4.0 All the bids must be accompanied by Tender Fee and Bid Security (EMD). Any bid not
accompanied by an acceptable Tender Fee and Bid Security (EMD) in a separate
sealed envelope or submitted online shall be rejected by NTPC Limited as being non-
responsive and will not be considered for opening.
5.0 Qualifying Requirements: -
The bidders who wish to participate in the bidding shall satisfactorily establish that they fulfill the following
Qualifying Requirements.
5.1 Technical Criteria
5.1.1 The Bidder should be a MSE vendor
5.2Financial criterion
NIL for MSME vendor
Notes for clause 5.1.1 above
The word “executed” means the bidder should have achieved the criterion specified in the Qualifying
Requirements, even if the total contract is not completed/ closed. In case contract(s) is under execution as on
the date of techno-commercial bid opening, the value of work executed till such date will be considered
provided the same is certified by the employer.
6.0 The bidder shall have to submit the following documents in support of meeting the QR
along with their bid:
6.1 The bidder to submit documentary evidence in support of Clause 5.1 of QR.
8.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/ withdraw IFB for the subject
package without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/
intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
9.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested bidder
directly through NTPC e-procurement portal, https://eprocurentpc.nic.in . For logging in
to the e-tender website, the bidder would require user ID and password which can be
created at NTPC e-tender website by themselves and same has to be informed to
concerned package co-ordinator.
10.0 Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased by one intending bidder to another is not
11.0 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is
considered qualified.
Note: No hard copy of Bidding Documents shall be issued
12.0 Address for Communication:
AGM (C&M)/ DGM (C&M)
NTPC Limited, SSC WR-II (Sipat),
Samaveshi Bhawan,
PO: Ujjwal Nagar, NTPC Sipat,
Bilaspur (C.G.) India, Pin- 495555