Rs. 4375.32 Lakh + GST extra
Cost of Bidding Documents in INR
9,000/- ( Niine Thousand only)
The period of Contract shall be as under:
Pre-Bid Conference Date & Time
As per provisions of Bidding Documents, the Bidders shall submit “Techno-
Commercial Proposal” and “Price Proposal” online
(, within the bid submission date and time
as mentioned above. Only Techno-Commercial proposals will be opened on the date
and timed mentioned above.
Note: For any corrigendum and extension of date of bid submission, please visit the
IV. All bids must be accompanied by Tender Fees (Cost of Bidding Documents), Bid
Security (EMD) and Integrity Pact. Bid Security (EMD) (in case of BG) shall be
submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid submission
closing date and time at the address given below. Integrity Pact shall be submitted
online in ‘Fee Cover’ of Online Portal as per instruction mentioned in BDS. Any bid
without an acceptable Tender Fees (Cost of Bidding Documents), Bid Security and
Integrity Pact shall be treated as non-responsive and shall not be opened. For detail
please refer BDS Clause No.9.0,11.0 & 13.0.
V Micro and Small Enterprises (herein after referred as MSEs) registered with District
Industries Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or UDYAM or Khadi
and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation or
Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act 2006, for goods produced
and services rendered, shall be issued the bidding documents free of cost and shall be
exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit.
It may please be noted that Government of India vide it’s MSME Notification S.O. 2119
(E) dated 26th June 2020, has reclassified MSME, w.e.f. 1st July 2020. Bidders are
advised to apprise themselves regarding benefits available to MSE Enterprises under
notifications/clarifications of GOI issued in this regard from time to time. Further,
Bidders attention is also invited to OM 16(1)/2016-MSME Pol. (Pt. IV) dated 31.07.2019
issued by Office of Development Commissioner (MSME), Policy & Governance Division
(attached at Annexure-II to BDS) regarding investment in ‘Equipments’ under the
category of ‘Service Enterprises’.