Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Supply, Installation and
Commissioning of CCTV
Surveillance system for security
and plant monitoring Purpose at
Last date of bid submission: 04/12/2020 15:00 Hrs
Bid Opening on: 04/12/2020, 15:30 Hrs
at RGPPL Site, Anjanwel, Ratnagiri, MH - 415634
Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Dear Bidders,
Please find enclosed one complete set of Tender Document for the cited work in the
following order, with a request to submit your Bid after necessary compliance:
Invitation for Bids & Qualifying requirement
Price schedule/BOQ/SOR
General Terms & conditions, Technical specifications and Special terms & conditions
Instruction to Bidders
Forms and Annexures
Single Stage Bidding (02 Envelope Systems)
A complete set of bidding documents may be downloaded from NTPC website www.ntpctender.com &
RGPPL web site www.rgppl.com and submit the same by utilizing the downloaded document, along with
required non-refundable tender fee.
If tender document fees amount is paid online, then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of tender fees in the envelope of Tender Fees. If bidder fails to submit the
same his/her offer may not be considered.
The EMD shall be made payable without any condition to RGPPL, the EMD shall be valid for the
period of seven (7) calendar months from the date set for the opening of the technical bids.
EMD of the bidder shall stand forfeited if he/she revokes or cancels his tender after submission or vary
any terms thereof without the consent of RGPPL within validity period of offer (07 months).
Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable security in a separate sealed envelope shall be
rejected by RGPPL as being non-responsive and returned to the bidder without being
No interest will be payable by RGPPL on the EMD.
Details of
RGPPL’s bank
Name of account Holder: - RATNAGIRI GAS & POWER PVT LTD
Account Number: - 11285480852 (Current Account)
Branch: - Chiplun (Maharashtra)
IFS Code: - SBIN0000350
MICR Code: - 415002865
It must consists of following:
a. EMD
b. Tender document Fee and
c. Supporting documents as per PQR mentioned in
tender document, viz license /
certificate(s)/reports (if any) and other
necessary documents as per tender document
Place of opening of tender:
C&M Dept, Ratnagiri Gas &
Power Pvt. Ltd., AT & PO:
Anjanwel, Taluka: Guhagar,
Dist.: Ratnagiri,
Maharashtra 415 634
Date of opening of price bid shall be informed
separately to qualified bidders after evaluation of
technical bid.
Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Envelope &
The outside of the envelope should clearly indicate the Envelope no I or II, Name of
the Bidder and his Address. In addition, the left-hand corner of the envelope or
container should indicate the Name of the work, tender number, bid opening date
and time.
The Bidder has the option of sending the bid by Speed/Registered Post, in person
only. Bids sent through any other media may not reach us within the schedule time.
RGPPL takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents
within the stipulated date & time. Bids submitted by any other mode may not be
form of EMD
Crossed Demand Draft (preferably from SBI) / Banker’s cheque / Banker’s Pay Order
(from Nationalized Indian Bank, as per list enclosed) drawn in favour of ‘Ratnagiri Gas and
Power Private Limited’, payable at Chiplun (Maharashtra).
Bidder may submit EMD amount through E-payment by Net Banking/BG (if EMD
amount is above INR 50,000-Format enclosed) etc.
If EMD amount is paid online then bidder must sent /submit / copy of documentary
evidence as proof of submission of EMD in the envelope of EMD.
If bidder fails to submit the same his/her offer may not be considered.
Integrity Pact
Not applicable
Any revision, clarification, addendum, corrigendum, time extension, etc. to the above tender will be
hosted on the www.rgppl.com & www.ntpctender.com websites only and no separate notification
shall be issued in the press. Bidders are requested to visit the website regularly to keep themselves
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification (s) of the bidding documents may notify RGPPL
in writing or by fax or email at RGPPL's mailing address indicated in the bid document not later
than 05 (five) days prior to bid opening date. RGPPL reserves the right to ignore the bidders
request for clarification if received after the aforesaid period. RGPPL may respond in writing to
the request for clarification. RGPPL's response including an explanation of the query, but
without identifying the source of the query will be communicated to prospective bidders through
For any queries, bidders may contact following personnel:
i. Amrita, Manager (C&M)
Ph. No.: 02359-241134
e-mail: amrita.sharma@site.rgppl.com
ii. Dipak Patil, DGM (C&M),
Ph. No.:02359-241134
e-mail: dipak.patil@site.rgppl.com
Offer consisting of any deviations with respect to any term & conditions of bid document shall
be liable to be treated as NON-RESPONSIVE and may be rejected.
Any other condition specifically mentioned in the tender document elsewhere that non-
compliance of the clause lead to rejection of bid
This is a NIL Deviation Tender
Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Tender Document must be sent through Speed / registered post / In person only.
Submission of tender document in any other shall liable for rejection.
Bidder should submit signed and stamped copy of complete tender document
along with the clarification/addendum/corrigendum (if any) along with the
technical proposal as an acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the tender
Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf of RGPPL
Encl: As above Manager (C&M)
Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
Qualification Requirement/Criteria
1. The bidder should either be a manufacturer OR authorized system integrator /
channel partner / dealer / distributor of IP based CCTV cameras and video
management software.
