( A Government of India Enterprise )
Material Code Item Text
No.of grinding tires per mill i.e.,per a set is three (03 no.) only.
No.of grinding ring segments per mill i.e.,per a set is fifteen (15 no.) only.
The guaranteed running hours for the tires shall have to be in the range of
6000 (minimum)-12000 (maximum)for a set of three (03)tires.
The guaranteed running hours for a set of three tires shall have to be exactly
equal to or exactly twice that of a set of grinding ring segments (i.e.,
considering the replacement plan as 1:1 or 1:2 for Tire: Grinding Ring
Segments in terms of set).
The procurement is for the requirement of four mills with cumulative 40000
(=4X10000) running hours. Considering the lowest acceptable guaranteed
running hours i.e., 6000, the quantity comes out to be 21 number only.
Thus, the quantity is indicative only and it may vary depending upon the
running hours guaranteed for and the replacement plan.
In case the vendor proposes the guaranteed running hours for tire as exactly
twice of that for the grinding ring segemnts, the tires shall have to have the
lifting holes (three in numbers) on both the faces of it.
With the above conditions, the different options of supply-mix may be as
12 no.tires with guaranteed running hours of 10000 & 4 set of GRS with
guaranteed running hours of 10000 (1:1 replacement plan in sets).
15 no.tires with guaranteed running hours of 8000 & 05 set of GRS with
guaranteed running hours of 8000(1:1 replacement plan in sets).
18 no.tires with guaranteed running hours of 6667 & 06 set of GRS with
guaranteed running hours of 6667 (1:1 replacement plan in sets).
Bid evaluation criteria: Bids shall be evaluated on L1 basis, based on the cost
of unit guaranteed running hours. For calculating the cost of unit guaranteed
running hours, the cost of three (03) tires and one set of Grinding Ring
Segments {for 1:1 replacement plan} or cost of three (03) tires and two sets
of Grinding Ring Segments {for 1:2 replacement plan} shall be taken into
account. In case the cost of unit guaranteed running hour becomes equal,
the supply-mix with with higher guaranteed running hours and with 1:1
replacement plan (in sets) shall be preferred. In the cases of cost of unit
guaranteed running hour, the guaranteed running hours and the replacement
plan together remaining the same, the quantity shall be divided among the
Liquidated damage: Pro-rata deduction shall be made for the running hours
by which the average running hours falls short of the guaranteed running
hours and no credit shall be given for average running hours exceeding the
guaranteed running hours.
Average running hours: In case of running hours fulfilled by different sets are
say,8000, 8600, 7200, 9000 & 12000 then the average running hours shall
be =(8000+8600+7200+9000+12000)/5 =8960 only.
Proximate coal analysis: Moisture:(9-17)%, Ash:(30-55)%, HGI
index:(50-100), YGP:(19.13-147.65)mg/KG of coal.