Biennial Contract for Running Maintenance, Breakdown &
Overhauling of TG & Auxiliaries for NTPC Sipat STPS, Stage-
I (3x660 MW) & Stage-II (2x500 MW) for the years 2020-
(This Document is meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this bid Document No. /
Specification and shall not be Transferred , reproduced or Otherwise used for Purpose other than that
for which it is specifically issued).
"NTPC shall allow purchase preference, as indicated in the bidding documents, to bids from local suppliers as
defined in the bidding documents. The bidders may apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding
documents in this regard before submission of their bids."
1.0 NTPC Ltd , WR-II , Shared Service Centre -Sipat invites online bids on SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE
BASIS (i.e Cover-I : Techno-Commercial Bid & EMD and Cover-II : Price Bid) from Eligible bidders for
aforesaid Package as per the Scope of Work briefly mentioned herein after :
2.0 Brief Details :
Name of Work
Biennial Contract for Running Maintenance,
Breakdown & Overhauling of TG & Auxiliaries for
NTPC Sipat STPS, Stage-I (3x660 MW) & Stage-II
(2x500 MW) for the years 2020-2022
Source IFB/NIT WR-II , SSC-Sipat , Contracts Department
Mode of Tendering Open Tender with Single Stage Two Envelop
NIT No. 9900208978
Estimated Cost (INR) 286.24 Lakhs
Contract Classification SERVICE CONTRACT
MSE BENEFIT in Award/Tender
( For detail kindly refer
clause no.31
ITB & Clause no. 40 of SCC for applicability of the
( For detail kindly refer clause no.3
ITB-Section-II & Annexure-I to NIT for applicability of
the benefits.)
NIT Publish date
Refer GEPNIC Portal for all the
critical dates
Document Download Commencement
Date & Time
Technical & Price Bid
Submission End date & Time
Technical Bid Opening Date &
Cost of Bidding Document in INR
INR 2,250/- (inclusive of GST@18%)
Bid Security/EMD INR 5,00,000/-
Tender Fee & EMD Exemption Allowed / Not Allowed
Price Bid Opening Date & Time
Shall be intimated to qualified bidders after evaluation
of Techno-Commercial Bid through e-mail or telephone.
Completion Period
24 Months
Reverse Auction
Not Applicable
As per Provision of bidding Documents , the bidders shall submit online , Techno
Commercial Proposal in Cover
Type Technical and "Price Proposal" in Cover Type Price(in excel file) , within the bid submission date & time as
mentioned above on e-tendering portal https://eprocurentpc.nic.in. Only Technical Bid will be opened on the bid
opening date as mentioned in GEPNIC portal first.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downl
oaded directly from the GEPNIC portal by following the link
: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in or www.ntpctender.com or www.ntpc.co.in & entering the Tender ref no as :
NTPC/SipatSTPS/9900208978 or may contact AGM(SSC-Sipat-C&M)/ Manager(SSC-Sipat-C&M) , NTPC LTD ,
Shared Service Centre Sipat , WR-II , Office, PO:Ujjawal Nagar , Bilaspur , Chhattisgarh, India , Pin : 495 555 on
Telephone No. : 07752-246514. E-mail : dhananjaymohapatra@ntpc.co.in , reshusingh@ntpc.co.in or at office.
3.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded directly from the GEPNIC portal
by following the link i.e (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app) & entering the Tender ref
no : as NTPC/SSC - WR-II(Sipat)/9900208978
While submitting the bid for the subject work , upon successful E-payment on the Gepnic portal
for Tender fee and EMD, an e-receipt shall be issued to the bidder by the system, a copy of
which is to be upload by the bidder in the "Fee Cover" as document towards e-payment of EMD
& Tender Fee.
Tender Fee is non-refundable & No claim in this respect will be entertained.