2. Offered combination of CCTV cameras and video management software should be
in successful operation for at-least one year (as on date of technical bid opening)
with a system of minimum 15 cameras at one installation.
3. The bidder should have executed any of the following within preceding seven (07)
years reckoned as on the date of technical bid opening
a. One similar work of value not less than INR 162.71 Lacs.
b. Two similar works of value not less than INR 101.70 Lacs each.
c. Three similar works of value not less than INR 81.36 Lacs each.
Similar work means ‘Supply, Installation & Commissioning of IP Based
CCTV Surveillance System
The word executed” mentioned above means the bidder should have
achieved the criteria specified above, even if the order has not been
executed fully.
In case of order under execution, the value of work executed till the date of
opening of technical bid as certified by the Client shall be considered.
4. The average annual turnover of the bidder in the preceding three (03) financial
years as on date of technical bid opening shall not be less than INR 203.39
Other income shall not be considered while computing annual turnover.
In cases where audited results for the last financial year are not available as
on the date of technical bid opening, the financial results certified by a
practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable.
In case, the bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from a practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results
of three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be
considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate
would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the
bidding documents stating that the financial results of the company are
under audit as on the date of technical bid opening and the Certificate from
the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not
5. The bidder should have valid PAN and GST registration.
6. Notwithstanding anything stated above, RGPPL reserves the right to assess the
capabilities and capacity of the bidder to perform the contract, should the
circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of RGPPL.
Enquiry No.: 201300025
Sub: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance system for
security and plant monitoring Purpose at RGPPL Site.
Corporate Identification Number: U40105DL2005 PTC138458
Registered Office : NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex 7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003
Noida Office : The Landmark, Second Floor, Plot No. A35, Sector 2, Noida-201301 (U.P), Tel: 0120- 4148900, Fax: 0120-4148913
Mumbai Office : Samruddhi Venture Park, 5th Floor, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400093. Tel: 022- 28216613, Fax: 022-28269057
Project Site : PO RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar, Distt. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) 415634, Tel: 02359- 241073, Fax: 02359- 241118
A. Sufficient documentary evidence as proof of being manufacturer in support of Para
1. In case of authorized integrator/dealer/distributor/channel partner, valid
authorization certificate from manufacturer is to be provided.
B. Copies of Letter of Award / Work Order shall be submitted in support of Para 2
above along with Completion Certificate / Performance Certificate / any other
document clearly establishing number of cameras and successful operation period.
C. Copies of Letter of Award / Work Order shall be submitted in support of Para 3
above along with Completion Certificate / Performance Certificate / any other
document clearly establishing value of executed work and completion period.
Certificate from Client as described under notes of Para 3 shall also be provided
wherever required.
D. Copies of audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account Statement confirming
the turnover for preceding three financial years shall be submitted in support of
Para 4 above. Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant or CEO/CFO as
described under notes of Para 4 shall also be provided wherever required.
E. Copy of PAN Card and GST Registration Certificate in support of Para 5.
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
Work Service Enquiry
Enquiry No. & Date
M/S ()
Contact Person Name :
Mobile :
E-Mail :
Tender Fee
Vendor Details :
Enquiry Details :
Others Details :
Bid Opening Date & Time
Last Submission Dt. & Time
201300025 & 10-11-2020
04-12-2020 & 3:30 PM
04-12-2020 & 3:00 PM
Exemption Note
Bid Type
Domestic Competitive
Bidding / Single Stage Two
CIN No. U4010SDL2005PTC138458
1.0 Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
Mob. - 02359-241134
e-mail - amrita.sharma@site.rgppl.com
1. BOQ-Annexure-I
2. General Terms & Conditions
3. Scope of Work
4. Special Terms & Conditions
5. Instruction to Bidder
6. Forms & Annexure
7. Other T&C (If Any)
For & On Behalf of RGPPL
Thanking You
4.0 One authorized representative of the bidder may remain present during the bid opening on the due date, time & venue.
5.0 You may send your offer through speed post / Reg. Post/In person, well in advance to cater postal delays. (Presently no courier is providing their services in this area).
6.0 You are requested to immediately acknowledge the receipt of this enquiry through e-mail to amrita.sharma@site.rgppl.com
In anticipation of your prompt response
3.0 Yor Are requested to go thoroughly to all annexure of this tender document before submission of tender document. You have to sign all pages of this tender document along with all
annuxure as a token of acceptance of terms & condition of tender.
Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt. Ltd. Here-in-after called RGPPL invites you to submit your lowest bid for items mentioned in "Annexure-I" and in accordance with the enclosed terms &
conditions of Work service enquiry. The quotation to be put in a sealed envelope super scribed as "WORK SERVICE ENQUIRY NO. 201300025 DATED 11/10/2020 with BOD
04/12/2020 and to be submitted in C&M Department within the date & time mentioned above. Bids received shall be opened at 3:30 PM same day. The bids should be submitted in
accordance to above mentioned conditions/Terms.
