Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
NIT / Tender Ref. No.
Work Service Enquiry No. 201300047 dtd. 18/01/2021
Polyurea waterproofing of
buildings in housing colony.
Last date of bid submission: 09/02/2021 15:00 Hrs
Bid Opening on: 09/02/2021, 15:30 Hrs
at RGPPL Site, Anjanwel, Ratnagiri, MH - 415634
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Dear Bidders,
Please find enclosed one complete set of Tender Document for the cited work in the
following order, with a request to submit your Bid after necessary compliance:
General Guidelines
Qualifying Requirements
Instruction to Bidders
Forms and Annexures
Work Service Enquiry
Appendix-A: Technical Offer Sheet
Appendix-B: Field Quality Plan
Single Stage Bidding (02 Envelope Systems)
A complete set of bidding documents may be downloaded from NTPC website www.ntpctender.com &
RGPPL web site www.rgppl.com and submit the same by utilizing the downloaded document, along with
required non-refundable tender fee.
If tender document fees amount is paid online, then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of tender fees in the envelope of Tender Fees. If bidder fails to submit the
same his/her offer may not be considered.
The EMD shall be made payable without any condition to RGPPL, the EMD shall be valid for the
period of seven (7) calendar months from the date set for the openin g of the technical bids.
EMD of the bidder shall stand forfeited if he/she revokes or cancels his tender after submission or vary
any terms thereof without the consent of RGPPL within validity period of offer (07 months).
Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable security in a separate sealed envelope shall be
rejected by RGPPL as being non-responsive and returned to the bidder without being
No interest will be payable by RGPPL on the EMD.
Details of
RGPPL’s bank
Name of account Holder: - RATNAGIRI GAS & POWER PVT LTD
Account Number: - 11285480852 (Current Account)
Branch: - Chiplun (Maharashtra)
IFS Code: - SBIN0000350
MICR Code: - 415002865
It must consists of following:
a. EMD
b. Tender document Fee and
c. Supporting documents as per PQR mentioned in
tender document, viz license /
certificate(s)/reports (if any) and other
necessary documents as per tender document
Place of opening of tender:
C&M Dept, Ratnagiri Gas &
Power Pvt. Ltd., AT & PO:
Anjanwel, Taluka: Guhagar,
Dist.: Ratnagiri,
Maharashtra 415 634
Date of opening of price bid shall be informed
separately to qualified bidders after evaluation of
technical bid.
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Envelope &
The outside of the envelope should clearly indicate the Envelope no I or II, Name of
the Bidder and his Address. In addition, the left-hand corner of the envelope or
container should indicate the Name of the work, tender number, bid opening date
and time.
The Bidder has the option of sending the bid by Speed/Registered Post, in person
only. Bids sent through any other media may not reach us within the schedule time.
RGPPL takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents
within the stipulated date & time. Bids submitted by any other mode may not be
form of EMD
Crossed Demand Draft (preferably from SBI) / Banker’s cheque / Banker’s Pay Order
(from Nationalized Indian Bank, as per list enclosed) drawn in favour of ‘Ratnagiri Gas and
Power Private Limited’, payable at Chiplun (Maharashtra).
Bidder may submit EMD amount through E-payment by Net Banking/BG (if EMD
amount is above INR 50,000-Format enclosed) etc.
If EMD amount is paid online then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of EMD in the envelope of EMD.
If bidder fails to submit the same his/her offer may not be considered.
Institutes/agencies (excluding PSU) are exempted from submitting EMD.
Integrity Pact
Not applicable
Any revision, clarification, addendum, corrigendum, time extension, etc. to the above tender will be
hosted on the www.rgppl.com & www.ntpctender.com websites only and no separate notification
shall be issued in the press. Bidders are requested to visit the website regularly to keep themselves
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification (s) of the bidding documents may notify RGPPL
in writing or by fax or email at RGPPL's mailing address indicated in the bid document not later
than 05 (five) days prior to bid opening date. RGPPL reserves the right to ignore the bidders
request for clarification if received after the aforesaid period. RGPPL may respond in writing to
the request for clarification. RGPPL's response including an explanation of the query, but
without identifying the source of the query will be communicated to prospective bidders through
For any queries, bidders may contact following personnel:
i. Shweta Verma, Manager (C&M)
Ph. No.: 02359-241134
e-mail: shweta.verma@site.rgppl.com
ii. Dipak Patil, DGM (C&M),
Ph. No.:02359-241134
e-mail: dipak.patil@site.rgppl.com
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Offer consisting of any deviations with respect to any term & conditions of bid document
shall be liable to be treated as NON-RESPONSIVE and may be rejected.