Tender Fee can be submitted online only through E-payment on the NTPC e-tender GEPNIC
First time users not allotted any vendor code are requested to approach NTPC at least ten
working days prior to Document download close date and submit the Following :
a) For Creation of Vendor Code:
i) Request letter on company's letter head of the bidder
ii)Copy of GST Registration , PAN No.
iii)valid E-mail-ID
iv)Address Proof
v)Cancel Cheque & EFT Form(to be verified by bank)
Note : Format of E.F.T(Electronic Fund Transfer) Form is attached along with tender document.
b) For registration in GEPNIC (Govt. Eprocurement National Informatics Center)
i) Go to site : https://eprocure.nic.in/nicgep/app
ii) Click on Online Bidder enrollment & fillup your details
iii)Send the copy of registration in Gepnic at following Address
Ms. Reshu Singh
E-mail : reshusingh@ntpc.co.in
4.0 Detail Scope of Work & Other specified detail of "
Biennial Contract for Running Maintenance,
Breakdown & Overhauling of TG & Auxiliaries for NTPC Sipat STPS, Stage-I (3x660 MW) & Stage-II
(2x500 MW) for the years 2020-2022 " Please refer Tender Documents"
The bidders who wish to participate in the bidding shall satisfactorily establish that they fulfill the following
Qualifying Requirements.:
The bidder should have executed similar work, as per the following during the preceding
seven (07) years reckoned as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening:
a) Executed value not less than Rs. 127 Lakhs in a Single Contract
b) Executed value not less than Rs. 80 Lakhs in Two Contracts each
c) Executed value not less than Rs. 64 Lakhs in Three Contracts each
Notes for clause 5.1.1 above:
i. ‘Similar work’ shall mean any of the following:
a) Contract which includes Maintenance and/or Overhauling of 'Boiler Feed Pump(s) /
Condensate Extraction Pump(s)' and 'Valve(s) having pressure seal arrangement', for a
Thermal Power Plant comprising of 200 MW or higher size Unit(s).
b) Contract which includes 'Erection & Commissioning' and/ or 'Overhauling' of Main Turbine
for a Thermal Power Plant comprising of 200 MW or higher size Unit(s).
ii. The word “executed” means the bidder should have achieved the criterion specified in the
Qualifying Requirements, even if the total contract is not completed/ closed. In case
contract(s) is under execution as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening, the value of
work executed till such date will be considered provided the same is certified by the
5.2 Financial Criteria :
5.2.1 The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on
the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening, shall not be less than Rs. 159 Lakhs (Rupees
One Hundred and Fifty Nine Lakhs only).
In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial sta
tements on standalone entity
basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder can be considered
acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following further documents on substantiation
of its qualification.
Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along with
copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
A certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company as per the format enclosed
in the bid documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements
form part of the consolidated annual report of the company.
5.2.3 In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno Commercial
Bid Opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing Chartered
Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate
from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results
of three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for
evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate would be required from the
CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the financial
results of the Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial Bid Opening
and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial
parameters is not available.
Notes : Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
6.0 Techno-Commercial Bid (i.e Technical Bid & Price Bid ) Submission - COVER-I/COVER-
This is an E-tender case and bidders shall submit bid (i.e Technical Bid & Price Bid) in ONLINE
ONLY. Bids sent in physical form thru any other means /media is not at all acceptable and it may
be liable for rejection.
Documents Required for Technical Bid Submission
TENDER FEE of INR 2,250/-(inclusive of GST@18%)
: To be submitted online in GEPNIC
Portal only by means of NEFT/RTGS/Net-Banking and the copy of "challan/acknowledgement slip" of
payment to be uploaded in Fee Cover i.e Cover-1 on the portal.
Any techno-commercial bid not accompanied by an acceptable EMD in separate sealed envelope shall
be rejected by NTPC Ltd, SSC-WR-II-Sipat as being non-responsive and will not be considered for
EMD of INR 5,00,000/-
: To be submitted online in GEPNIC Portal only by means of
NEFT/RTGS/Net-Banking and the copy of "challan/acknowledgement slip" of payment to be uploaded
in Fee Cover i.e Cover-1 on the portal.
Any techno-commercial bid not accompanied by an acceptable EMD in separate sealed envelope shall
be rejected by NTPC Ltd, SSC-WR-II-Sipat as being non-responsive and will not be considered for
If bidder's want to submit Bid Security/EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) then following
procedure is to be adopted :
To be submitted in sealed envelope in Physical Form/ Offline within the scheduled period. Any
techno-commercial bid not accompanied by an acceptable EMD in separate sealed envelope shall be
rejected by NTPC Ltd, SSC-WR-II-Sipat as being non-responsive and will not be considered for
Opening. (* Format for BG, Please refer to Section-VII , Forms & Procedure). Note : Above sealed
envelope must be super scribed with NIT No. 9900208978 , Date of Bid Opening , Sender's Name and
Address with Cell no.