2.0 Dear Sir.
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
1. Bill Of Quantity (ANNEXUE-I)
Evaluation Prodedure : Package
Unit Rate in Figure
GST Rate on
Item (%)
Item Code HSN Code/
Unit Rate (InWords)
Total Amount in Figure :Including
Total Amount (In Figure)
Supply of Material(LOT
is lot)
LOT 1.000 1
Installation and
comissioning(LS is
Lump Sum)
LS 1.000 2
AMC(NO is number)
NO 3.000 3
Important Notes for Price Schedule / SOR / BOQ :
1. In the event of discrepancy between the rate given by the bidder as described in words and that stated in figures , the description in Words shall prevail.
2. Applicable GST is payable extra. Quoted rates shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties & levies, Except GST. No Post BID request shall be entertained.
3. Rates to be quoted both in figures and words. In case, the rate is not quoted in words, RGPPL reserves the right to reject the bid.
4. In the event of an error occurring in the amount column of Price Schedule as a result of wrong extension of the unit rate and quantity, the unit rate shall be regarded as firm and extended Price shall be amended on the basis of
the unit rate.
5. Agency shall clearly mention the taxes, duties & levies applicable over their quoted rates, in case nothing is mentioned, quoted rates shall be construed as inclusive of all taxes, duties & levies. No Post BID request shall be
entertained. As regard to income tax, Surcharge on Income-Tax and any other corporate Tax, owner shall not bear any tax liability & as per the provisions of the Indian laws, owner shall deduct Income -Tax at source from all
the payments to be made to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Indian Income-Tax law as applicable from time to time and deposit the same to the concerned Government authorities.
6. These bidding documents together with all its attachments / enclosures thereto, shall be considered to be read, understood and accepted by the bidders. The certificate of Nil Deviation shall be submitted by the bidder.
7. The BOQ indicated is as envisaged. However, the executions of all the quantities in BOQ are not binding to RGPPL.
8. Increase or decrease in execution of BOQ will not affect the price of quantity executed.
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
2. General Terms & Conditions
Name of Company/Firm with complete address on
which order is to be place and GSTIN(Copy of GST
Certificate to be Submitted) :
Please inform whether your company is : MSME/NSIC/SSI (Copy of Valid Certificate to be Submitted)
Contract Period: 181 Days
Payment Terms : - Supply Payment: 50% of PO value (except Sr. No 03 of BOQ) will be released after receipt and successful inspection of the materials as detailed
in the PO and Terms and Conditions at RGPPL site .
Installation & Commissioning Payment: 30% of PO value (except Sr. No 03 of BOQ) will be released after successful installation, commissioning of
the network after certified by EIC.
System Handing Over Payment: 10% of the PO value (except Sr. No 03 of BOQ), after P&G / ATP Test, certification of the supplied system and
handing over the system to the RGPPL.
Final Payment: 10% of PO value (except Sr. No 03 of BOQ) will be released after submission & confirmation of PBG .
Comprehensive annual maintenance contract:
• Payment shall be made on quarterly basis after the quarterly visit is completed and against the submission of original invoice.
• The quarterly payment shall not be more than 1/4th of the awarded amount AMC for that particular year (year will be calculated from the date of
start of AMC).
Variation : As per GCC
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
1. Work / Project Completion Schedule:
A. Completion Period: Supply, Erection and Commissioning: 181 days from date of issue of LOA/LOI whichever is earlier. (Till Hand over to
B. Warranty & AMC : One year warranty & Three years AMC
2. Warranty: One year from the handover of the system and certified by EIC.
3. Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC): Comprehensive 3 (Three) years from the end of Warranty.
4.1 The bidder shall furnish an unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee for 10% of total PO value (without quoted AMC value) in
favour of RGPPL from an Indian Nationalized Bank towards faithful performance of the project in acceptance to the specification and
conditions of the order and the bid document. The performance guarantee shall be kept valid till the completion of AMC period plus 3
4.2 The above guarantee shall be submitted by the bidder within 30 days from the date of issue of Purchase Order .
5. This is being a turnkey key project shall be awarded on a single party for technical compatibility & reliable operation of surveillance
6. This is a being turnkey project, the successful bidder has to ensure the supply of all necessary items for successful installation and
commissioning of the equipment’s and network media , whether it is exclusively mentioned or not.
7. The bidder must furnish complete information asked for in this document. The bidder has to comply explicitly with all the clauses
mentioned in this document. If there is any deviation that should be separately indicated. Unfilled and incomplete information may lead to
the rejection of the bid.
8. The cable laying and other installation work shall be done in systematic way .
9. All Cameras supplied under this project are to be preferably of same make. The bidder should ensure that all offered active devices are
compatible to each other and should not hamper the completeness of system., bidder will ensure that the cameras can be monitored
through mobile app also. All wireless links should be of same make.
10. All passive network components (fiber & structure cabling) should preferably be of single make.
11. Any item exclusively not mentioned in BOQ, but required for successful completion of the project are to be supplied at no extra cost.
The price of the same may be included in the corresponding equipment/ system.