Any other condition specifically mentioned in the tender document elsewhere that non-
compliance of the clause lead to rejection of bid
This is a NIL Deviation Tender
Tender Document must be sent through Speed / registered post / In person only.
Submission of tender document in any other shall liable for rejection.
Bidder should submit signed and stamped copy of complete tender document
along with the clarification/addendum/corrigendum (if any) along with the
technical proposal as an acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the
tender document.
Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf of RGPPL
Encl: As above Manager (C&M)
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Qualification Requirement/Criteria
1. The bidder should have executed cumulative total of at-least 1000 square meter of
applying Polyurea/polyurethane water proofing coating in last seven (07) years
reckoned as on last date of the month preceding the month of publication of NIT.
2. The bidder should have executed either of the following within preceding seven (07)
years reckoned as on last date of the month preceding the month of publication of
a. One similar work of value not less than INR 17.08 Lacs.
b. Two similar works of value not less than INR 10.68 Lacs each.
c. Three similar works of value not less than INR 8.54 Lacs each.
Similar work means Waterproofing and allied works.
Reference work executed by the bidder as a sub-contractor may also be
considered, provided the certificate issued by main contractor is duly certified by
the Project Authority specifying the scope of work executed by the bidder.
The word executed” mentioned above means the bidder should have achieved
the criteria specified above, even if the order has not been executed fully. In
case of order under execution, the value of work executed till the date of
opening of technical bid as certified by the Client shall be considered.
3. The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three (03) completed
financial years shall not be less than INR 21.35 Lacs.
Other income shall not be considered while computing annual turnover.
In cases where audited results for the last financial year are not available as on
last date of the month preceding the month of publication of NIT, the financial
results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered
In case, the bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from a practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of
three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be
considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate would
be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding
documents stating that the financial results of the company are under audit as
on the date of technical bid opening and the Certificate from the practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.
4. The bidder should have valid PAN and GST registration.
5. Notwithstanding anything stated above, RGPPL reserves the right to assess the
capabilities and capacity of the bidder to perform the contract, should the
circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of RGPPL.
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
A. Copies of Letter of Award / Work Order shall be submitted in support of Para 1
above along with Completion Certificate / Performance Certificate / any other
document clearly establishing completion period and area of Polyurea/Polyurethane
B. Copies of Letter of Award / Work Order shall be submitted in support of Para 2
above along with Completion Certificate / Performance Certificate / any other
document clearly establishing value of executed work & completion period.
Certificate from Client as described under notes of Para 2 shall also be provided
wherever required.
C. Copies of audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account Statement confirming
the turnover for preceding three financial years shall be submitted in support of
Para 3 above. Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant or CEO/CFO as
described under notes of Para 3 shall also be provided wherever required.
D. Copy of PAN Card and GST Registration Certificate in support of Para 4.
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
1.1 About the RGPPL: Ratnagiri Gas and Power Pvt. Ltd (RGPPL) is a joint venture
Company promoted by NTPC Ltd & GAIL (India) Ltd., 1967 MW gas-based power
generation plant. Ratnagiri Gas & Power Project is situated at village Anjanwel,
Taluka Guhagar, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra). The project site is located at a
distance of approx. 10 KMs North of Guhagar Town & 50 kms from Chiplun City (On
Mumbai-Goa highway).
Nearest Airport: Mumbai at a distance of 300 kms. by road.
Nearest Railway Station: Chiplun station (MumbaiMadgaon Route,
KONKAN Railways) at a distance of about 50 km from the site.
1.2 RGPPL, (hereinafter called “RGPPL or “Employer”), wishes to receive bids for the
Package named in NIT/IFB/Tender Enquiry.
