the Employer about any fraud or suspected
fraud as soon as it comes to their notice.
The employer has in place a policy for withholding and Banning of Business Dealings available on
NTECL website Business dealings may be withheld or banned with the
bidder/contractor on account of any of the grounds and following the procedures as detailed in the said
policy for withholding and Banning of Business Dealings.
Declaration on policy for withholding and Banning of Business Dealings duly filled in as per
Employer‟s format as enclosed with Bidding documents shall be furnished by the bidder along with
his bid.
(i) If a bidder after opening of tenders where EMD is „NIL/Not Applicable‟ or exempted for
bidders as per policy guidelines, withdraws its offer within the validity period of the offer, then
such bidder shall be treated as ineligible for participation in the future tenders issued from
NTECL for a period of 6 months from the date of withdrawal of the bid.
(ii) If a bidder after having been issued the Notification of Award / Purchase Order of a package
where EMD is „NIL/Not Applicable‟ or exempted for bidder as per policy guidelines, either
does not accept the Notification of Award / Purchase Order or does not sign the Contract
Agreement pursuant to ITB Clause titled “Signing the Contract Agreement‟ or does not submit
an acceptable Performance Security pursuant to ITB clause titled “Performance Security” and
which result in tender being annulled then such bidder shall be treated ineligible for
participation in re-tendering of this particular package. Further, such vendor shall also be dealt
as per the provisions of the policy for Withholding and Banning of Business Dealings.
1. Each Bidder shall submit only one bid either by himself, or as a partner in a joint venture or
consortium, if so permitted in the Bidding Documents. A Bidder who submits or participates in
more than one bid in this bidding will be disqualified from the bidding
2. Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with
a firm or any of its affiliates that has been engaged by the Employer to provide consultancy
services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the
execution of Works under this Invitation for Bids
3. Either Authorised Dealer/Indian agent on behalf of the OEM/Principal or OEM/Principal itself
can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.
4. If an Authorised Dealer/Indian agent submits bid on behalf of the OEM/Principal, the same
Authorised Dealer/Indian agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another OEM/Principal
5. Violation of the above clauses shall lead to disqualification of bid"
---- x -----
Page 16 of 44
No Deviation Certificate
Power of Attorney of Bidder
Format of Bid Security in the form of BG
Bank Guarantee Verification Checklist for Bid Security/EMD
List of Banks for Bid Security/EMD
Format of Extension of Bank Guarantee
Acceptance of Fraud Prevention Policy
Declaration on Banning Policy
Performa of Certificate to be submitted by CEO/CFO
Page 17 of 44
(To be submitted by the bidder along with their Bid in Envelope I, the bidder shall put
serial number in their documents being submitted in support of QR)
A. Financial Criteria:
We confirm that our average annual turnover in the last 03 financial years ending 31.03.2020
is not less than Rs. 29.70 (in Lakhs) as detailed below:
Sl. No.
Financial year
Turnover (INR in Cr. /
Lakhs) as per audited
balance sheet
Enclosed at
page No.
2017 18
2018 19
2019 20
Average annual turnover
Name of the auditor
Auditor’s Registration No.
Page 3 of 44
B. Technical Criteria:
We have executed contracts for operating Public/Private Service Buses on hire basis to companies/institutions, with
(i) *ONE Order of executed value not less than Rs. 23.76 Lakhs.
Description of work
To whom the work
Order No. &
Copy of Order
/ PO / LOA
enclosed at
Order value
(INR in Cr. /
Executed value
(INR in Cr. /
enclosed at
(from _ to _
issued by
No. & Date
(ii) *TWO Orders, each of executed value not less than Rs. 14.85 Lakhs
Description of work
To whom the work
Order No. &
Copy of Order
/ PO / LOA
enclosed at
Order value
(INR in Cr. /
Executed value
(INR in Cr. /
enclosed at
(from _ to _
issued by
No. & Date
Page 4 of 44
(iii) *THREE Orders, each of executed value not less than Rs. 11.88 lakhs
Description of work
To whom the work
Order No. &
Copy of Order
/ PO / LOA
enclosed at
Order value
(INR in Cr. /
Executed value
(INR in Cr. /
enclosed at
(from _ to _
issued by
No. & Date
QR Criteria
Registration No.
Enclosed at page no.
PF Registration
GST Registration
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Name of the Organization
Pin Code
Telephone No/s.
(with STD code)
Fax Nos.
