Tender Fee (DD/BC in original), Bid Security (EMD) (DD/BC/BG in original)
are to be submitted offline in sealed envelope within the bid submission
date and time to the address: SSC-C&M, ER-I HQ, Barh, NTPC Ltd, PO- NTPC
Barh,Dist- Patna,Bihar - 803215. Bidders may send those offline documents
through their authorised representative for speediest submission in tender
box of ER-I SSC C&M dept, Barh.
It may be noted that Scanned copy of original DD/BC/BG attached in GePNIC,
will not be considered a valid Tender fee / valid EMD document.
Further, bidder may opt for paying of EMD and Tender Fee in online through
GePNIC portal which is the convenient option.
i) Technical & price bid to be submitted in online only in relevant GePNIC
ii) Any online bids without acceptable {Tender Fee} and {EMD}/ (in
online/offline mode, whichever is applicable as per above) will be
considered as non-responsive bids and will be liable to be rejected,
hence will not be opened.
iii) Online acceptance of GTE in GePNIC (General Technical Evaluation) will
be treated as bidder’s “unconditional acceptance” towards NIL
deviation certificate as attached as file name:
Till 31.12.2020, some relaxation in submitting Cost of Bidding Documents and
Bid Security(EMD) is provided as mentioned in the bidding Documents.
Exemptions being extended to Government of India Institute/Establishment/Organisation :
IIMs/IITs/NITs/IISc./CBRI/CPRI/GSI/CWPRS/CWC and other Govt. Institutes/agencies (excluding
PSUs) are also exempted from submission of EMD.
5.0 "NTPC shall allow purchase preference, as indicated in the bidding documents, to
bids from local suppliers as defined in the bidding documents. The bidders may
apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding documents in this regard
before submission of their bids."
Note: For details of “Requirement of Purchase Preference” may please
refer to “Annexure-I to BDS”
Techno Commercial bid is to be submitted in the e-procurement portal of
NTPC(GePNIC). It is suggested that the bidder may fill the techno commercial bid
well in advance to avoid last minute problems/rush in the system.