1.3 Throughout these Bidding Documents, the term “Bid and “Tender” and their
derivatives (Bidder/Tenderer, Bidding/Tendering, Bidding Document/Tender
Document, etc.); Bill of Quantity / Schedule of Quantity / Schedule of Quantities/
Bill of Quantities; Employer / RGPPL; Bid Security / Earnest Money Deposit;
Security Deposit / Performance Security/ Performance Guarantee; Engineer-in-
Charge / Engineer; Amendment/Corrigendum; Schedule of Quantity/Bill of Quantity
(BOQ), appearing anywhere in the Bidding Documents shall have the same meaning
and are synonymous to each other.
2. SOURCE OF FUNDS: Expenditure under this package is intended to be funded from
internal resources and/ or borrowings by the Employer.
3.1 Each Bidder shall submit only one bid either by himself, or as a partner in a joint
venture or consortium, if so permitted in the Bidding Documents. A Bidder who
submits or participates in more than one bid in this bidding will be disqualified from
the bidding.
3.2 Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in the past, directly or
indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates that has been engaged by the Employer
to provide consultancy services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and
other documents to be used for the execution of Works under this Invitation for
4. BIDDER’S SITE VISIT: The Bidders are advised to visit the Site to familiarize
themselves with the nature and quantum of work and site condition and obtain all
necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may
influence or affect his tender. No extra charges consequent on any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
5.1 The set of Bidding Documents issued for the purpose of bidding includes one set of
the following, which should be read in conjunction with amendments, if any, issued.
A. Invitation for Bids (IFB)
B. Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
C. General Terms & Conditions
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
D. Technical Specifications
E. Special Terms & Conditions
F. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
G. Forms and Annexures
5.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, conditions and
specifications in the Bidding Documents, before submission of his bid. Failure to
furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding Documents may
result in the rejection of such bid.
5.3 Qualifying Requirements, if applicable. The qualifying requirements for the
tender are specified in the NIT/Tender enquiry.
5.4 Documents in support of meeting Qualifying Requirements
Bidders are required to submit documents to satisfactorily establish their meeting
the Qualifying Requirements stipulated in the tender.
Bidders are required to furnish the details of the past experience like authentic
Work Orders/Purchase Orders/Letter of Awards/Contract Agreements, client
certificates, completion certificate, etc. in support of meeting the Qualifying
Requirements based on which selection is to be made as per format. These
references shall only be considered to ascertain the bidder’s compliance to
Qualifying Requirement (QR). No claims without supporting documents shall be
accepted in this regard. Bidders wishing to provide additional Work Orders/Purchase
Orders/Letter of Awards/Contract Agreements are required to declare the same in
similar format which shall be additionally attached in the offer.
5.5 Bid Drawings: The Bidder is requested to refer the Technical Specifications for the
provisions in this regard.
5.6 CLARIFICATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: A prospective Bidder requiring any
clarification of the Bidding Document shall email the query to the concerned
executive at least five days prior to the BOD. EMPLOYER will respond to any request
for clarification or modification of the bidding documents that it receives within the
time line specified. EMPLOYER will upload the Clarifications on www.rgppl.com &
www.ntpctender.com website. Bidders can view these clarifications.
Bidders are advised to regularly check under Clarification/Corrigendum tab
regarding posting of clarification, if any.
Bidders must check the Clarifications issued before submission of Bid. Should the
Employer deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a
clarification, it shall do so and upload the amendments in the tender on the
www.rgppl.com & www.ntpctender.com website.
6. PRE-BID CONFERENCE (If specified in the NIT/Tender Enquiry)
6.1 Employer at its discretion may organize a pre-bid conference with the prospective
Bidders. The purpose of the conference will be to clarify the package related
issues and to respond to the Bidder’s queries, which may arise from the Bidding
Documents, site visit etc. The Employer will give a notice of the pre-bid
conference to the Bidders at least seven (7) days prior to the said pre-bid
conference unless otherwise fixed or informed in the IFB/NIT.
6.2 The Bidders are required to submit their questions/ clarifications/queries etc. in
writing including by way of email from the registered email Id so as to reach the
Employer at least three days before the pre-bid conference. It may not be
practicable at the conference to answer the questions which are received late.