12. The technical specification provided in Annexure – A, is the minimum requirement. Any product / material having better or higher
features shall always be technically acceptable.
13. It will be the responsibility of the Bidder to submit the name of the person who will be solely responsible for execution of the job till the
‘Handing Over’ of the System. The Bidder representative will be available at RGPPL site every day, till the handing over of the system, free
of cost. The bidder’s representative address and contact telephone numbers shall also be indicated in the bid.
14. RGPPL reserves the right to delete any part of supply or execution of this Project without assigning any reason.
15. RGPPL can give repeat order for supply and execution of any item mentioned in Purchase Order, however total value of such order
shall not be exceeding 50% of total value of the PO to be awarded through this offer.
16. The bid price of all the network devices mentioned in the BOQ should be inclusive of any of the accessories or tools required to make
the equipment fully functional.
17. RGPPL also reserves the right to postpone or cancel the whole of this Purchase order without assigning any reason.
18. Wherever a material or article is specified or described by the name of a particular brand or manufacturer, the specific item mentioned
shall be understood to be indicative of the function and quality desired , and not restrictive , other manufacturers' products may be
considered provided sufficient information is furnished to enable RGPPL to determine that the products are equivalent or better to those
named and are complying with RGPPL technical specifications and other requirements.
Terms and Conditions :
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
3. Technical Specification
Scope Of Work :
RGPPL will receive bids in respect of the IP Camera Based Surveillance System to be supplied and commissioned as set forth in the technical specifications. The bids shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the
instructions in this document. Failure to submit the bids in accordance with Instruction in this document is likely to result in bid becoming liable for rejected without further commercial evaluation.
This document is meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this specification and shall not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than for which it is specifically issued.
Proposed layout of CCTV System has been enclosed in Annexure – C. Bidders are required to study the layout, distances involved and also make site visit before bidding.
The scope of work under this specification is divided into two three parts:
Part A: Supply of IP Camera based surveillance system components and accessories.
Part B: Installation and Commissioning of IP Cameras, Software’s, Network Switches, Radio / wireless links , PVC / HDPE / GI conduit pipes, OFC / STP structured cabling, etc
Part C: Warranty & Annual Maintenance Contract of the supplied and commissioned System.
It is intimated that compliance in respect of the information detailed below is must. Otherwise, offer is liable to be rejected at any stage of bidding process.
3.1.0 This specification provides for Manufacture, Assembly, Quality Check, Factory Inspection, Packing, Supply, Transportation, Transit Insurance, Local delivery, Receipt, Unloading, Handling, Storage at site, conducting
cabling Civil work, Installation testing, commissioning of the equipment/ System supplied by Bidders and also include Documentation, Training of RGPPL Personnel. Warranty and AMC of the Equipment’s to be supplied and
commissioned as mentioned in Annexure-B.
3.1.1 The vendor’s responsibility shall include but not limited to supply all the active & passive components, other Hardware and Software items mentioned in Annexure-B as per details given in Technical Specification
Annexure A and / or agreed upon, after final bid evaluation. Any additional material (cables, interfaces, part of the equipment etc.) not exclusively mentioned in the BOQ, but required for successful installation and
operation of the supplied network equipment, are in the scope of the vendor.
The vendor should provide the access of the following functions also such as Trip wire, Intrusion detection, Virtual fencing etc.
3.1.2 Name Plates, Rating Plates, and labels:All the equipment supplied under this project, should bear manufacturer’s name, equipment name, model no., part no., and serial no., different relevant rating and working
ranges engraved in a non-corrosive material plate attached permanently to the equipment or engraved on the equipment itself. Wherever applicable, in critical equipment the brief operating instructions and drawings should
be engraved / attached to the equipment.
3.1.3 Packing: All equipment and materials supplied against this project shall be suitably protected, covered in water proof packing and the packing should be strong enough to prevent damage or deterioration during transit
handling and storage at the site till the time of final commissioning. The vendor shall be responsible for any storage due to improper packing.
3.1.4 Transportation & Insurance: All transportation, transit insurance required for supply and commissioning of the supplied system are to be arranged by the vendor and no extra cost shall be paid for the same by RGPPL.
Any damage to the material and system supplied through this project till the handover of the system shall be the responsibility of the vendor and insurance (if any) required to mitigate the risk shall be borne by the vendor.
3.1.5 Reference Standards: All equipment supplied under this project shall be in accordance with latest applicable recommendations, regulations, and standards of:
International Consultative Committees for Telephones and Telegraphs (CCITT).
International Standard Organization (ISO).
International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR).
International Electro – Technical Commission (IEC)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Indian Standards (IS).
Commits International Special Des perturbations Radio electiques (CASPR).
For parameters not covered under the above codes, internationally acceptable standards shall be accepted. The bidder shall furnish a complete list of all standards and codes, under which his equipment is designed,
manufactured and assembled in his bid.
3.1.6 Reliability: The reliability of the equipment offered should be high and field proven. Reliable and dependable components and solid-state devices should be used. The bidder shall indicate the MTBF and MTTR figures for
various equipment with analysis and indicate the overall system reliability and availability figures.