Contact Mobile
Contact person/s
Mobile No/s
E-mail Address
Web Address
Nature of Firm
(Please ( ) tick
appropriate one)
Pvt. Ltd / Public Sector / Co.
Other/s (please specify)
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Enclosed at page
ESI Registration.
(Enclose copy)
(Enclose copy)
Authority of the person for signing the BID must be enclosed
( Power of Attorney / Affidavit / Partnership Deed / Resolution
passed by Board of company if any, whichever is applicable )
Legal Name of the person
Signing the BID.
( with Mob. No/s.)
Company Seal
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
(To be uploaded in Pre-Qual / Technical Cover / Envelope)
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd,
Vallur Thermal Power Project,
Site Office: Vellivoyal Chavadi Post,
Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District
Chennai - 600103, Tamilnadu
Sub : Tender for "____________________________________________________________"
Dear Sir
With Reference to our Tender Enquiry
No……………………………………………………………. dated
………………………………… [Insert Name of the Package], we hereby confirm that we comply
with all terms, conditions and specifications of the bidding document read in conjunction with
Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/ Addenda/Errata (if any) issued by the Employer prior to opening
of Techno-Commercial bids and the same has been taken into consideration while making our
Techno-commercial bid & Price Bid and we declare that we have not taken any deviation in this
We further confirm that any deviation, variation or additional condition etc. or any mention,
contrary to bidding documents and its Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/ Addenda/Errata (if any) as
mentioned at 1.0 above found anywhere in our Techno-Commercial Bid/ or Price Bid, implicit or
explicit, shall stand unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication whatsoever to
Employer, failing which the bid security shall be forfeited.
Date :
Place :
(Signature) ……………………………..
(Name of Authorised person : ………………………….
having power of attorney
Common Seal)……………………………….
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
(To be uploaded in Pre-Qual/Technical Cover/Envelope)
NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd,
Vallur Thermal Power Project,
Site Office: Vellivoyal Chavadi Post,
Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District
Chennai - 600103, Tamilnadu
Dear Sir
The details of our registration are as under:
(a) PF NO: (if asked for in the tender)
The PF no . allotted by concerned RPFC Under EPF scheme 1952 is as under:
Note: Copy of PF registration certificate issued by the concerned RPFC duly attested by the
bidder under his seal and signature to be submitted.
(b) ESI registration number, if applicable (If asked for in the tender)
Our ESI registration number to cover our employees under the ESI Act:
Note: Copy of ESI registration duly attested by the bidder under his seal and signature to be
(c) PAN number
Our PAN number is as under:
Note: Copy of card indicating PAN number duly attested by the bidder under
his seal and signature to be submitted.
(d) GSTIN, if
Our GSTIN is
GSTIN (location ......)
GSTIN (location ......)
GSTIN (location ......)
Note : Copy of registration to be enclosed.
Date : Signature :
Place Name :
Designation :
Company Seal :
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Limited,
Sub.: Tender for ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As advised in your tender document, we have read the contents of the Fraud Prevention
Policy of NTECL on its website and undertake that we along
with our associates/collaborators/ sub-contractors /sub-vendors /consultants/ service providers
shall strictly abide by the provisions of the Fraud Prevention Policy of NTECL.
Yours faithfully,
Printed Name………………
Common Seal …………
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Limited,
Sub.: Tender No. ------------------------------------------------------------- Dated _______________ for
1. We have read the contents of the Banning Policy of NTECL displayed on its website and agree to abide by this policy. Further, in terms of
requirement under Banning Policy we hereby declare the following :
a. We have not been Banned/Blacklisted as on date of submission of bid by Ministry of
Power or Govt of India or Govt. of Tamil Nadu or NTPC Limited.
b. We have not employed any public servant dismissed / removed or person convicted for
an offence involving corruption or abetment of such offenses.
c. Our Director(s)/Owner(s)/Proprietor/Partner(s) have not been convicted by any court of
law for offenses involving corrupt and fraudulent practices including moral turpitude in
relation to business dealings with Government or NTECL or NTECLs holding
companies during the last five years.
2. We further declare that if at any point subsequent to award of contract, the declarations
given above are found to be incorrect, NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Limited shall
have the full right to terminate the Contract and take any action as per applicable laws for
breach of contract including forfeiture of Bid Security / Performance Bank
Guarantee/Security Deposit.