6.3 Record notes of the pre-bid conference including the Employer’s response to the
queries raised by the Bidders in writing may be prepared and transmitted to all
the prospective Bidders by the Employer. Further, any modification to the Bidding
Documents which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid conference
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
shall be made by the Employer exclusively through an amendment to the Bidding
Documents. The record notes of the pre-bid conference shall not be treated as
amendment to the Bidding Documents.
6.4 Non-attendance of the pre-bid conference will not be a cause for disqualification
of a Bidder or his bid.
time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, EMPLOYER may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective Bidder, amend the bidding documents.
The corrigendum/amendment will be posted in the tender on the websites only for
viewing by the Bidder. The amendments will be binding on Bidders and it will be
assumed that the information contained therein will have been taken into account
by the Bidder in its bid. Bidders are advised to regularly check the tender regarding
posting of Amendments, if any.
To give prospective Bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account
in preparing their bid, EMPLOYER may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for
the submission of bids.
8. COST OF BIDDING: The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of his bid and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable
for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
9.1 The bid and all correspondence and documents relating thereto exchanged by the
Bidder and the Employer shall be written in English. Supporting documents and
printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided
they are accompanied by an appropriate translation of pertinent passages into
English, in which case, for the purpose of interpretation of the bid such
translations shall govern.
9.2 The units of measurement shall be metric system of measures, unless otherwise
specified elsewhere.
10.1 The bid submitted by the Bidder shall interalia comprise of the following documents:
(a) Tender Document duly completed and signed & stamped by the Bidder,
together with all Attachments as required in the tender document.
(b) BOQ duly completed and signed & stamped.
10.2 Bidding procedure shall be as specified in the NIT/SCC.
10.3 Each Bidder shall submit with his bid the following attachments:
(a) Earnest Money Deposit (If specified in the NIT/Tender Enquiry): Earnest
Money Deposit shall be furnished in separate sealed envelope. Bid not
accompanied by the requisite Earnest Money Deposit in a separate sealed
envelope, or bid accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit of insufficient value,
shall not be entertained and in such case, the bid shall not be opened and
(b) Tender Fees (If specified in the NIT/Tender Enquiry): If tender is not
purchased from RGPPL C&M department, then tender fees as per the prescribed
format is to be submitted along with the bid in separate sealed envelope. Bid
not accompanied by the requisite tender fee in a separate sealed envelope, or
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
bid accompanied by tender fee of insufficient value, shall not be entertained
and in such case, the bid shall not be opened and rejected.
(c) Authority to Sign the bid
The Bidder shall furnish the following to check that the person(s) signing the
bid has/have the authority to sign the bid and thus establish that the bid is
binding upon the Bidder during the full period of its validity.
i) In case of Sole Proprietorship Concern/Partnership Firm, Specimen
signature of the Proprietor/all the partners duly attested by a scheduled
Bank or First Class Magistrate.
ii) In case of Private Limited Companies, Copy of Power of Attorney issued by
Competent Officer under the common seal of the Company, authorising the
person to sign the bid/ execute contracts/agreements etc duly notarised
iii) In case of Public Limited Companies and Statutory Corporations, Board
resolution authorising the Executive to sign the bid/ contracts/agreements
and affix common seal thereon in accordance with the provisions of Article
of Association of the Company OR Power of Attorney issued by Competent
Officer under the common seal of the Company authorising the person to
sign the bid/ execute contracts/agreements etc.
iv) In case of Joint Venture/Consortium, Satisfactory evidence of authority of
the person signing on behalf of the Bidder shall be furnished with the bid.
(c) Bidder’s Qualifications: Documentary evidence establishing that the
Bidder meets the Qualifying Requirements stipulated in the NIT/IFB
including the following shall be furnished along with the bid:
(A) Legal Status of the Company
1. In case of Sole Proprietorship Concern
i) The full name of an individual proprietor, his/her parentage,
documentary proof of his/her age, permanent address and
present postal address/ contact details.
ii) A deed of declaration by the Proprietor, that no other
individual or company has any share in the concern.