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
The equipments supplied should operate without any deviation in quality or degradation of system performance and all the parameters mentioned should be guaranteed over in the following environmental conditions:
Operating Temperature : 0 degree C to 50 degree C
Humidity : 10 to 90% RH or better .
3.1.7 Safety: Safety and protection of personnel during normal operation and maintenance or through malfunctioning of any equipment in the station, shall be provided as integrated feature of design , manufacture and
installation, Adequate protection shall be including EMI radiation, high voltages etc. The bidder in his offer shall furnish the details of EMI standards met by his equipment and safety features built in. The successful bidder
has to adopt proper safety aspect as per RGPPL and other industrial norms and ensure safety of his personnel and others during erection, installation and commissioning of the system. The party will remain solely
responsible for any mishap due to non – compliance of any of the safety procedures.
3.1.8 Power Supply:RGPPL shall provide Non UPS 230 V (+/- 10%, single phase, 50 Hz , AC) single power source in each Node and Sub Node only. It will be the vendor’s responsibility to ensure multiple power connectivity,
conversion of power from AC to DC if required. The power supply unit shall have output over voltage / short circuit / over voltage / input reverse polarity protection. Reliable over voltage and over current protection circuits
should be in built in power supply units of the equipment. The power supply units should be self-protecting and protect connected equipment against conducted interference, noise, voltage dips and surges and impulses that
may be present in the power supply sources
3.1.9 Control & Monitoring: For operation and maintenance and checking health of the surveillance system, adequate alarms, controls and monitoring facilities should be provided.
3.2.1 One set of documentation (hard copy), which shall include general description of the equipment operating instruction manual, detailed manual configuration and installation manual, trouble shooting and maintenance
manual, information regarding operating ranges, safety instructions, default settings etc. should be furnished along with the supply of the materials for all the system/ sub system and equipment as mentioned in BOQ
3.2.2 Two sets of configuration details of Cameras , switches, network schematic drawings, OFC layout drawings with location of route marker, drawings of the STP cabling with numbers at I/O end and jack panel end,
location of jack panels, I/O location, location of the switches / hubs / routers / servers, ferruling details, building wise drawings of cable routing network performance, individual system/ sub system performance , to be
furnished in form of a documented hardcopy handbook along with the Acceptance / P&G Test.
3.2.3 All these information / manuals are also to be provided in soft copy in a CD/DVD/Pen drive
3.3 Availability of Spares
3.3.1 Vendor has to provide a certificate from the OEM of the active devices (Cameras, Wireless link Equipment, Video Management software, Recording Equipment, servers) for guaranteed availability of spares for a
minimum period of ten years from the date of acceptance of the material.
3.3.2 In exceptional cases, in case of unavailability of spares alternative products for the purpose of maintenance will be considered without compromising the quality, reliability and performance of the system will be
considered to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge.
3.3.3 It will be the responsibility of the vendor to provide all the commissioning spares including the consumable spares like indicating lights / lamps , diodes’, fuse required for initial operation till the commissioning and
hand over of the system to RGPPL.
3.4.1 The successful bidder shall submit quality plan / test procedures for all the items to be supplied and for installation and commissioning and testing in align with quality plan provided from RGPPL. The quality plan shall
set out the practices, procedures, relevant standards and acceptance level for all components of the system. This plan shall be finalized after mutual discussions and approved by RGPPL.
3.4.2 Pre- Dispatch Inspection: All equipment covered under this specification shall be subjected to inspection and testing by RGPPL prior to dispatch. No material / equipment shall be dispatched from Manufacturer’s factory
/ work unit, until the same have been satisfactorily inspected, accepted, and duly authorized for dispatch by RGPPL by way of issuance of Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC).
The Test procedure for testing of all material as per approved Quality plan shall be provided by the vendor in advance for approval .
In certain cases where it shall not be feasible to test all the parameters / desired specification, vendor shall provide the factory test report of the material with prior consent of EIC.
3.4.3 Clearance for Dispatch of Material by RGPPL will not however prejudice the right to reject the equipment if it does not comply with these specifications at a later stage.
3.4.4 Site inspection: After all the material are received at the site, RGPPL will inspect these equipment to ascertain that these are the same material, which had been given clearance at the vendor’ factory / premises, there
is no damage during transportation.
4. Execution (Part-B)
4.1 Scope of Installation & Commissioning
4.1.1 This is a turnkey project. All tools, tackles, testing instruments etc. as required during transportation testing and commissioning etc., shall be provided by bidder at no extra cost to RGPPL for completing the scope of
the work as per this specification. The vendor shall undertake all testing and commissioning activities and shall provide all assistance during inspection and acceptance testing by the RGPPL. The vendor shall furnish along
with his offer a list of the facilities and the other necessities required by his, if any, for site preparation etc. The vendor shall be fully responsible for unpacking, uncrating, inspection, installation and commissioning of the
equipment including cabling, civil work etc. for full implementation of the network for which the RGPPL shall provide the required space at his premises. The vendor shall have to arrange on his own all testing equipment and
tools required for maintenance and make his own transport arrangements. The vendor shall also submit complete documentation / as built drawings of the network implemented, preferably on CD/DVD ROM and also as
hard copy covering total cable layout , ferruling, labeling of cables and node point details at both ends(towards switches and on camera end).
