Ref. No. IGSTPP/CS/20-21/CRN-3445 Dated: 21/01/2021
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Aravali Power Company Private Limited
a) Word executed means the bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in the QR even if the
contract has been started earlier and /or is not completed/ closed.
b) Other income will not be considered in evaluation of turnover.
c) In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year, is not available, certificate of financial
statement from a practicing chartered Accountant shall also be acceptable.
1.0 The bidder should have PAN, GST, PF Registration etc. It may be clearly noted that first payment
shall be released only after submission of these documents.
2.0 Bid documents shall be downloaded from our e-tendering portal
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app . The tender cost of Rs. 1070.00 shall be paid separately
along with EMD of Rs. 1,00,000.00. It is to be noted that the tender cost shall be strictly be
submitted in the form of DD, in favour of “APCPL”, payable at Jharli / Bahadurgarh. EMD
amount of Rs. 1,00,000.00 can be paid in the form of DD or BG. The tender cost and EMD
shall reach us in original before bid opening.
3.0 The bids shall submitted up to 3:00 P.M. on bid submission closing date and tender shall be opened
at 3:15 PM on due date of bid-opening. If the date of opening happens to be a closed holiday, bids
shall be received till next working day up to 3.15 PM and opened on the next working day.
4.0 The bids submitted without tender cost and EMD shall not be considered for opening.
5.0 Detailed specifications of jobs including scope of work and all terms and conditions of NIT are
given in tender documents.
6.0 For fulfilling the Qualifying Requirements, intending bidder shall be required to submit/upload
(online) the following documents along with their technical bid.
a) EMD in prescribed forms.
b) IT returns filed/Annual Report (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account) of last three financial
years/any other documents showing Turnover.
c) Copies of Work Orders/ Award Letters covering awarded value, detailed scope of work/terms &
conditions/ bill of Quantities along with proof of execution/completion certificate as per above
Qualifying Requirement. The bidder shall provide the reference list with contact address.
d) Firm’s documents like Memorandum & Articles of association/ Partnership/ Proprietorship
Deed/Certificate of Incorporation etc., with latest changes if any.
e) Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN), GST Numbers.
7.1 Bids will be submitted/uploaded in 'THREE' separate covers as below:
Cover –I (Fee) shall contain Tender Cost and EMD (Earnest Money Deposit / Bid
Cover- II (Technical bid) shall consist of QR (Qualifying Requirements) documents, Technical
offer, If PAN, GST registrations are already available, same may be
enclosed along with.
Cover-III(Price bid) shall consist of Price Bid.
8.1 First Part of Opening: