Tender Ref: 9900214228 Date: 07.01.2021
Bidding Document No: C01286
1.0 NTPC Limited (NTPC) invites online bids on “Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding
basis from eligible bidders for aforesaid package, as per the scope of work briefly
mentioned hereinafter.
The brief scope of work includes the construction of divide bunds in Lagoon 1, 2 & 3
of existing Ash dyke which is nearer to plant boundary of NTPC Solapur located
near Fatatewadi, in Taluka South Solapur, in Solapur district, Maharashtra. The
work includes excavation, carriage, foundation preparation, formation of dykes,
formation of cut off trenches, slope drains, sand blanket, sand chimney, construction
of rock toe, turfing, toe drain and rip rap/RR masonry for downstream slope
protection works of dyke embankment, Brick work, Dry brick packing, WBM road on
embankment, Plain cement concrete, Reinforced cement concrete, Shuttering etc.
NTPC intends to finance subject Package through Domestic Commercial
Borrowings/Own sources.
3.0 Detailed Specification, Scope of Work and Terms & Conditions are given in the
Bidding Documents, which are available for examination and Sale at our
eProcurement Portal (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app) and as per the
following schedule:
NIT Date
Document sale Commencement Date
Last date for receipt of queries from
bidders (if any)
Last Date & time for Bid submission
28.01.2021 at 11:00 Hrs (IST)
Technical Bid Opening Date & Time
29.01.2021 at 16:00 Hrs (IST)
Price bid Opening Date & time
Shall be intimated separately.
Tender Fee
INR 5310.00 (Rupees Five Thousand
Three Hundred Ten only)
Estimated Cost of Works
INR 1315.46 Lakhs
“No Queries from Bidders, whatsoever, shall be entertained by the Employer
beyond the last date of receipt of Queries/ Pre-Bid Conference (if applicable)
as specified above.”
Corrigendum (if any) shall be available on our e-tender website
https://eprocurentpc.nic.in only.
4.0 All bids must be accompanied by Bid Security for an amount of INR 20,00,000/-
(Indian Rupees Twenty Lakh only) in the form as stipulated in the Bidding
documents. Bid Security shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately in
physical form by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address
given below.
Online payment of tender fee and bid security payment option is also made
available at GepNIC portal. Bidders are requested to please avail the facility.
The bidder who wishes to participate in the bidding shall meet the Qualifying
Requirements stipulated hereunder:
5.1 Technical Criteria:
5.1.0 Bidder should have executed the following works within the preceding
seven (7) years prior to the date of Techno Commercial bid opening:
5.1.1 Construction of at least “one earthen dam work” or “ash dyke work” or
“reservoir embankment work” of maximum height not less than 4.0 m
(Four meter) in one contract.
5.1.2 A cumulative progress of at least 1,68,000 CuM (One lakh Sixty-Eight
Thousand Cubic meter) of earthwork in earthen dam work or ash dyke
work (either in starter dyke or raising of existing dyke) or reservoir
embankment or canal embankment work in any one (01) year period,
in one (01) or maximum two (02) concurrently running contracts.
The following notes (a to l) explain in detail the intention of various terms in
qualifying requirements:
a) Earth dams, ash dykes and reservoir embankments, which are
designed as water retaining structures, shall be qualified for this work.
However, canal embankments, guide bunds along water courses shall
be considered for qualification under clause 5.1.2 only. All other types
of earth works such as road embankments, railway embankments, site
leveling works etc. shall not be qualified.
b) Sand / substitute filter media as filter either in chimney or in blanket or
both; used in embankment shall be considered in earthwork quantity
calculations. Rock toe shall not be considered.
c) For embankments/reservoir/dyke, the height and quantities shall be
considered above formation level up to dyke top for qualifying
requirements purpose. However, in case of ash dyke raising works, for
both inward/upstream & outward/center line methods/ buttressing
work, the height of dyke shall be considered from the stripped level of
ash bed inside the lagoon for qualifying requirement purpose.
