4. Issuance of bid documents to any bidder shall not construe that such bidder is considered to
be qualified.
5. The Bids not accompanied with the requisite EMD or with Bid Security of inadequate value or
EMD / Bid Security is in unacceptable form shall not be entertained and in such cases bids shall
be rejected by the Owner as being non-responsive and returned to the bidders without being
6. Notwithstanding anything stated above, NTPC reserve the right to assess bidder’s capability
and capacity of the bidder for carrying out the supplies and the decision of NTPC in this regard
shall be final.
7. NTPC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or full including
rejection of any request for issue of tender documents, alter the quantities or split the order
without assigning any reason thereof.
8. Bid Security shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline Or paid online mode
available at e-tendering portal by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time
at the address given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security shall be treated as non-
responsive by the employer and shall not be opened.
9. Bidders have to submit bids on line on the NTPC e- tender Portal
(https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/). Single stage, two envelope bidding system will be followed for
the subject package. Technical & price bids shall be submitted on line before expiry of Bid
Submission Date. Offline documents (Like Tender Fee, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/BID
Security & any other document specified in SPC) should be submitted/ reached at NTPC
FARIDABAD before expiry of Bid Submission Date, as detailed here under:
(i) Envelope-1 (Marked as Tender Fee & EMD) must contain Tender Fee, Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD)/BID Security & any other document specified in SPC (Special Purchase Conditions).
(ii) If required, Envelope-2 (Marked as QR) copy of documents in Support of meeting qualifying
requirements/Q.R. documents, which can not be up – loaded on line. (Price Bid or any price
related information is to be uploaded in the price bid portion of the e-bid portal only).
10. Envelope-1 (Marked as Tender Fee/EMD/Bid Security) shall be opened first and contents of
this envelope shall be checked before opening of the Technical Bid/Envelope- 2 (Marked as QR).
Technical Bid/Envelope-2 (Marked as QR) of only those bidders whose Tender Fee/ EMD/ Bid
Security are found valid & acceptable, will be opened. If the bidder qualifies as per the QR and
terms & conditions of NIT, their price bid shall be opened on the scheduled date as notified in
NIT or on the date to be intimated after evaluation of technical bids.
*Note: If Tender fees and EMD / Bid Security is paid online than payment details
(acknowledgement number, UTR etc ) should be intimated through email also to any of the
tender inviting authority
11. The Bidder’s attention is also drawn to ITB Clause 10.1 (II) (f)/ ITB Clause 26, as per which,
only the reference Works/ Orders whose details have been declared in relevant Attachment in
their Bid, shall be considered to ascertain the bidder’s compliance to the specified Qualifying
Requirements (QR).
12. Above details are only indicative. Other detailed terms and conditions shall be as per tender
Address for Communication: