NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Shared Service Centre NR- Vindhyachal
at NTPC Vindhyachal
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
1 | P a g e
NTPC invites on-line bids from eligible Bidders for aforesaid package, as per the scope of
work briefly mentioned hereinafter:
1. Brief Scope: The scope of work under this package shall include supply, loading,
transport and delivery of non-torrefied agro residue based biomass pellet at NTPC
Vindhyachal Site.
2. Eligibility Criteria:
BIDDER should be Entrepreneurs / Individuals/ Sole Proprietorships / Partnerships /
Limited Liability Partnerships / Consortium / Companies / Cooperative Societies /
Technology Providers (herein after called BIDDER) shall be eligible to participate in
b) The BIDDER should be of minimum 21 years of age (in case of individual BIDDER).
c) The BIDDER shall be of Indian nationality AND/OR a Company/ Sole Proprietorships /
Partnerships / Limited Liability Partnerships / Consortium / Cooperative Societies
registered in India AND/ OR Non-Resident Indians/Persons of Indian Origin AND/OR a
Multi-National Company having its registered office in India / Overseas Corporate
Bodies having its registered office in India.
3. Brief Description of NIT:
Tender Ref. No.
NTPC/SSC - VSR/ 9900205261/M11
Source of IFB/NIT
NTPC Ltd., Shared Service Centre, NR-Vindhyachal
Type Of Bidding
Single Stage, Two Envelope Bidding
Bid Submission End Date
10.08.2020, 15:00Hrs
Bid Opening Date
12.08.2020, 15:00Hrs
Tender Fee/ Bid Document Charges
Bid document shall be issued free of cost
Note: Bidders are advised to download the Bid Documents well in advance, as no
clarification shall be permitted after clarification end date.