2. In case of Partnership Firm
i) Certified photocopy of the Partnership Deed, with upto date
amendments (if any).
ii) Registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies
concerned, if any.
iii) In case of change in the constitution of the firm due to
retirement or death or addition of an incoming partner,
photocopy of Deed of Dissolution, fresh registration Certificate
and the fresh / extant Partnership Deed, as applicable.
3. In case of Private Limited Companies
i) Certified to be true and upto date amended copy of
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company.
ii) Certificate of incorporation of the Company.
4. In case of Public Limited Companies and Statutory Corporations.
i) Certified to be true copy of Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Company and/or the relevant Statute/Act.
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
ii) Certificate of Incorporation of the company - In case of public
limited Co. only.
iii) Certificate of Commencement of Business - In case of public
limited Co. only.
5. In case of Consortium/ Joint Venture bid
i) The information listed in Qualifying Requirements in
NIT/IFB/Tender Enquiry shall be submitted for each Joint
Venture or Consortium partner.
ii) The bid, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all
iii) One of the partners shall be nominated as being in charge
and shall be designated as leader; this authorisation shall be
evidenced by submitting with bid, a power of attorney signed
by legally authorised signatories of all the partners;
iv) An authorisation authorising the leader to incur liabilities and
receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners
of the Joint Venture or Consortium and the entire execution
of the Contract including payment to be done exclusively
with the leader;
v) All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and
severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance
with the Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this
effect shall be included in the authorisation mentioned under
(iii) above as well as in the Bid Form and in the Agreement
(in the case of a successful bid);
vi) Joint Venture / Consortium Agreement entered into by the
Joint Venture or Consortium partners shall be submitted with
the bid. The Joint Venture or consortium Agreement shall
clearly specify the work and responsibility of each partner or
a notarised copy.
vii) A copy of the Partnership Deed/Memorandum & Articles of
Association/Certificate of incorporation as the case may be of
the prime bidder and all the Partners of Joint Venture /
Consortium shall also be enclosed.
(B) Financial Status
In support of meeting the Financial criteria specified in the Qualifying
Requirements stipulated in the NIT/IFB/Tender Enquiry, the following
documents shall be furnished with the bid:
1. Audited financial results of preceding 3 financial years or
Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account statement of
preceding 3 financial years duly certified by a Chartered
2. Solvency Certificate from Bankers, issued not earlier than
fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled date of bid opening
of the Package, if asked for in the NIT/Tender Enquiry.
(C) Proof of Execution of Works
In support of meeting the work execution requirements specified in
the Qualifying Requirements stipulated in the NIT/IFB/Tender
enquiry, the following documents shall be furnished with the bid
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
i) Copies of the Letter of Award/Purchase orders/Contracts
ii) Certificate(s) from the Client(s) for successful execution of
the assignment with value and period of execution.
(D) Other requirements specified in the Qualifying Requirements.
In support of meeting the other requirements specified in the
Qualifying Requirements stipulated in the NIT/IFB/Tender enquiry,
the documents specified in the SCC shall be furnished with the bid.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to
undertake a physical assessment of the capacity and capabilities including
financial capacity and capability of the Bidder / his Collaborator(s) /
Associate(s) / Subsidiary(ies) / Group Company(ies) to perform the
Contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall
interest of the Employer.
The physical assessment shall include but not be limited to the assessment
of the office/facilities/banker’s/reference works by the Employer. A
negative determination of such assessment of capacity and capabilities
may result in the rejection of the Bid.
The above right to undertake the physical assessment shall be applicable
for the qualifying requirements stipulated in the bidding documents.
d) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Authorisation Form : Authorisation
Form for release of payments through Electronic Fund Transfer System.
e) Details of PF, ESI, PAN and GSTIN Regn. The details of registration for
PF, ESI, PAN and GSTIN to be furnished.
