Enlistment Document No. CS-0011-001F(R)-9
NIA No. :40088170 Date: 20.06.2020
1. NTPC Limited invites online applications from eligible vendors/ Contractors for the above
mentioned Enlistment. The brief Scope of work is as follows:
The Balance Of Plant (BOP) Package shall include Coal Handling, Limestone and Gypsum
Handling system (excluding conveying system from feeding TP to Mill Bunker Building in main
plant area), CW & Raw Water, Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Cooling Towers, Station Piping,
Fire Detection & Protection, AWRS, Switchyard, Transformers, Bus ducts, Switchgears,
Cables, Cabling, Earthing, DC System, Lightning protection, DG set, Lighting etc., STP, Site
leveling, Coal transportation System, Rain Water Harvesting, Construction water supply, Solar
PV Plant on rooftop etc. including associated Electrical, C&I, Civil and architectural works as
per the Contract Package List for the project.. The complete scope of the proposal for the
Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing & Commissioning
works for BOP Package shall be on the basis of single point responsibility, completely
covering the following activities and services in respect of all the equipment & works specified
and covered under the specifications:
a) Basic Engineering of the BOP Package including preparation of Plant Definition
b) Detailed design of all the equipment and equipment system(s) including civil, structure
steel works included in the bidder’s scope;
c) Providing engineering drawings, equipment sizing & performance data, instruction
manuals, as built drawings and other information;
d) Compliance with statutory requirements and obtaining clearances from statutory
authorities, wherever required;
e) Complete manufacturing including shop testing/type testing;
f) Complete Civil, Structural and Architectural works, including survey, providing
construction offices, field laboratory and construction equipment, construction water
supply, construction power distribution from the supply point of Employer,
construction/permanent roads, drainage arrangements, fencing/boundary wall around
the land boundary.
g) Packing and transportation from the manufacturer’s works to the site including logistic
studies, customs clearance & port clearance, port charges, if any.
h) Receipt, storage, preservation, handling and conservation of equipment at the site;
i) Fabrication, pre-assembly, if any, erection, testing, commissioning and completion of
facilities including putting into satisfactory operation all the equipment including
successful completion of initial operation;
j) Performance and guarantee tests after successful completion of initial operation;
k) Furnishing of spares on FOR site basis;
l) Reconciliation with customs authorities, as required.
m) Conclusion of the contract.
n) Insurance and other requirements for the complete BOP Package in accordance with
the provisions of general conditions of contract.
2. The Enlistment Documents will be available for examination at the address given below at
para 9 and may be downloaded as per following schedule:
Issue of NIA
Documents Sale Dates & Timings
22.06.2020 to 30.06.2020 (upto 15:00 hrs. (IST))
Last date for receipt of queries from
applicants (if any)
Last date & time for Receipt of
20.07.2020 upto 14:30 Hrs (IST)
Cost of Enlistment Document
Rs. 22,500 (INR Twenty Two Thousand Five
Hundred only)
3. Eligibility Criteria/Qualifying Requirements for Enlistment of Vendors for Balance of Plant
(BOP) Package for projects having 660 MW and/or 800 MW units are specified as
4. Subsequent to Enlistment, only the enlisted agencies will be allowed to submit the bids in
respect of specific enquiry of Corporate Centre / Regional Head Quarters / Projects for
Balance of Plant (BOP) package for thermal power projects having 660 MW and/or 800 MW
units till the time Enlistment is valid.
5. NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all applications or cancel / withdraw the ‘Notice Inviting
Applications’ without assigning any reasons whatsoever and in such case no Applicant or
intending Applicant shall have any claim arising out of such action. NTPC shall also have the
right to verify any information / document furnished by the Applicant / Agency / Company /
Firm and inspect the works carried out by the Applicant / Agency / Company / Firm, if so
6. Applicants who respond within due date with application as mentioned above against this
advertisement will only be considered for Enlistment.
7. Initial steps for participating in our E-tender is as per the table mentioned below:
Type of Applicant
Required Document for viewing our Enlistment
Applicants already having
E- tender User Id and
Before download / viewing the Enlistment document, Applicant
has to pay requisite Cost of Enlistment documents (non-
refundable) through payment gateway by clicking on “pay
tender fee” after login into our SRM site.
Applicants already having
NTPC Vendor Code, but
not having E-tender User
Id and Password
1. Duly filled Annexure-2 (format available in Guidelines to
Bidders on the e-tender website given below) should reach us
at least three working days prior to last date of Sale of
Enlistment Documents
2. Before download / viewing the Enlistment document,
Applicant has to pay requisite cost of Enlistment Document
(non-refundable) through payment gateway by clicking on “pay
tender fee” after login into our SRM site.
New Applicant having
neither NTPC vendor code
nor E- tender User Id and
1. Duly filled Annexure-1 (format available in Guidelines to
Bidders on the e-tender website given below) and PAN card
scanned / photo copy (Self Attested) along with the detailed
address should reach us at least three working days prior to
last date of Sale of Enlistment Documents.
2. Before download/ viewing the Enlistment document,
Applicant has to pay requisite cost of Enlistment document
(non-refundable) through payment gateway by clicking on “pay
tender fee” after login into our SRM site.
1. The applicant can login to e-tender site (SRM login site) for participating in our Enlistment
after complying to the above. The agency can reach our e-tender site (SRM login site)
directly through the address mentioned below.
They can also reach our e-tender site (SRM login site) through http://www.ntpctender.com/
and clicking on Login (e-Tender).
2. Digital Certificate (Class III) is a must for Applicants desiring to participate in this
Enlistment. For further details regarding this please visit the link “GUIDELINES TO
BIDDERS” in NTPC E- Tender Website. NTPC won’t be responsible for any Applicant not
having a suitable valid digital certificate.