Yours faithfully,
Printed Name……………………
Common Seal…………
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Power of Attorney to be attached by Bidder
There is no specific format for Power Of Attorney (POA); however, the
POA holder is considered as a legal representative of the contractor to
fulfill the contractual obligations. The POA holder shall be a regular
Employee / Partner / Director only. The relation of the contractor’s
representative with the contractor such as regular Employee / Partner /
Director etc should be clearly brought out in the Power of Attorney
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Page 1 of 2
(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)
Bank Guarantee No. ........................
NTPC Tamil Nadu Energy Company Ltd, (NTECL),
Vallur Thermal Power Project,
Vellivoyal Chavadi Post,
Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District,
Chennai - 600 103
In consideration of NTECL Ltd., having its Registered Office at NTECL Bhawan, Scope Complex, 7,
Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003 (hereinafter called the "Employer" which expression
shall unless repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) having issued an
Invitation for Bids under Bidding document No. .............................................. M/s
.............................*......................... having ts Registered/Head Office at
..................................................................... (hereinafter called the "Bidder") who wishes to participate
in the said bid for ..........................................................., an irrevocable and unconditional Bank
Guarantee against Bid Security for an amount of Rs............................. valid upto …................... is
required to be submitted by the Bidder in lieu of cash deposit as a condition precedent for its
participation in the said bid. We, the ......................................................................... bank incorporated
under ............... law and having one of our branches at ........................................ and having our
Registered Office/Head Office at …………....................................................(address) do hereby
unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee and undertake to pay to the "Employer" immediately on
demand without any demur, reservation, protest and recourse to the extent of the said sum of Rs.
................ (Rupees ......................................... only). Any such claim/demand made by the said
"Employer" on us shall be conclusive and binding on us irrespective of any dispute or difference raised
by the Bidder.
This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain valid upto ............................ . If any further extension
of this guarantee is required, the same shall be extended to such required period(s) on receiving
instructions from M/s ............................*............................. ................................................................. on
whose behalf this guarantee is issued.
In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorised officer, has set its hand and stamp on
this ................................ day of ............................ 20............... at ................... .
Notwithstanding anything contained herein :-
1. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs.-----------/-(Rupees--------
2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto ----------------------------; and
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this BG only and only if
you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before -------------( calculate 90 days from
validity period).
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Yours faithfully,
Witness :
1.---------------------------------- (Signature)-----------------------------
2.----------------------------------- (Name) --------------------------------
3.----------------------------------- (Designation with Bank Seal---------------------------------------
( Official Address)
Stamp -----------------------------------
Power of Attorney No. ----------------------------------------------
Date : --------------------------------------
Note :
1. (*) Write the name and addresses of all the Joint Venture partners, in case the Bid is submitted by a
Joint Venture in terms of Qualifying Requirements.
2. The Bank Guarantee shall be from a Bank as per provisions of the Bidding Documents.
3. The Stamp Paper of appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of guarantee issuing Bank /
4. While getting the Bank Guarantee issued, Bidders are required to ensure compliance to the
points mentioned in Bank Guarantee Verification Check List in the Bidding Documents. Bidders are
required to fill up this Check List and enclose the same along with the Bank Guarantee.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
1. Bank Guarantee No. & Date : ………………………………………
2. Name of Issuing Bank : ………………………………………
3. Amount of BG : ----------------------------------------------
4. Nature of BG & No. of Pages :------------------------------------------------
5. Validity of BG : -----------------------------------------------
6. Vendor Reference :----------------------------------------------------
Name --------------------------------------
Telephone --------------------------------
Fax -----------------------------------------
Email ---------------------------------------
7. Bank Reference
Name --------------------------------------
Telephone --------------------------------
Fax -----------------------------------------
Email ---------------------------------------
Details of Checks
Is the BG on Non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value,
as per Stamp Act?
Whether date, purpose of purchase of stamp paper and
name of the purchaser are indicated on the back of stamp
paper under the Signature of Stamp Vendor?
(The date of purchase of stamp paper should be not later than
the date of execution of BG and the stamp paper should
be purchased either in the name of the executing Bank or the
Bidder on whose behalf the BG has been issued.)
In case of BGs from Banks abroad, has the BG been executed
on Letter Head of the Bank
Has the executing officer of BG indicated his name,
designation and Power of Attorney No. / Signing Power No., on
the BG?
Is each page of BG duly signed / initialed by executant
and whether stamp of Bank is affixed thereon?
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Whether the last page is signed with full particulars including
two witness under seal of Bank as required in the
prescribed proforma?