In case GSTIN details are not provided, it shall be considered that the
bidder is an unregistered dealer.
f) Declaration Regarding GST: The bidder shall necessarily quote the GST
applicable in the Schedule of Quantities/BOQ. However, levies, royalty, fees
etc., if any, shall be included in the price.
g) Technical Compliance: The bidder shall essentially confirm compliance to
the scope of work and other technical requirements specified in the
Technical Specifications and Bid Drawings
h) ‘NIL’ Deviations Certificate: To be submitted signed and stamped
along with the bid
Acceptance of above condition shall be considered as bidder's confirmation
to the following:
(a) The provisions of Bidding Documents read in Conjunction with
Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/ Addenda/ Errata (if any) are
acceptable and no deviation has been taken in this regard.
(b) Any deviation to Bidding Documents and its subsequent
Amendment(s)/ Clarifications(s)/ Addenda/ Errata/ Minutes of
Clarification Meeting (if any) as mentioned at (a) above found
anywhere in Price Bid Proposal, implicit or explicit, shall stand
unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication
whatsoever to Employer, failing which the Earnest Money
Deposit shall be liable to be forfeited.
i) Declaration on Qualifying Requirements)
Declaration by the Bidder towards compliance on "Qualifying
Acceptance of above condition shall be considered as bidder's confirmation
to the following:
(a) The number of reference Plants/Orders submitted by Bidder along with
the bid, for establishing compliance to the specified Qualifying
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Requirement (QR), are in accordance with the provision specified
j) Declaration on Banning Policy (To be submitted signed and stamped):
Declaration to the effect that the Bidder shall abide by Banning Policy of
the Employer displayed on RGPPL website http://www.rgppl.com.
k) Declaration on Fraud Prevention Policy (To be submitted signed and
Declaration to the effect that the Bidder shall abide by Fraud Prevention
Policy of the Employer displayed on RGPPL website
http://www.rgppl.com .
I) Techno-Commercial Bid should not contain any price
content entry. In case, the Techno-Commercial Bid is
found to contain any price content, such bid shall be
liable for rejection.
B. PRICE BID: In the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) provided, the bidder shall quote the
prices, taxes etc. as asked for in the BOQ. The filled Bill of Quantity (BOQ) duly
signed and stamped is to be submitted in the sealed envelope clearly
mentioning PRICE BID on the top of envelop.
1) Filling the information in the attachments with answers like “shall be given
later” “or” “shall be mutually discussed and finalised or “information already
submitted at the time of enlistment” etc. shall not be accepted. Even if the
information required in the attachments has been given in response to any other
recent invitation for bids of the Employer or in some other reference, it is
mandatory for the Bidder to give the information along with his bid as asked for.
Non compliance with the above or leaving the attachment(s) blank may lead to
the rejection of the bid. The information furnished by the Bidder should be
consistent, correct and true. The Employer reserves the right to verify the
information given and if found incorrect, the bid may be rejected.
2) A conditional Price Bid shall run the risk of rejection.
3) Price Bid should not contain any matter in respect of Technical and / or
Commercial aspects other than the details specifically sought in the Price Bid.
11.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications, Bidders shall quote for
the entire facilities on a “single responsibility” basis such that the total bid price
covers all the Contractor’s obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred
from the bidding. Bidders shall give a breakdown of the prices in the manner and
detail called for in the on-line Price Schedules.
11.2 The currency of the bid and currency of payment shall be in Indian Rupees until
unless specified otherwise in the SCC.
11.3 The Bidder shall fill in unit rates/prices for all items of Works described in the Bill
of Quantity (BOQ). The rates/prices quoted in the Bill of Quantity shall also be
deemed to include any incidentals not shown or specified but reasonably implied
or necessary for the proper completion and functioning of the specified Works in
accordance with the Bidding Documents.
The successful bidder if awarded the contract shall take sufficient care in moving
the plants equipments and materials from one place to another so that they do
not cause any damage to any person or the property of employer or 3rd party
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
including overhead and under ground cables/pipelines. In the event of such
damage including eventual loss of operation and operation of the plant or services
in any plant or establishment as estimated by the employer or adjusted by third
party shall be borne by the Contractor.
11.4 The rates/amount quoted in the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) shall be exclusive of all
GST and all other taxes & duties as per GCC clause. However, levies, royalty, fees
etc., if any, shall be included in the price as per GCC.
In the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) provided, the bidder shall quote the prices, taxes etc.
as asked for in the BOQ.
