Tender Ref No /Tender ID : NTPC/SSC-VSR/9900200413
Bidder has to ensure the following documents to be submitted online before the bid submission deadline
prescribed by the Employer, pursuant to ITB Clause 15, failing which bid is liable for rejection
Tender Fee: as applicable
Earnest Money Deposit : as applicable
Integrity Pact : Not Applicable;
Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Earnest Money Deposit, Tender fee and Integrity pact(if
applicable), shall be rejected by the Employer as being non-responsive and shall be rejected without
being opened.
1.0 Technical Criteria
1. The bidder should have Designed, Manufactured, Supplied, Installed/Retrofitted and Commissioned at least thirty
(30) numbers (in one or many locations) of “Air Circuit Breaker ‘with inbuilt microprocessor based protection
release or with Protection Relay’” which should have been in successful operation for a period of at least one(1)
year prior to the Techno-commercial bid opening date.
2. The bidder should have executed the order of “supply and installation of complete LT switchgear panel” or “supply
and installation of Air Circuit Breakers” in the preceding seven(07) years prior to Techno-commercial bid opening
date meeting the following criteria
(i) Single order of value not less than Rs 105.72 Lakhs.
(ii) Two orders of value not less than Rs 66.07 Lakhs each.
(iii) Three orders of value not less than Rs 52.86 Lakhs each.
Note: All values are exclusive of GST/other Taxes.
Notes for Clause 1.0 above:
(i) The word “executed” means the Bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in the qualifying requirements
at Clause 1.2, even if the contract has been started earlier and/or is not completed/closed and shall be considered as
Case-I: The work is started earlier (prior to the period stipulated in Clause-1.2, but completed within the stipulated
period as mentioned in clause 1.2. In such cases, entire executed value of the relevant work vide that work order
shall be considered for evaluation.
Case-II: The work is started and completed within the stipulated period as mentioned in clause 1.2.
Case-III: The work is started within the stipulated period as mentioned in clause 1.2 but not completed as on the last
date of stipulated period. In such cases, “In Progress” executed value of the relevant work vide that work order as
on the last date of stipulated period, shall be considered for evaluation.
(ii) Remarks: Any of the above cases shall be supported by documentary evidence issued by the “Owner”.
“Owner” means the entity which has the original requirement of the subject work and has initiated and awarded the
work to the contractor (bidder) for executing the reference work against which the credentials have been submitted.
And the “Owner” defined as above is not a contractor to any other entity for the reference work.
In case, the bidder has worked as approved sub-Contractor/sub-vendor, he has to provide documentary evidence
issued by the “Owner”.
2.0 Financial Criteria
2.1 The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on the date of Techno-Commercial
bid opening, should not be less than Rs 66.07 Lakhs. (Rupees Sixty-Six Lakhs Seven Thousand only).
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