Does the Bank Guarantee compare verbatim with the
Proforma prescribed in the Bidding Documents?
Are the factual details such as Bidding Documents No. /
Specification No., Amount of BG, validity of BG correctly
mentioned in the BG?
Whether overwriting / cutting, if any on the BG have been
properly authenticated under signature & seal of executants?
Whether BG has been issued by a Bank in line with the
provisions of Bidding Documents?
In case BG has been issued by a Bank other than those
specified in Bidding Document, is the BG confirmed by a
Bank in India acceptable as per Bidding Document?
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
1. Allahabad Bank
2. Andhra Bank
3. Bank of India
4. Bank of Maharashtra
5. Canara Bank
6. Central Bank of India
7. Corporation Bank
8. Dena Bank
9. Indian Bank
10. Indian Overseas Bank
11. Oriental Bank of Commerce
12. Punjab National Bank
13. Punjab & Sind Bank
14. Syndicate Bank
15. Union Bank of India
16. United Bank of India
17. UCO Bank
18. Vijaya Bank
19. Bank of Baroda
1. Catholic Syrian Bank
2. City Union Bank
3. Dhanlaxmi Bank Ltd.
4. Federal Bank Ltd
5. Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd
6. Karnataka Bank Ltd
7. KarurVysya Bank Ltd
8. Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd
9. Nainital Bank Ltd
10. Kotak Mahindra Bank
11. RBL Bank Limited
12. South Indian Bank Ltd
13. Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd
14. ING Vysya Bank Ltd
15. Axis Bank Ltd.
16. IndusInd Bank Ltd
17. ICICI Bank
18. HDFC Bank Ltd.
19. DCB Bank Ltd
20. Yes Bank Ltd
21. IDFC Bank Limited
22. Bandhan Bank Limited
1. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC
2. Bank of America NA
3. Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait B.S.C.
4. Mashreq Bank p.s.c.
5. Bank of Nova Scotia
6. CréditAgricole Corporate and Investment Bank
7. BNP Paribas
8. Barclays Bank
9. Citi Bank N.A.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
10. Deutsche Bank A.G.
11. The HongKongShangai Banking Corporation Ltd
12. SocieteGenerale
13. Sonali Bank Ltd.
14. Standard Chartered Bank
15. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, National Association
16. State Bank of Mauritius Ltd.
17. DBS Bank Ltd.
18. Bank of Ceylon
19. PT Bank Maybank Indonesia TBK
20. A B Bank
21. Shinhan Bank.
22. CTBC Bank Co. Ltd.
23. Mizuho Bank Ltd
24. Krung Thai Bank Public Company Ltd.
25. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Limited.
26. Australia &Newzealand Banking Group Limited
27. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
28. American Express Banking Corporation
29. Credit Suisse A.G.
30. FirstRand Bank Ltd.
31. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.
32. JSC VTB Bank
33. National Australia Bank
34. CooperatieveRabobank U.A.
35. Sberbank
36. United Overseas Bank Ltd.
37. Westpac Banking Corporation
38. Woori Bank
39. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
40. Doha Bank Qsc
41. Industrial Bank of Korea
42. KEB Hana Bank
43. First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC
44. Emirates NBD Bank (P.J.S.C)
45. Qatar National Bank SAQ
1. IDBI Bank Ltd
*Note - Any Addition/ Deletion/ Modification in Bank list shall be asper changes in Second Schedule List by
RBI from time to time.
Ref. : NTECL/C&M/OT/CS-4508 Date : 16.01.2021
Sign & Seal of the Bidder
Ref. : Date:
Contract Services
Dear Sir,
1.0 I, M/s......................................... (CEO/CFO) of M/s. __________(Name of the
*Bidder/ *Consortium Partner/*Susbidiary(ies)/*Holding Company/*Susbsidiaries
of Holding Companies) hereby confirm and undertake that the Financial results of
the Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-commercial bid opening
for the package……………………..(Name of the package)
2.0 I further, declare that the Certificate from the Practicing Chartered Accountant
certifying the financial parameters of M/s. ……………………… (Name of *Bidder/
*Consortium Partner/*Susbidiary(ies)/*Holding Company/*Susbsidiaries of Holding
Companies ) for the last financial year is not available.
Yours faithfully,
Name & Designation................................
Name of the Company.............................
(Seal of Company)...................................
Note: *Strike off whichever is not applicable.