5.0 The date of opening of Price Proposal shall be intimated separately by
NTPC after completion of evaluation of Techno-Commercial Proposal.
6.0 Bid Security (EMD) and Tender Fee shall be paid online in GePNIC website
or submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid
submission closing date and time at the address given below. Any bid without
an acceptable Bid Security (EMD), Tender Fee shall be treated as non-
responsive by the employer and shall not be opened. All credential filled up
formats & supporting documents as asked by NTPC are to be given online as
attachments with the bid.
7.0 Any document submitted by the agency in hard copy other than the
documents mentioned at Para 6.0 above, will not be considered. In spite of
this condition, if any document is submitted by the agency in hard copy other
than the documents mentioned at Para 6.0 above before bid opening shall be
ignored and the offer submitted through the e-tendering shall be binding on
the agency.
8.0 Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries
Centres or Khadi and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village
Industries Board or Coir Board or National Small Industries Corporation(NSIC)
or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or UdyogAadhar orUdhyam
Certificate or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises as per MSMED Act 2006, for goods produced and services
rendered, shall be issued the bid documents free of cost and shall be
exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit.
The above benefits to MSEs are meant for procurement of only goods
produced and services rendered by MSEs. However, traders are
excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy and not eligible
for Benefits to MSEs. Also, benefits under Public Procurement Policy
for MSEs shall not be extended in Works Contract.
The bidders are requested to send Tender Fee/ MSE/ NSIC/ UdyogAadhar
certificate and EMD, Power of Attorney well in advance to the address
mentioned at 16.0 so as to reach before the scheduled bid submission end
date and MSE’s should upload MSE/ NSIC/ UdyogAadhar certificate in Fee
cover in GePNIC, failing which the bid shall be liable for rejection.
9.0 NTPC shall allow purchase preference, as indicated in the bidding
documents, to bids from local suppliers as defined in the bidding documents.
The bidders may apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding
documents in this regard before submission of their bids.
10.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested
Bidder at our E Tender Site (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app). For
logging on to the E Tender Site, the bidder would require to create user ID
and Password as per the Bidder’s Manual Kit provided in the aforementioned
web site. The payment (non-refundable) of the cost of the documents as
mentioned above in the form of a crossed account payee demand draft in
favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at Visakhapatnam shall be submitted in a