NIT No.: RGPPL/C&M/PURCHASE/OT-64 Dt 10.09.2020
Sub: “Procurement of Scaffolding Pipes & Accessories”
(Seal & Sign of the Bidder’s Authorized Representative)
Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt. Ltd. Page 7 of 58
Site Office: At & Post: Anjanwel, Tal: Guhagar, Dist.: Ratnagiri -415634, Maharashtra, India.
Tele fax: 02359 241012, Tel- 02359 241104, 241012 email:
Tenders will be opened in the presence of Authorized representative of Bidders if they
present themselves. They should come with authorization letters.
Each of these instructions must be read carefully and followed strictly. Failure in complying with
any of these would render your offer liable for rejection.
“The offer should be in sealed envelope and preferably be sent by Register Post/Speed
Post (At present Courier services are not available here). Intending bidders are
advised to post their offer well in time so as to reach us before bid due date and time.
Offers sent through courier / by hand shall not be accepted if presented after the due
date and time of submission of bids. The offers should be duly signed and stamped on
each page by vendor otherwise it would be liable for rejection”.
1) Offer (preferably typed) addressed to Manager (C&M) at below mentioned address must
be submitted.
Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt. Ltd.,
AT & PO: Anjanwel,
Taluka: Guhagar,
Dist.: Ratnagiri,
Maharashtra – 415 634
2) The NIT No., bid due date, tender fee and details of earnest money deposit (EMD) should
be super scribed on the envelope, failing which the offer may be rejected.
3) Generally, RGPPL expects the offer directly from the seller considered for issue of
purchase enquiry. However, offer submitted through their Authorized distributor
authorized stockiest
authorized dealer/ Sister concern/ Channel Partners etc. is also
acceptable to us provided a separate & specific letter communicating the same is
submitted to our office in advance i.e prior to last date of submission of bid.
4) In case of change in name and address of the bidder on account of merger /acquisitions
or for any other reasons, copies of documents in support of same is to be submitted
separately in the form of fax / e-mail / courier / post before Bid opening date.
5) The quoted unit rate must be written in both figures and words (in capital letters). In
case of any discrepancy between figures and words, the rates in words shall be
considered for purpose of evaluation.
In no case there should be any overwriting. Alterations if any should be made clearly by
crossing the corrections should be attested by the tenderer with their full signature and
rubber stamp.
6) Offers shall be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of requisite Value as
specified, in a separate envelope failing which the offer is liable for rejection.
7) The earnest money will be forfeited on revocation of tender before the expiry of validity of
the tender or on refusal to enter into the contract after award is made by RGPPL to the
tenderer within the validity period of offer.
Small scale Industries registered with the National Small-scale Industries Corporation
shall be exempted from the payment of Earnest Money Deposit / Tender fee. Tenderers
seeking exemption should enclose a photocopy of valid registration certificate
preferably attested by Gazette Officer / Magistrate 1
Class, giving details such as
validity, stores and monetary limits, failing which they run the risk of their tenders being
passed over as ineligible for this concession. SSI units in the State registered in
Maharashtra state for the tendered items are also entitled for exemption of EMD.