“Formation level” means bottom of stripped level for the dyke
formation. The earth work in cut off trench (COT) shall be included for
quantity estimation for eligibility criterion under clause 5.1.2 However,
the depth of COT shall not be considered for the height calculation for
qualifying requirement under clause 5.1.1.
d) Wherever the ash dykes and other embankments are constructed in
different contracts, the height applicable to individual contract only
and not the cumulative effect shall be considered for the purpose of
determining compliance of clause 5.1.1. For example, where the
contract is for raising an embankment, only the raising portion shall be
considered and not the earlier starter dyke.
e) In clause 5.1.0 above, the word “executed” means the bidder should
have achieved the criteria specified in the qualifying requirements,
within the preceding seven (7) years period till the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening, even if the contract has been started earlier
and /or is not completed / closed.
f) In clause 5.1.1 above, bidder should have constructed full 4.0-meter
height of embankment work specified in the qualifying requirements
within the preceding seven (07) years period till the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening, even if the contract has been started earlier
and/ or is not completed /closed.
g) The “one (1) year period” means any continuous 12 months’ period.
However, for two (2) concurrent works, the same 12 months’ period
shall be considered.
h) In case of works stipulated in 5.1.2 above the word “earthwork” shall
mean earth /ash. The quantity of earthwork in filling only will be
considered for qualification.
i) Reference works executed by the bidder, as a member of Joint
Venture / Consortium/ Associate can also be considered provided-
i. The allocation of scope of work between the partners of the Joint
Venture / Consortium/ Associate is clearly defined in the executed
Joint Venture agreement/ Consortium Agreement/ Deed of Joint
Undertaking and Bidders’ scope of work and break-up of quantities
executed by them as individual contribution in the Joint Venture /
Consortium/ Associate, duly authenticated by the Project Authority;
meet the relevant provisions of qualifying requirement.
ii. In case the reference work has been executed by the Bidder in an
integrated Joint Venture wherein allocation of scope of work and
break-up of quantities between the partners is not clearly specified
in the integrated Joint Venture Agreement, then for Clause 5.1.2
above, the credit of executed quantities can be claimed by the
bidder in the ratio of bidder’s share in the integrated Joint Venture
Agreement, provided the bidder establishes that it regularly
undertakes works as at Clause 5.1.2 above.
iii. The executed works/ quantities by integrated Joint Venture shall be
duly authenticated by the Project Authority. However, the bidder will
not be eligible to claim the credit of executed work by integrated
Joint Venture for Clause 5.1.1 above, unless the bidder has
individually executed the work meeting the requirement of Clause
5.1.1 above and which has been duly authenticated by the Project
j) Reference work executed by the bidders as a sub-contractor may also
be considered provided the certificate issued by main contractor is
duly certified by Project Authority specifying the scope of work
executed by the sub-contractor in support of qualifying requirements
k) Construction at clause 5.1.1 includes raising of ash dyke also.
l) The word “executed” mentioned in clause 5.1.0 means that the bidder
should have achieved the criteria Specified in clause 5.1.0 with any of
the following conditions:
i. Case I: The work is started earlier (prior to the period stipulated in
clause 5.1.0) but completed within the stipulated period as
mentioned in clause 5.1.0 In such cases, entire executed quantity of
the relevant work vide the work order shall be considered for
ii. Case-II: The work is started and completed within the stipulated
period as mentioned in clause 5.1.0. In such cases, entire executed
value of the relevant work vide that work order shall be considered
for evaluation.
iii. Case-III: The work is started within the stipulated period as mentioned
in clause 5.1.0 but not completed as on the last date of stipulated
period. In such cases, “In Progress” executed quantity of the relevant
work vide that work order as on the last date of stipulated period,
shall be considered for evaluation.
5.2 Financial criteria:
5.2.1 The average annual turnover of the Bidder, shall not be less than INR
1462 Lacs (Rupees ‘Fourteen Crore & Sixty Two Lacs only) during the
preceding three (3) completed financial years as on the date of
Techno-commercial bid opening.
5.2.2 In case the bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated at Cl.
5.2.1 above on its own, its holding company would be required to
meet the stipulated turnover requirements at Cl. 5.2.1 above, provided
that the net worth of such holding company as on the last day of the
preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paid-up
share capital of the holding company. In such an event, the bidder
would be required to furnish along with its Techno-Commercial bid, a
Letter of Undertaking from the holding company, supported by Board
Resolution, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging
unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of
the Contract by the bidder in case of award.