In case of Bidders opting for Bank Guarantee as Bid Security but unable to send the Original Bank
Guarantee in physical form at the tender opening location, following shall be applicable:
(I) The issuing bank shall intimate through their own official e-mail id to concerned C&M department with
a copy to Bidder regarding issuance / extension of BG along with following documents:
(a) The scanned copy of the BG.
(b) SFMS message acknowledgement copy sent to NTPC banker stating the date of
(c) An undertaking through official e-mail id of bank as per format enclosed at
Annexure-A to this document.
SFMS message must be sent to the Employer’s bank whose details are :
Bank Name
SME Branch, Bilaspur (04177)
Bank Address
State: Chhattisgarh
SFMS confirmation shall be obtained by NTPC from Employer’s bank with regard to issuance of Bank
Gurantee before award.
(II) Bidders shall be required to upload the scanned copy of the BG on
GepNIC portal.
Note: The aforementioned stopgap arrangement is a temporary measure and shall be
effective till fifteen days (15) beyond the end of the lock-down period notified by Central
Government / respective State Governments / any other Government Authority.
The Bid Security shall remain valid for a period of Forty five (45) days beyond the original Bid
validity period or beyond any extension in the Period of Bid validity subsequently requested i.e.
for a period of 225 days in case of bid validity for 180 days from the date of opening of the
tender and for a period of 135 days in case of bid validity for 90 days from the date of opening of
Techno-commercial offer.
(* Format for BG, Please refer to Section-VII , Forms & Procedure).
NO hard copy of the DD/BC against EMD other than BG will be accepted to NTPC LTD for
the subject Tender.
BENEFITS TO MSEs : Bidders who are registered with Micro and Small Enterprises
(MSEs) are exempted from paying Tender Fee & EMD with valid certificate duly
issued by government authority. No other type of certificate is acceptable (Refer
clause no.31 of ITB , Sec-II of the Bid Document for detail)
To avail the MSE benefit , Bidders need to upload the valid MSEs exemption
certificates in GEPNIC portal duly signed in "Fee Cover".
"Udyam Registration Certificate" for being a MSE shall also be acceptable in
addition to the list of documents mentioned at clause no.31 of ITB (Sec-II of the
Bid Document).
The existing enterprises registered prior to 30th June,2020, shall continue to be
valid only for a period up to the 31st day of March, 2021.
Note : Please upload only the attested/Self Certified/digitally signed copy of MSE
certificate in GEPNIC Portal.
: During the submission of Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid,
Bidders are required to accept All Common Contract Attribute as GTE’ while submitting the bid
online on GePNIC website as acceptance of the compliance to the complete terms, conditions and
Technical Specifications of Bidding Documents and Amendment(s)/ Clarifications(s) (if any).
If a Bidder has ticked the following attribute as YES under the GTE TAB in GEPNIC Portal :
Do You Certify Full Compliance to all provisions of Bid Document " “
Then it will be deemed that the bidder has submitted and accepted ‘Nil Deviation Certificate’ along
with the quotation.
Without the aforesaid certification bidders will not be allowed to submit their offer.
The certification shall also be considered as Bidder's confirmation that any deviation to the
Provisions of bidding document found anywhere in their Bid Proposal, implicit or explicit,
shall stand unconditionally withdrawn, without any cost implication whatsoever to the
Employer, failing which the bid security shall be forfeited.
Hence , Bidders are requested to accept the aforesaid compliance online in GEPNIC
portal under GTE tab which can be considered as Bidder's Confirmation and Acceptance
against NIL DEVIATION FOR THE SUBJECT PACKAGE. No need to upload the
document separately.
Following documentary evidences should be uploaded
online duly signed : "Pre-Qual Cover "
Duly Filled and Signed Attachment-3 :
The reference Plants/ Orders/ declared in
, shall only be considered
for evaluation/establishing compliance to Qualifying Requirement (QR). Any
reference Orders declared more than as specified above shall not be considered
for evaluation/establishing compliance to Qualifying Requirements.
(* Format for Attachment-3, Please refer to Section-VII , Forms & Procedure).
Following documentary evidences should be uploaded
online duly signed : "Technical Cover "
QR documents comprising of credentials (i.e Copy of work orders/LOAs/agreements and
completion certificates/ proof of completion ) as per qualifying requirements mentioned in Point
Up to date copy of Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet of last three financial Years duly
audited by Chartered Accountant (2021-2020 , 2020-2019 , 2019-2018).