4.1.2 System Design and Engineering: The Supplied system should be such that it should meet the requirements of long term trouble free operation with highest degree of reliability and performance.
All the equipment shall be able to operate safely without overheating, vibration, wear and tear, corrosion, electromagnetic interference or similar problems. If any special precautions are to be taken in order to avoid these,
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
the same has to be clearly spelt out by the vendor.
The system must have flexibility of future expansion and maintainability without much hassle.
4.1.3 System Life: The system should be designed for continuous operation of 24 hrs./day, 365 days/year , in an industrial environment. The design life of the system should be a minimum of 15 years and this should be
achievable through normal and regular maintenance without major system disintegration or substitution. All types of spares and spare modules of the equipment supplied be made available during life time of the system for
maintenance, repair and up keep of the equipment
4.1.4 Design Improvements and Future Expansion: The IP Camera Based surveillance system implementation has to be done in such a way that it should give flexibility of system design improvements and future expansion
The future expansion shall be conveniently achievable by modular expansion without doing any major modification.
4.1.5 Laying of Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) /STP in Outside Building Area: The tentative path for optical fiber has been shown in Layout drawing Annexure D. The actual path of OFC has to be determined during site survey
/ execution time. The approximate fiber optic path length is about 9 Kms. Utmost care has to be taken during erection not to damage the OFC , but incase of damage of any core, the entire segment has to be replaced
without any cost implication to RGPPL.
4.1.6 The Laying of the optical fiber cable can be in one of the following modes / ways.
I. Directly buried under ground through suitable size of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) pipes of suitable size.
II. Directly buried under ground through suitable size of G.I. pipes (40 mm dia GI for single cable & 60 mm dia GI for double Cable prefeably).
III.Running through existing cable trench / duct after running through HDPE Pipe.
IV. Running through Cable trestle through HDPE Pipe.
V. Wall clamping of OFC through HDPE Pipe.
4.2 Underground Laying of OFC through HDPE
4.2.1 The underground laying of OFC or armored STP, through HDPE pipe of suitable size depending on the no. of cores and no of cables, has to be done in a trench to be made by digging.
4.2.2 The depth of the trench will be about 105 cm. from the ground and the width of the duct should be sufficient enough to accommodate a worker stand inside the trench and work. The minimum width of the trench
should be 30 Cms.
4.2.3 The method of laying the cables underground involves , digging a trench in the ground laying the cable in HDPE pipe on a bedding of soft earth of 5 Cms, covering the cable with a layer of 15 cm sand , placing a brick
lining centrally over the soft earth covering and finally filling up the trench and compacting. When stone contains appreciable amount of stones or pieces of rock, sieved soil arranged from elsewhere may be used for bedding
and covering below the layer of brick.
4.2.4 There should be minimum 9 10 bricks per meter length of the trench and sand filling. If pipes at the road crossing have already been laid, the depth of the trench may be adjusted to bring the cable in line with the
opening of the pipes.
4.2.5 Wherever gradients are encountered, the slope of the trench should be gradual and the vendor should ensure that the bending of the OFC doesn’t exceed the bending limit specified by the manufacturer of the fiber
optic cable. The line of trench should be straight as far as possible and all sharp bends whether vertical or horizontal should be avoided.
4.2.6 The minimum bending diameter of the cable should not exceed that prescribed by the manufacturer and a standard should be followed for the whole implementation.
4.2.7 The joining in the HDPE pipe should be avoided as far as possible. Wherever there will be a joining, the coupling should be proper and watertight. Wherever there is a bending a proper coupler should be used to give
the desired bending to the pipe
4.2.8 Route marker has to be fixed along the route of the fiber optic cable buried underground at every 25 Mts. Distance. The route marker should be made of 6” x 6” rectangular iron plate of 0.5” thick on which “IT-OFC
Cable” should be engraved. This plate should be welded with 3feet long iron bar having fiber coated free end.
4.3 Underground Laying of OFC through GI pipe
4.3.1 The underground laying of OFC or armored STP, through GI pipe of suitable size (40 mm for single cable and 60 mm for double cable ), has to be done in a trench to be made by digging. The whole of procedure for
laying the optical cable through GI pipe will be same as the procedure for laying optical fiber through HDPE pipe except the following:
• The depth of the trench will be about 75 Cms..
• Wherever there will be a joining, the coupling should be proper and water tight. Wherever there is a bending a bend steel coupler should be used to give the desired bending to the pipe.
Wherever gradients are encountered, the slope of the trench should be gradual and the vendor should ensure that the bending of the OFC doesn’t exceed the bending limit specified by the manufacturer of the fiber optic
cable. Same gradual gradient of trench has to be followed whenever there is a change of laying fiber optic cable from GI pipe to HDPE pipe or HDPE pipe to GI pipe.