5.2.3 Net Worth of the bidder shall not be less than 100% of the bidder’s paid
up share capital as on the last day of the preceding financial year. In
case the Bidder meets the requirement of Net Worth based on the
strength of its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company and/or
Subsidiaries of its holding companies wherever applicable, the Net
Worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company
and/or Subsidiary(ies) of the Holding Company, in combined manner
should not be less than 100% of their total paid up share capital.
However individually, their Net worth should not be less than 75% of
their respective paid up share capitals.
Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:
Net worth (combined) = (X1+X2+X3) / (Y1+Y2+Y3) X 100%
Where X1, X2, X3 are individual Net worth which should not be less than
75% of their respective paid up share capitals and Y1, Y2, Y3 are
individual paid up share capitals
5.2.4 In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements
on stand-alone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial
statements of the bidder can be considered acceptable provided the
bidder further furnishes the following documents in substantiation of its
a) Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the
bidder along with copies of the audited consolidated financial
statements of the Holding Company.
b) A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per
the format enclosed in the bid documents, stating that the
unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the
Consolidated Annual Report of the Holding company.
5.2.5 In cases where audited results for the last financial year as on the date
of techno-commercial bid opening are not available, the financial
results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall be
considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the
Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its
financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial
years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for
evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would be
required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding
documents stating that the Financial results of the Company are under
audit as on the date of Techno-commercial bid opening and the
Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the
financial parameters is not available.
1. Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free
reserves. Free reserves means all reserves credited out of the profits
and share premium account but does not include reserves credited
out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation
provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of Profit and
Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted
or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.
2. Other income shall not be considered for computing annual turnover.
3. “Holding Company" and “Subsidiary Company” shall have the
meaning ascribed to them as per Companies Act of India.
4. For amount in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on seven (7)
days prior to the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening shall be
6.0 Class-I local suppliers’/ ‘Class-I local suppliers and Class-II local suppliers’’ only
are eligible to participate in this tender, as defined in the bidding documents/ Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 and its subsequent
amendments/ revisions issued by DPIIT. The bidders may apprise themselves of the
relevant provisions of bidding documents in this regard before submission of their
Bids from ‘Class-I local suppliers’ as defined in the bidding documents/ Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 and its subsequent
amendments/ revisions issued by DPIIT shall be eligible for purchase preference.
The bidders may apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding
documents in this regard before submission of their bids."
7.0 Any ‘Bidder from a country which shares a land border with India’, as specified in the
Bidding Documents, will be eligible to bid in this tender only if bidder is registered
with the Competent Authority as mentioned in the Bidding Documents.
8.0 Benefits to MSE bidders are not applicable for this work. The bidders may
apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding documents in this
regard before submission of their bids.
9.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the Invitation
for Bids/NIT without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder /
intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
10.0 A complete set of Bidding Document may be downloaded by any interested Bidder
from https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app.Tender fee & Bid Security (in case of
offline payment) as mentioned above is required to be submitted in separately
sealed envelope at the address mentioned in the bidding document before
stipulated date & time of submission of bid.
Prospective bidders are compulsorily required to provide GSTIN number with
Tender Fee.
11.0 Issuance of bid documents to any Bidder shall not construe that such bidder is
considered to be qualified. Bids shall be submitted online and opened at the address
given below in the presence of Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend the
bid opening. Bidder shall furnish Cost of bidding document, Bid Security and Power
of Attorney separately offline/online as detailed in Bidding Documents by the
stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below.
12.0 Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased by one intending Bidder to another is not
13.0 Address for communication:
Sr.Manager/AGM (Contracts & Materials)
NTPC Limited, Western Region -I Shared Service Centre-Kawas,
Simulator Building, Kawas Gas Power Project,
PO: Adityanagar
Surat- 394516 (India)
Tel. No. : 0091-0261-2877988/ 0091-0261-2877991
Email: sunnyagarwal@ntpc.co.in / bnarasimha@ntpc.co.in
Websites: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app or www.ntpctender.com or
14.0 Registered Office
NTPC Limited
NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex,
7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road,
New Delhi 110003
Corporate Identification Number: L40101DL1975GOI007966.
Website: www.ntpc.co.in