Enquiry No.: 201300030
Sub: 336 kV polymer Surge Arrester for 400 kV Lines & Transformer
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
16: Surge arrester will be supplied with all standard accessories included surge
counter, insulation base, corona ring, grading ring, terminal clamp* suitable for
4” IPS tube as well as bi-moose conductor etc.
17: Surge arrester shall be capable of discharge on severer re-energization switching
surges on a 400 kV lines up to 450 km length with surge impedance of 300 ohms &
capacitance of 11.986 nF/km & over voltage factor 2.3 PU.
18: It is not the intent to specify completely herein, all aspects of design and
construction of equipment. Nevertheless, the equipment shall conform in all respects to
high standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of
performing in continuous commercial operation.
Type Test Requirements for Surge Arrester:
1: Surge arrester to be supplied shall be of type tested design. The Bidder shall submit
for RGPPL approval the reports of all the type tests as per IS/IEC. These reports
should be for the test conducted on the equipment similar to those proposed to be
supplied under this contract and the test(s) should have been either conducted at an
independent laboratory or should have been witnessed by a Client. These type test
reports should not be old more than 7 years from the date of bid opening.
2: However, if Bidder is not able to submit report of the type test(s), or in the case of
type test report(s) are not found to be meeting the specification requirements, the
Bidder shall conduct all such tests under this contract at no additional cost to the
RGPPL either at third party lab or in presence of RGPPL representative and submit
the reports for approval.
For inspection and testing (as per IS/IEC): The inspection and Routine / Acceptance
testing shall got be conducted in the presence of RGPPL executive as per stipulation of
the relevant standards. All the tests and Inspection shall be made at the place of
manufacturer unless otherwise especially agreed upon by the bidder and purchaser at the
time of purchase All charges of these testing will be deemed to be included in offered
cost of surge arrester.
1: *Agency will also supply the 6 No’s of terminal connector (suitable for 4” IPS tube) &
6 No’s of terminal connector (suitable for bi-moose conductor) for termination on surge
arrestor along with purchase order material. All cost will be inclusive in item cost.
2: Agency should fill & submit the attached data sheet.