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ii) The average annual cash accrual of the Bidder should not be less than INR 435 Million (Indian
Rupees Four Hundred Thirty Five Million only) or in equivalent foreign currency. The Bidder
must have a positive cash accrual in the last Financial Year out of the three consecutive
Financial Years considered by the Bidder.
b) Net Worth of the Bidder as on the last date of the last financial year out of the three consecutive
Financial Years, as proposed by the Bidder at clause 5.2(a) above should not be less than INR 2180
million (Indian Rupees Two Thousand One Hundred Eighty Millions) or in equivalent foreign
currency, which should be equal to or more than 100% of its paid up share capital.
c) The unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits with cash and bank balances
including fixed deposits of the Bidder as on a date not earlier than 15 days prior to the date of
Techno-commercial Bid opening, duly certified by its Bankers should not be less than INR 318 Million
(Indian Rupees Three Hundred Eighteen Millions) or in equivalent foreign currency. In case
certificates from more than one bank are submitted, the certified unutilized limits should be of the
same date from all such banks.
i) Where another Company of the Group acting as the Treasury Centre is responsible for Treasury
Management of the Bidder having combined credit/guarantee limit for the whole group, the Bidder
would be required to provide a Banker’s certificate regarding the unutilized line of credit for fund
based and non-fund based limits together with cash and bank balances including fixed deposits
available to such Treasury Centre. Further, Treasury Centre shall certify that out of the aforesaid
limits certified by the bankers, the Bidder shall have access to the line of credit of a level not less
than the specified amount at clause 5.2 (c) above. In proof of this, the Bidder would be required to
furnish along with its Techno-commercial Bid, a Letter of Undertaking from the Treasury Centre,
supported by a Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Holding Company, as per the
format enclosed in the bidding documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support
for the execution of the Contract by the Bidder in case of award.
ii) In case the Bidder’s unutilized line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits specified at
clause 5.2 (c) above is not sufficient, a comfort letter from one of the bankers specified in the
bidding documents unequivocally stating that in case the Bidder is awarded the contract, the Bank
would enhance line of credit for fund based and non-fund based limits to a level not less than the
specified amount to the Bidder or to the Treasury Management Centre as the case may be, shall
be acceptable.
The Bidder shall be either a single corporate entity or a consortium of up to three corporate entities and
may follow any one of the following routes;
5.3.1 ROUTE – 1
Bidder fulfils all the requirements at clause 5.1 & 5.2 on its own.
5.3.2 ROUTE –2
i. In case a Bidder does not meet the requirement of clause 5.1 & 5.2 above on its own, it can quote on the
basis of experience of its Subsidiary (ies) and /or Holding Company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding
Company. In such a case the consolidated experience of Bidder and its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding
Company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding company shall be considered, as applicable.
However, Bidder on its own should meet either Technical Criteria at clause 5.1, or financial criteria at
Clause 5.2 above.
ii. The Bidder, who meets the requirements of clause 5.2 on its own and meets the requirement of Clause
5.1 above based on the strength / experience of its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company and/or
Subsidiaries of its Holding company will be required to furnish a legally enforceable Joint Operating
Agreement (JOA) executed between the Bidder and its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company and/or
Subsidiaries of its Holding company extending experience / strength to the Bidder along with its Techno-
commercial Bid, valid for at least 5 years, which will have to be extended till such time the mine achieves
85% of the contracted capacity of the project, as per the formats enclosed in the bidding documents. The
number of executants of the JOA shall not exceed three including the Bidder. Further each of the
executants of the JOA other than the Bidder shall be required to submit a performance guarantee
equivalent to 1% of the estimated annual contract value towards the faithful performance of terms &