Ref. No. RGPPL/C&M/CS-2914/OT-149 Date: 29.12.2020
Sub: Sale Disposal of abandoned Prefabricated Containers in RGPPL Housing
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
NIT / Tender Ref No.
RGPPL/C&M/CS-2914/OT-149 dtd. 29/12/2020
Sale Disposal of abandoned
Prefabricated Containers in RGPPL
Housing Colony
Last date of bid submission: 19/01/2021 15:00 Hrs
Bid Opening on: 19/01/2021, 15:30 Hrs
at RGPPL Site, Anjanwel, Ratnagiri, MH - 415634
Ref. No. RGPPL/C&M/CS-2914/OT-149 Date: 29.12.2020
Sub: Sale Disposal of abandoned Prefabricated Containers in RGPPL Housing
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Dear Bidders,
Please find enclosed one complete set of Tender Document for the cited work in the
following order, with a request to submit your Bid after necessary compliance:
General Guidelines
Instruction to Bidders & Terms and conditions
Forms and Annexures
Scope of work, Technical specifications and Special terms & conditions
Price schedule/BOQ/SOR
Single Stage Bidding (02 Envelope Systems)
A complete set of bidding documents may be downloaded from NTPC website &
RGPPL web site and submit the same by utilizing the downloaded document, along- with
required non-refundable tender fee.
If tender document fees amount is paid online, then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of tender fees in the envelope of Tender Fees. If bidder fails to submit the
same his/her offer may not be considered.
The EMD shall be made payable without any condition to RGPPL, the EMD shall be valid for the
period of seven (7) calendar months from the date set for the opening of the technical bids.
EMD of the bidder shall stand forfeited if he/she revokes or cancels his tender after submission or vary
any terms thereof without the consent of RGPPL within validity period of offer (07 months).
Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable security in a separate sealed envelope shall be
rejected by RGPPL as being non-responsive and returned to the bidder without being
No interest will be payable by RGPPL on the EMD.
Details of
RGPPL’s bank
Name of account Holder: - RATNAGIRI GAS & POWER PVT LTD
Account Number: - 11285480852 (Current Account)
Branch: - Chiplun (Maharashtra)
IFS Code: - SBIN0000350
MICR Code: - 415002865
It must consists of following:
a. EMD
b. Tender document Fee and
c. Supporting documents as per PQR mentioned in
tender document, viz license /
certificate(s)/reports (if any), Letter of
Undertaking, Certificate on important conditions
of bidding, technical offer, duly signed &
stamped our tender document and other
necessary documents as per tender document
Ref. No. RGPPL/C&M/CS-2914/OT-149 Date: 29.12.2020
Sub: Sale Disposal of abandoned Prefabricated Containers in RGPPL Housing
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Envelope-II Shall
consist of Price Bid
Date of opening of price bid shall be informed
separately to qualified bidders after evaluation of
technical bid.
Envelope &
The outside of the envelope should clearly indicate the Envelope no I or II, Name of
the Bidder and his Address. In addition, the left-hand corner of the envelope or
container should indicate the Name of the work, tender number, bid opening date
and time.
The Bidder has the option of sending the bid by Speed/Registered Post, in person
only. Bids sent through any other media may not reach us within the schedule time.
RGPPL takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents
within the stipulated date & time. Bids submitted by any other mode may not be
document fee
Rs. 1,328/- (Rs. One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Eight Only)
(inclusive of GST@18%)
Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD)/
Bid Security
Rs. 31,600/- (Rs. Thirty One Thousand Six Hundred Only)
form of EMD
Crossed Demand Draft (preferably from SBI) / Banker’s cheque / Banker’s Pay Order
(from Nationalized Indian Bank, as per list enclosed) drawn in favour of ‘Ratnagiri Gas and
Power Private Limited’, payable at Chiplun (Maharashtra).
Bidder may submit EMD amount through E-payment by Credit card / Debit / Net
If EMD amount is paid online then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of EMD in the envelope of EMD.
If bidder fails to submit the same his/her offer may not be considered.
NO MSE Exemption applicable.
Validity Period
6 (six) months from the date of issue of LOA (details in Section-III)
Default in
Details in Section-III
Integrity Pact
Not applicable
Any revision, clarification, addendum, corrigendum, time extension, etc. to the above tender will be
hosted on the & websites only and no separate notification
shall be issued in the press. Bidders are requested to visit the website regularly to keep themselves
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification (s) of the bidding documents may notify RGPPL
in writing or by fax or email at RGPPL's mailing address indicated in the bid document not later
than 05 (five) days prior to bid opening date. RGPPL reserves the right to ignore the bidders
request for clarification if received after the aforesaid period. RGPPL may respond in writing to
the request for clarification. RGPPL's response including an explanation of the query, but
without identifying the source of the query will be communicated to prospective bidders through
Ref. No. RGPPL/C&M/CS-2914/OT-149 Date: 29.12.2020
Sub: Sale Disposal of abandoned Prefabricated Containers in RGPPL Housing
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
For any queries, bidders may contact following personnel:
i. Shweta Verma, Manager (C&M)
Ph. No.: 02359-241134
ii. Dipak Patil, DGM (C&M),
Ph. No.:02359-241134
Offer consisting of any deviations with respect to any term & conditions of bid document shall
be liable to be treated as NON-RESPONSIVE and may be rejected.
Any other condition specifically mentioned in the tender document elsewhere that non-
compliance of the clause lead to rejection of bid
This is a NIL Deviation Tender
Tender Document must be sent through Speed / registered post / In person only.
Submission of tender document in any other shall liable for rejection.
Bidder should submit signed and stamped copy of complete tender document
along with the clarification/addendum/corrigendum (if any) along with the
technical proposal as an acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the tender
Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf
Encl: As above Manager