Bidder shall be required to submit a performance guarantee equivalent to 1% of the estimated
annual contract value towards the faithful performance of terms & conditions contained in JOA as
per the format specified in the bidding documents. These performance guarantee(s) shall be in
addition to the Contract Performance Guarantee to be submitted by the Bidder as per bidding
documents and shall be kept valid and operative till 90 days after the expiry of the validity of JOA.
iii.The Bidder who meets the requirements of clause 1.1 on its own and meets the requirement of
clause 1.2 based on the strength / experience of its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company
and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding company will be required to furnish along with its Techno-
commercial Bid, a Letter of Undertaking from the Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company and/or
Subsidiaries of its Holding company, supported by Board Resolution of such company(ies), as per
the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support
for the execution of the Contract by the Bidder in case of award. The number of such Subsidiary
(ies) and/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding company lending
strength/experience to the Bidder shall not exceed three including the Bidder.
iv.Net worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company and/or subsidiary(ies) of
its Holding Company, lending strength /experience to the Bidder for meeting Technical or Financial
Criteria, in combined manner, should be equal to or more than 100% of their total paid up share
capital,as on the last date of the last financial year out of the three consecutive Financial Years,
considered by bidder for meeting Financial Criteria. However,net worth of the Bidder and its
Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company and/or Subsidiary(ies) of its Holding Company, seeking
qualification under this Route,as on the last date of the last financial year out of the three
consecutive Financial Years, considered by Bidder for meeting financial criteria, should not be less
than 75% of their respective paid up share capital individually.
1.3.3. ROUTE –3 (Consortium)
i. Bidder may be a Consortium of up to three corporate entitiesand should collectively meet
the requirement of technical criteria mentioned at clause1.1 above. In this case, requirement of
clause 1.1(b) should be met by at least one of the consortium partners.
ii. All the Consortium members shall select one of the members as the “leader” who should
meet on its own financial criteria mentioned at clause 1.2 above.
iii. Net worth of all the consortium members in combined manner, as on the last date of the last
financial year out of the three consecutive Financial Years, proposed by Bidder for meeting
Financial Criteria, should be equal to or more than 100% of their total paid up share capital.
However, net worth of each member of the consortium excluding the leader, as on the last date of
the last financial year out of the three consecutive Financial Years, considered by Bidder for
meeting Financial Criteria, should not be less than 75% of their respective paid up share capital
iv.Each member of the consortium should meet either
a. At least 20% of the technical criteria at clause 1.1(a)i.e 2.6Million BCM of aggregated
volume of overburden and/ or coal/ lignite from a maximum of seven open cast mines of
Coal / Lignite, in any year. However the total number of mines to be considered for meeting
the technical criteria at clause 1.1 collectively by all consortium members shall not exceed
b. At least 20% of the Financial Criteria mentioned at clause 1.2.1 above.
v.In this route, none of the consortium members will be allowed to draw any technical or financial
strength from its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding Company.
vi. Each of the Consortium members will be required to furnish a legally enforceable
Consortium Operating Agreement (COA) along with Techno-commercial Bid holding themselves
jointly & severally responsible and liable to NTPC to perform all contractual obligations, valid for the
entire period of contract, as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents. The number of
executants of the COA should not exceed three.