7.0 Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to undertake a physical
assessment of capacity and capabilities including financial capacity and capability of the Bidder/ his
collaborator(s)/associate(s)/ subsidiary(ies)/group company(ies)to perform the contract, shouldthe
The physical assessment shall include but not be limited to the assessment of the office/ facilities/
8.0 NTPC reserves the right toreject any or all bids
or cancel/ withdraw IFB for the subject package
withoutassigninganyreasonwhatsoeverandinsuchcaseno bidder/intendingbiddershallhaveany
NTPC eͲprocurement portal,
http s://eprocurentpc.nic.in . For logging in to the eͲtender website, the
tobe informedto concernedpackagecoͲordinator.First timeusersnot allotted any vendorcodeare
required toapproachNTPC atleast five(5) workingdayspriorto documentsale end
datealong with
Note: No hard copy of Bidding Documents shall be issued
(a) Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and
VillageIndustriesCommissionorKhadiandVillageIndustriesBoardor CoirBoardorNationalSmall
Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as
per MSMED Act 2006, for goods produced and
servicesrendered,shallbeissuedthebiddingdocumentsfreeofcostandshallbe exemp tedfrompaying
(b) SmallScale IndustriesregisteredwithNSICshallbeexemptedfrompaymentofSecurityDeposit
(c) Bidders
seeking exemption from EMD/ Tender Fee should upload valid exemption
certificate in GePNIC online portal in Tender Fee/ EMD folder Or should submit valid exemption
certificate in hard copy in sealed envelope duly marked as EMD / Tender fee exemption with
tender reference number, title, date of bid opening and it should reach the addressee
(Employer) before the last date and time for submission of bid as specified in the NIT / tender