Reverse Auction Not Applicable
As per provisions of Bidding Documents, the Bidders shall submit “Techno-
Commercial Proposal” and “Price Proposal” online
(, within the bid submission date and time
as mentioned above. Only Techno-Commercial proposals will be opened on the date
and timed mentioned above.
Note: For any corrigendum and extension of date of bid submission, please visit the
IV. All bids must be accompanied by Tender Fees (Cost of Bidding Documents) and Bid
Security (EMD). Bid Security and Tender Fees (in case paid in modes other than on-
line payment) shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the
stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below. Any bid
without an acceptable Tender Fees (Cost of Bidding Documents) and Bid Security
shall be treated as non-responsive and shall not be opened.
V. Qualifying Requirements for Bidders:
The bidder should have executed the work(s) of ‘civil construction and/or civil
maintenance and/or civil renovation’ of building(s) within the preceding seven
(7) years prior to the date of Techno Commercial Bid Opening, meeting the
following criteria:
(i) Single order having executed value of above work(s) not less than Rs.
70 Lakh.
(ii) Two orders having executed value of above work(s) not less than Rs.
44 Lakh each.
(iii) Three orders having executed value of above work(s) not less than Rs
35 Lakh each
Executed value towards Associated electrification, plumbing & sanitary
work shall also be considered for calculation of executed value of work for the
purpose of QR
The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial
years as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening, should not be less than
Rs. 88 Lakh (Rs. Eighty Eight Lakh only).
2.2 In case a bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated above on its
own, its Holding Company would be required to meet the stipulated
turnover requirements above, provided that the net worth of such Holding
Company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to
or more than the paid-up share capital of the Holding Company. In such an
event, the bidder would be required to furnish along with its Techno-
Commercial bid, a Letter of Undertaking from the Holding Company,
supported by the Holding Comp
any’s Board Resolution as per the format
enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable
financial support for the execution of the Contract by the Bidder in case of
In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on