In all road / cemented structures/ culvert crossings GI pipes has to be used compulsorily. Where to use GI pipe and where to use HDPE pipe will be decided during time of the execution taking into account the terrain
4.4 OFC Cable Laying through existing Trench / Ducts
Whenever the cable has to go through the existing cable trench / duct, the cable shall be brought up to duct / trench as a buried cable and should be placed on the cable trench while observing followings:
• While putting the cable in the trench / duct and whenever bending of the cable is required for changing the direction, it should not exceed the standard bending limit of the fiber prescribed by the manufacturer.
• Cable should be laid in GI pipe / HDPE and as farther as possible from the power and signal cables.
• Wherever the ducts/trenches are covered with concrete slabs or other covers the scope of work includes the removal of the covers for cable laying and fixing it in original position.
The cable should be marked with foil marker (which is in the scope of contractor). The foil marker should be made of 2” x 1.5” aluminum foil on which “Fiber Optic-IT Dept” should be engraved. The thickness of the foil
should be 2 mm and should have two holes at two ends for putting the lying wire.
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
4.5 Wall Clamping of OFC
• Whenever wall clamping of cable is required, cable should run through GI / HDPE pipe up to 2/3 meters above ground level and than through HDPE pipe. Or as per the EIC instruction.
• Clamping should be made on each 1 meter of distance by “U” clamp. GI / HDPE pipe at duct /trench inserting point should be properly fixed/ grouted.
4.6 OFC through Road / Concrete / Culvert Crossing
4.6.1 • Whenever there is road, cemented, concrete or culvert crossing has to be made the OFC has to be laid only through GI pipe of suitable size.
Whenever the cable crosses road / cement the trench have to be refilled and made original as it was earlier.
Road / cement slab, trench depth shall be 30 Cms depth and 30 Cms in width.
Whenever a culvert crossing is needed a higher dia of GI pipe may be provided and a 40 mm dia of GI pipe may be inserted for laying of fiber cable.
Both end of the culvert, the higher size of GI pipe shall be grouted before inserting 40 mm GI pipe for fiber cable.
4.6.2 OFC on cable Tray: The cable on the tray should be marked with foil marker. The foil marker should be made of 2” x 1.5” aluminum foil on which Fiber Optic-IT Dept should be engraved. The thickness of the foil
should be 2 mm and should have two holes at two ends for putting the lying wire.
4.6.3 Fiber Termination: The fiber optic cable has to be terminated near the switch or at a different desired place depending on the system design in the fiber patch panel or the LIU box with proper connectorisation. The
fiber input has to be connected to the switch through appropriate fiber port. All the cores (used/unused) of fiber optic cable are to be terminated in the LIU Box with proper capping. This work included splicing (jointing) is in
the scope of contractor.
4.7 If the vendor opts for laying of Fiber cable through HDPE /GI pipe by boring technique , same shall be allowed at the same rate and shall be done as per standard BSNL / DOT practices.
4.8 Wireless Link: All installation, commissioning & Testing activities shall be executed by vendor including civil & mechanical work along with material. Wireless link shall operate on free ISM band (Free of cost) as per
guidelines of WPC India.
• The STP Cat -6 patch panels as per the requirement shall be fixed in 19” rack (27 U / 6 U). The 6U rack should be firmly fixed to the wall/Pole. All civil work required for this will be in the scope of the vendor.
The Cat- 6 cable should run through PVC conduit of specified dia, wherever it is laid on false ceiling. It will be run through PVC casing or wall mounted PVC casing as the situation may warrant, near the information outlets
and patch panels.
If number of wires are going in the same direction specially areas near switch, hub or terminal server, than bigger size of conduit & casing has to be used depending on the numbers of wires going in that direction. Hence
size and quantity of conduit shall very depending on the actual requirement. The quantity shown in BOQ is indicative only and shall be taken for bid evaluation. However vendor should quote for different sizes and quantity
of conduit & casing which are likely to be used.
The PVC conduit should be clamped to wall/ tied to the channels on false ceiling with a distance as per the requirement but not exceeding 30 Cms . The clamps should be fixed to wall with help of appropriate size of
• The work area outlets or junction boxes should be provided at appropriate locations for end node connections.
• The successful bidder has to provide the details of conduit and casing requirement at different sizes before the start of work.
• Each of the information outlet box should be painted with “I/O no : xxx” by the vendor , where xxx is the node no.
STP at switch end are to be numbered systematically with use of ferrules/cable lable for ease of tracing the cable. Similarly both end of STP has to be numbered at LAN Switch end and I/O node end. These number
scheme and cable routes have to be clearly reproduced in documentation.
• Civil work and other related works to execute the project will be in the scope of vendor.
• Where the distance of PTZ camera to Node/Sub node is more than 80 meters, 06 Core OFC and Power cable will be laid. Where the distance is less than 80 meters, only STP cable will be laid.