8. Issuance of Enlistment Documents to any Applicant shall not construe that such Applicant is
considered to be qualified. The Applicant shall bear all costs incurred in the preparation and
submission of the application and other actions implied. NTPC shall not be responsible or
liable for such costs, regardless of the outcome of the Enlistment process.
9. Address for communication:
Manager (CS) / DGM (CS)
Floor, Engineering Office Complex,
PlotNo.A-8A, Sector -24, Noida 201301
Distt. GautamBudh Nagar, State of U.P., INDIA,
Tel. Nos.: 0120-4948619 / 8690 / 8668
Email Id.: anujarora@ntpc.co.in / vijayp@ntpc.co.in / shrishksingh@ntpc.co.in
Websites: https://etender.ntpclakshya.co.in/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbpstart or
http://www.ntpctender.com/ or http://www.ntpc.co.in/
1.0.0 The Applicant shall meet the following requirements:
1.1.0 Technical Criteria for the Applicant
1.1.1 The Applicant should have executed on Engineering, Procurement and
Construction (EPC) basis, minimum one (1) no. of Coal based/Lignite based
power plant of at least 500 MW unit capacity comprising of at least (a)
Coal/lignite handling plant (b) Cooling Tower (c) Water/Waste water treatment
plant or DM plant, including associated Civil works, Structural and Electrical
systems for the above equipments and systems as a single package, which
should have been in successful operation for a period of not less than one (1)
year prior to the last date of submission of application for Enlistment.
2.0.0 Financial Criteria for the Applicant
2.1.0 The average annual turnover of the Applicant, in the preceding three (3)
financial years as on the last date of submission of application for Enlistment,
should not be less than the following
Average Annual
For one (1) unit
For two (2) units
For three (3)
In case an Applicant does not satisfy the average annual turnover criteria,
stipulated above on its own, its Holding Company would be required to meet
the stipulated turnover requirements as above, provided that the Net Worth of
such Holding Company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at
least equal to or more than the paid-up share capital of the Holding Company.
In such an event, the Applicant would be required to furnish along with its
application for Enlistment, a Letter of Undertaking from the Holding Company,
supported by the Holding Company’s Board Resolution, as per the format
enclosed in the Enlistment documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable
financial support for the execution of the Contract by the Applicant in case of
2.2.0 Net worth should not be less than 100% (hundred percent) of the Applicant’s
paid up share capital as on the last day of the preceding financial year on the
date of submission of application for Enlistment. In case the Applicant does
not meet the Net worth criteria on its own, it can meet the requirement of Net
worth based on the strength of its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding Company
and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding companies wherever applicable. In such a
case, however, the Net worth of the Applicant and its Subsidiary(ies) and/or
Holding Company and/or Subsidiary(ies) of the Holding Company, in
combined manner should not be less than 100% (hundred percent) of their
total paid up share capital.
However individually, their Net worth should not be less than 75% (seventy five
percent) of their respective paid up share capitals.
Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:
Net worth (combined) = (X1+X2+X3) / (Y1+Y2+Y3) X 100
Where X1, X2, X3 are individual Net worth which should not be less than
75% of the respective paid up share capitals and Y1,Y2,Y3 are individual
paid up share capitals.”
2.3.0 In case the Applicant is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on
stand alone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of
the Applicant can be considered acceptable provided the Applicant furnishes the
following further documents on substantiation of its qualification:
(i) Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the
Applicant alongwith copies of the audited consolidated financial
statements of its Holding Company.
(ii) A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, as per the
format enclosed in the bidding documents, stating that the unaudited
unconsolidated financial statements form part of the Consolidated
Annual Report of the Company.
In cases where audited results for the last financial year as on the last date of
submission of application for Enlistment are not available, the financial results
certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable.
In case, Applicant is not able to submit the Certificate from a practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of
three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be
considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would
be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the Enlistment
documents stating that the Financial results of the Company are under audit as
on the last date of submission of application for Enlistment and the Certificate
from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters is
not available.
(i) In case the Applicant has not done Engineering of the package covered in
clause no. 1.1.1, above on its own, it shall tie up with an Engineering
consultant after award of contract, meeting provenness criteria specified in
the technical specification.
(ii) Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves.
Free reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share
premium account but does not include reserves credited out of the
revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and
amalgamation. Further any debit balance of Profit and Loss account and
miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall
be reduced from reserves and surplus.
(iii) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
(iv) “Holding Company” and Subsidiary Company” shall have the meaning
ascribed to them as per Companies Act of India.
(v) For annual Turnover indicated in foreign currency, the exchange rate as on
seven (7) days prior to the last date of submission of application for
Enlistment shall be used.
(vi) Wherever the term ‘last date of submission of application for Enlistment’ is
appearing, the same shall mean the last date for submission of the
Applications notified by Employer. For the periodic revision/updation of the
list of enlisted agency(ies), Enlistment process shall be opened from time
to time and the ‘last date of submission of application for Enlistment’ shall
mean the last date for submission of Applications notified by the employer
for revision/updation of list of Enlisted agencies.
(vii) Financial Criteria stipulated at para 2.0.0 shall be evaluated again for all the
Enlisted agencies in the month of May/June of every subsequent year after
the completion of initial Enlistment process. This shall be done every year
till the time Enlistment of Agencies will be valid. For this purpose, Enlisted
Agency(ies) shall be required to submit the audited financial
statements/credentials, as per the Qualifying Requirements stipulated
above, for themselves in the month of May of every year after Enlistment.
The financial credentials submitted by Enlisted agencies shall be evaluated
by Employer and the list shall be modified/updated accordingly. In case, any
agency, fails to meet the stipulated financial criteria in any of the
subsequent years, as elaborated above, the agency shall be removed from
the list of enlisted agencies for that year.