Stage II, NTPC-BARH, PATNA-803215 ON PAYMENT BASIS (First Come First Serve Basis).
General Information:
1. NTPC invites EOI from eligible and interested buyers of dry fly ash from Barh Super Thermal Power
Station, the Stage II Units (henceforth referred to as NTPC) as mentioned below:
Power Stations /
Fly Ash quantity
to be supplied
Period of Supply
Stage II Units
On “First Come
First Serve” and
"As Available"
01 year extendable to *2 more years subject to price
revision after each year as per the terms and
conditions of the recently awarded contract of dry fly
ash lifting at NTPC Barh.
2. Quantities allocated to parties shall be decided on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
3. Dry Fly Ash price shall be Rs 100/- per MT (exclusive of all GST & duties) on ex- silo basis. CPG (5 % of
total contracted value) in form of DD/RTGS/NEFT/BG has to be submitted by party.
4. The buyer(s) shall make arrangement for taking delivery in their closed bulkers from the designated
delivery points i.e. ash silo chute.
5. All terms and conditions shall be as applicable to existing contracts of Dry fly Ash lifting at NTPC Barh,
awarded by auctioning through MSTC whose Auction No. is as follows:
Auction No
MSTC/ERO/NTPC Ltd., Barh/1/PATNA/20-21/8680
The Bid document is attached for reference.
6. Interested parties may submit their interest in writing (format attached in Annexure I) with EMD via
online mode through RTGS/NEFT in the account of NTPC LTD. The account details are mentioned
Name of the Bank: State Bank of India
Branch Address: NTPC CAMPUS BARH, BARH, PATNA-803215,
Name of the account: NTPC Limited BARH
IFSC Code: SBIN0010085
Current Account No: 34011029016
EMD @ Rs 4/MT with minimum amount of Rs. 48000.00. Global EMD shall not be accepted. Buyer must
inform the details of the EMD to NTPC Barh.
7. Interested parties will also have to meet the Qualifying Requirements as mentioned in the Bid
Documents for Auction through MSTC, mentioned in point no. 5.
8. EMD shall be adjusted against CPG, after confirmation of CPG, or advance, as per request of the
agency. Non submission of CPG within 30 days of issuance of LOA date shall result in forfeiture of EMD
9. This notice is valid up to 27.01.2021 or till subscription of total quantity of fly ash, whichever is
10. It is notified for the information of the applicants that the submission of EOI is subject to the scrutiny of
NTPC Barh.
11. NTPC Barh reserves the right to withdraw this notice any time at own discretion without assigning any
12. For further information and details, please contact the following at NTPC Barh:
Shri Vishal Anand, Contact No. 7783866105, Email- vabanty@ntpc.co.in.
How to Apply:
Interested End Ash Users/Ash Traders willing to take dry fly ash from Silo, Stage II, NTPC Barh must submit
the following documents:
a. Expression of Interest (EOI), duly filled in the format attached in the Annexure I.
b. Undertaking of Utilization of Fly Ash in Cement, Construction or any other Ash Based Product /
Industry (format attached in Annex II).
The above documents has to be sent to the address mentioned below on or before 18.00 hrs, 27.01.2021:
Shri. Gorakh Nath Gupta,
Senior Manager- Ash Management,
Service Building II,
NTPC Barh, Patna-803215.
Contact No. 9650992328
Alternatively, scanned copy of the above documents may be send from your email address (as declared in
EOI format) to the email address below:
Email- vabanty@ntpc.co.in with cc to gorakhgupta@ntpc.co.in
Important Note: This announcement is not a commitment for fly ash tie-up/agreement.
Annexure I:
Format (EOI by Fly Ash End Users / Fly Ash Traders)
(On the Company’s letter head duly signed by Authorized Signatory with Company's Stamp)
EOI for taking fly ash from Silo, Stage II, NTPC Barh.
1. Name of the End Ash Users/Ash Traders: __________________________________________
2. Address : ____________________________________________________________________
3. Classification of the Company: Public Limited / Private Limited/ Partnership Firm
(Please tick as applicable) Others (please specify) ___________________________
4. Contact Details:
Name: _____________________________________________
Designation: ________________________________________
Tel No.: ________________________________ (with STD code)
Fax No: ____________________________________________
Mobile No.: _________________________________________
Email ID: ___________________________________________
5. Fly ash requirement on monthly/annual basis: ____________________________________MT
6. For End Ash Users, Area of utilization of Fly Ash: _____________________________________
7. For Ash Traders, Purpose (Area) for which Fly Ash will be supplied for Fly Ash Utilization:
8. EMD details are as follows:
Amount Transferred: ___________________________________
Date of Transfer: ______________________________________
Buyer’s Bank Name: ___________________________________
UTR no: _____________________________________________
Payment Type: ________________________________________
The information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. We have read all the terms
and conditions in the Notice inviting EOI dated ______________ published at NTPC Tender Website-
www.ntpctender.com and existing contracts awarded by e-auction (MSTC/ERO/NTPC Ltd.,
Barh/1/PATNA/20-21/8680). All terms and conditions are agreed upon.
Name of Authorized Signatory:
Designation of Signatory:
Name of Company:
Address of the Company:
Company Seal:
Annexure II
(On Official Letter head of the Company)
To, Date:
NTPC Barh,
Subject: Undertaking for Usage of Fly Ash in Cement / Construction / or other Ash based Product / Industry.
Dear Sir,
This is to certify that we, M/S ___________________________________________________________, shall
use fly ash in Cement Manufacturing / Construction / or other Ash Based Product / Industry, if fly ash is
being allocated to us, against the Notice inviting EOI dated _________________ published at NTPC Tender
Website- www.ntpctender.com.
Thanking you,
(Signature of authorized person)
(Name & Designation)
(Seal/ Stamp of Company)