5.2 Financial Criteria of bidder:
5.2.1. The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial
years as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening, shall not be less than Rs.
199 Lakhs (Rupees One Hundred and Ninety Nine Lakhs only).
5.2.2 In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on
standalone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the
bidder can be considered acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following
further documents on substantiation o its qualification:
*Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along
with copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
*A certificate from the CEO/ CFO of the Holding Company as per the format
enclosed in the bid documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial
statements form part of the consolidated annual report of the company.
5.2.3 In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of
Techno Commercial Bid Opening are not available, the financial results certified by a
practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is
not able to submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its
financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years
preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial
parameters. Further, a certificate would be required from the CEO/ CFO as per the
format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the financial results of the
Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial Bid Opening and
the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial
parameters is not available.
Notes ( i) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
6.0 A
complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested Bidder
and cost of the documents (non-refundable) as mentioned above may be paid in the
form of a crossed account payee demand draft in favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at
SIPAT/BILASPUR (C.G.) and same may be submitted online (as per BDS) or along
with the Offline bid (Physical bid) (as per clause 17 of ITB). For logging on to the
etender Site, the bidder would require user id and and Password which can be
created at our etender and inform the same to concerned package co-ordinator. First
time users not allotted any vendor code are required to submit documents like PAN
Card, Address proof and GST registration etc for issue of vendor code.
Note: No hard copy of Bidding Documents shall be issued
0 Issuance of Bidding Documents to any Bidder shall not construe that such Bidder is
considered to be qualified. Bids shall be submitted online and opened at the address given
below in the presence of Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend the bid opening.
Bidder shall furnish EMD and Tender Fee to be submitted by the bidder offline/online
as detailed in Bidding Documents by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at
the address given below.