4.10 Training
4.10.1 The successful Bidder shall conduct different training programmes, free of cost to educate the RGPPL personnel at RGPPL Site
4.10.2 The first training shall the Product Awareness Training and then operation, configuration & maintenance related trainings. It should cover all the hardware supplied, related S/W, H/W, network equipment, NMS,
configuration of active components like cameras, Video management software, switches wireless links etc. The training has to be imparted by an expert in the field of surveillance and having sufficient product knowledge of
the supplied material. In case of non availability of in house trainer, the same should be hired from the OEM / any third party expert in the field. This training shall be of 06 days duration for minimum Four RGPPL
4.10.3 The training course shall be structured and supported by programmed illustrations, video, charts, appropriate training course material etc. The training shall be imparted by experienced personnel only. The Bidder
shall provide extensive lecture notes handouts and other training documentations.
4.10.4 Any confusion in the duration, kind, location and mode of training will be sorted out mutually based on above but Engineer – in – charge’s say shall be final in this regard.
4.10.5 The cost of training shall be borne by the vendor
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature
(Promoters : NTPC Ltd. & GAIL India Ltd.)
201300025 & 10-11-2020Enquiry No. & Date Subject - Installation of CCTV Survillance system for secuirty and Plant Monitoring purpose at RGPPL Site
4.11.1 Acceptance / P& G Test
a) The Bidder shall include a comprehensive write up to cover the acceptance test as proposed to be conducted. The intent of the acceptance test shall be to demonstrate that the supplied system performs all the functions
as indicated in the Technical Data Sheets correctly and reliably. The write up / procedure for performance test shall be subjected to Owner’s approval.
b) On completion of installation and commissioning of the system by the vendor and before commissioning each item of the system and the integrated system as a whole shall be thoroughly inspected and tested by the
RGPPL for the correctness and completeness of the installation and the acceptability. For this vendor would be required to submit all the test report that will be asked for and demonstrate any feature or configuration as per
the specification.
c) The vendor shall conduct performance and guarantee test within 30 days or as mutually agreed after successful installation and commissioning of the supplied System. This test shall include testing of all sub systems
individually for the acceptance level of various parameters for system reliability, availability and maintainability.
d) The system can be handed over to RGPPL only after completion of Acceptance / Performance & Guarantee Test.
e) The acceptance test shall include all reasonable exercises which the combination of the equipment, the software and different configuration that can be expected to perform in actual uses. The network system shall be
considered to be down if any portion of the system or sub system is not functioning satisfactorily. RGPPL has the right to reject the system and ask for the replacement if so deemed necessary if the network system fails this
4.11.2 Availability Test
a) After successful completion of performance test, availability test shall be conducted for minimum 90 days continuously. The % availability shall be defined as percentage:
100 (Test Duration Time – System Outage Time) / Test duration Time.
The test duration time shall be exclusive of external power failure time , OFC cut if any happen but will include failures of UPS , Network Switches and spike busters that has been supplied as a part of this Project.
b) The availability shall be worked out daily and shall be checked on a cumulative basis. Thus, if the available time on 2 consecutive days is x and y hours respectively and test duration time is a and b hours respectively,
then the availability to be reckoned at the end of 2 days is 100 (x + y) / (a + b). During the 90 days of continuous testing, if this cumulative availability is less than 99% then the continuous test shall be repeated from the
next day and the process repeated until 99% cumulative availability is achieved over a continuous period, to be mutually decided.
c) The system shall be considered to be down if any switch, any network segments are down or if a segment or the whole of the network is working in a degraded mode.
Should the down time of any sub – system exceed 2% of the total time (i.e. 4 calendar days per half year) the following shall be applicable:
i) For downtime exceeding 4 days but less than 12 days – liquidated damages at the rate of one half per cent of cost of the sub – system per day or part thereof in excess of 4 days.
ii) For downtime exceeding 12 days the owner reserves the right to reject the equipment and recover all the costs and paid for the same to the vendor.
iii) However, if the system does not meet the availability criteria laid down as above within the stipulated days, the system shall be treated as rejected and it will be the responsibility of the bidder to remove the rejected
system from owner’s site within 15 days and provide for its replacement. However, the replacement system shall be subjected to tests / inspection. The bidder shall replace the system or sub system within 6 weeks of the
direction to that effect from the owner. However, the rejected system shall be allowed to be removed only on receipt of replacement system.
4.11.3 Handing Over: The system shall be handed over to the RGPPL, by vendor after successful completion of site acceptance test to the satisfaction of the RGPPL. The warranty of the system shall start with effect from the
date of hand over of the system.
1 ) 7715120081 - Supply of Material
Supply of material for CCTV survillance system for secuirty and plant monitoring purpose at RGPPL site -serial No. 1-46 of Annexure B of attached Technical Specifications
2 ) 7715120124 - Installation and comissioning
Installation and comissioning of CCTV servillance system for secuirty and Plant monitoring system at RGPPL site. Serial No. 47-51 of Annexure B of attached Technical Specifications
3 ) 7715120072 - Comprehensive AMC
Comprehensive AMC for CCTV installed at RGPPL site. Serial No. 52 of Annexure B of attached Technical Specifications
Tel - +91-2359 - 241104,241134,241133,241012
RGPPL SITE Post RGPPL Anjanwel, Taluka Guhagar Ratnagiri-415634 Maharashtra
Vendor's stamp & Signature