11.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any tax levied on the 'Works
Contract' in accordance with the applicable GST Law or Notification(s) by the
State or Central Government or other authorities and rules made thereunder
including amendments, if any.
The Contract Price shall be exclusive of GST and all other taxes, duties applicable
as per the rates prevailing as on seven (7) days prior to the date of bid opening.
However, the Contract Price shall be inclusive of any Seigniorage Fee or Royalties
or cess or other charges payable on the quarried or mined metal, minerals or
minor minerals, as the case may be, at the rate(s) prevailing within seven (7)
days prior to the date of bid opening.
The rate of GST and all other taxes & duties applicable shall be quoted
in the bid in the Bill of Quantities
11.6 The bidder shall necessarily declare, as part of his bid, the GST applicable in the
Bill of Quantities.
The estimated value of Owner Issue Materials, if any, to be considered for working
out GST liability, if applicable, as indicated in SCC.
Provisions of GST law in respect of Related Persons/Parties may appropriately be
taken into consideration by Bidders while submitting the bid.
In case of any variation between the pre-determined value and actual value of
Owner Issue Material during the execution of the contract, an equitable
adjustment shall be made to the applicable GST amount.
In case GST is applicable on free issue material, the Bidder must indicate the
same. In case the same has not been specified by the Bidder in Forms &
Procedures, GST paid by Employer shall be to Bidder’s account.
GST component will be deposited with the concerned authorities by the
12.1 The Bidder shall keep his bid valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening
of the techno-commercial bid, unless otherwise specified in the SCC, during which
period the Bidder agrees not to vary, alter or revoke his bid either in whole or in
12.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the original bid validity period,
the Employer may request the Bidders to extend the period of validity for a
specified additional period. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in
writing. A Bidder agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his bid,
but will be required to extend the validity of his Earnest Money Deposit for the
period of the extension.
Enquiry No.: 201300047
Sub: Polyurea waterproofing of buildings in housing colony.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
13.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, an Earnest Money Deposit in the amount
as stipulated in NIT/IFB/Tender Enquiry, in a separate envelope (in case paid in
modes other than on-line payment) super scribed on the top as under:
ON …… (DATE OF BID OPENING) FROM ………………………….
13.2 The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall, at Bidders option, be in the form of
1) Demand draft drawn in favour of RGPPL Payable at Chiplun
2) Banker’s cheque drawn in favour of RGPPL Payable at chiplun
3) a Bank Guarantee from any of the banks specified in the bidding
documents provided the required EMD amount is more than ₹50,000/-
(Rupees Fifty thousand only)
4) E-payment by net banking
The format of Bid Guarantee (BG) towards EMD shall be in accordance
with the form of EMD included in the bidding documents. The BG
towards EMD shall remain valid for a period of forty-five (45) days
beyond the original Bid validity period or beyond any extension in the
period of Bid validity subsequently requested. The Bank Guarantee
Verification Checklist duly filled in as per format given in the Bidding
Documents is also to be submitted. Bidder shall ensure that all the
points of check list are replied in "Yes".
In case of E-Payment, upon successful E-payment, a copy of e-receipt
issued to the bidder is to be submitted by the bidder with the bid as
document towards e-payment of EMD.
13.3 Wherever Bids under Joint Venture route are permitted as per Qualifying
Requirement in the Bidding Documents, the Earnest Money Deposit of the Joint
Venture must be on behalf of all the partners of the Joint Venture.
13.4 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Earnest Money Deposit in
accordance with the aforesaid provisions shall be rejected by the
Employer as being non-responsive and shall be rejected without being
13.5 In case of Single Stage Single Envelope bidding process, the EMD of all the bidders
except recommended/evaluated L-1 bidder shall be returned immediately after
finalization of evaluation report/recommendations by Tender Committee (TC)
whether the recommendation of TC is for award/negotiation/annulment.
In case of Single Stage Two Envelope and Two Stage bidding process, the EMD of
the Bidders whose Technical Bid has not been found acceptable, shall be returned
along with letter communicating rejection of Technical Bid. The EMD of all the
Bidders except recommended/evaluated L-1 bidder, whose price bids are opened,
shall be returned immediately after finalization of evaluation