Declaration of Percentage of Minimum Local Content :
(For detail please refer
Annexure-I to NIT)
To be uploaded online as per format enclosed in the Bidding Document , Section-
VII , Forms & Procedures Attachment no. 14 duly signed.
This Declaration regarding local content as per the NTPC's format is required , for granting of
purchase preference to the bidder. In case a bidder does not submit the aforesaid declaration or no
value is indicated by the bidder or statement/any declaration like ‘later’, ‘to be furnished later’, ‘NA’
etc. are indicated by the bidder against value/percentage of local content, then the bidder shall not be
considered as a local supplier and shall not be eligible for any purchase preference. No further claim in
this regard shall be entertained by NTPC.
Copy of Independent PF registration Certificate
Copy of GSTIN Registration Certificate
Copy of Income Tax PAN No. Certificate
Name and address(es) of the sole proprietor/partners/board of directors and memorandum of articles of
association/photocopy of the partnership deed/affidavit for proprietorship.
Copy of registration with Central Govt./State Govt./Public Sector/Undertaking if any applicable
Details of Manpower (Technical/Non Technical) and Tools & Plants.
B) Documents Required for Price Bid Submission :
Finance Cover
In Cover-IV of the GEPNIC portal , bidder's are requested to upload only the filled
BOQ (Bill of Quantity) excel sheet provided. The bidder shall quote the prices taxes
etc as asked for.
Bids not accompanied by the requisite Tender Fee/Earnest Money Deposit/EMD
exemption certificate in accordance with the aforesaid provisions mentioned above
shall be rejected by the employer as being Non-responsive and shall be rejected
without being opened as per ITB clause no. 14.4.
7.0 Bidder's have to accept all the templates mentioned under the GTE tab of GEPNIC portal before successful
submission of the bid.
8.0 PRICE BID of the Bidder’s will only be opened if there TECNICAL BID is substantially responsive to all the T&C of
the Bidding Document (or as mentioned above) inline with clause no. 23.1 of ITB (Section-II) of the Bidding
9.0 Corrigendum, if any, shall be done at our e-procurement portal (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app) only.
No Queries from Bidders, whatsoever, shall be entertained by the Employer beyond the last date of receipt of Queries
as specified in GEPNIC portal.
10.0 Technical Bid / Price Bid of the Bidders who have not submitted requisite amount of EMD & Tender Fee (in
form specified above If Applicable) or without valid EMD Exemption certificate & valid acceptance of NILL
DEVIATION Clause in Gepnic portal shall not be considered.
11.0 NTPC Ltd shall not be liable for loss/non-receipt/late receipt of EMD & Tender Fee (if applicable) in
postal transit. No claim in this respect will be entertained. However, NTPC reserves the right to accept or reject
late/delayed EMD & Tender Fee . No interest will be payable by the Owner on the said amount covered under
EMD/other security documents.
12.0 Offline Offer will not be accepted to NTPC for the subject tender. No claim in this respect will be
13.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT for the subject package without
assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of
such action.
14.0 NO Hard Copy of Bidding Documents shall be Issued & also Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased
by one intending bidder to another is not permissible.
15.0 ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION : In case of any difficulty for tender submission , below mentioned officer(s)
may be contacted :
Dhananjay Mohapatra
2. Reshu Singh
Telephone 07752-
246547 07752-246514
Fax 07752-246755
E mail ID
Shared Service Centre-WR-II , Sipat , Office, PO : Ujjawal Nagar ,
Bilaspur , Chhattisgarh, India , Pin : 495 555
Format of Undertaking
(To be sent by Issuing Bank through official e-mail id)
From: xxxbank@xx.in
To: xxxx@ntpc.co.in
We have issued BG No.__
for an amount of Rs.
on behalf of
in favor of
towards Bid Security / EMD for Tender No
Please find enclosed the soft copy of the Bank Guarantee and SFMS acknowledgement.
The SFMS is sent on
We undertake to send the original BG to
directly once postal / courier services are restored and that NTPC’s claim will be binding
on us
without the physical copy.
We undertake not to cancel the aforementioned BG No.
instruction from NTPC Ltd.
(Name of bank Official) Authority No.
without written consent
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