NTPC Limited

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)




NTPC Simhadri (4x500MW) Super Thermal Power Station situated in Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh, invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested parties in the

prescribed format for Installation of Fly Ash Extraction facility from ESPs (Preferably from 3rd Field onwards) on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis at Simhadri Super Thermal Power Station.

Interested parties are requested to submit their interest as per format given at www.ntpctender.com. For dates & details please visit NTPC website and for further information please contact

AGM(EMG/AU), NTPC Simhadri (PO) 531020, Dist Visakhapatnam n (AP), Ph. 08924-243029, Fax: 08924-243092, e-mail: ssrao01@ntpc.co.in

Registered Office: NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003,

CIN: ___________________________

NTPC Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise)

Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for

Installation of Fly Ash Extraction facility from 3rd Field onwards from ESPs on Build,

Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis

at Simhadri Super Thermal Power Station, District: Visakhapatnam

NTPC limited, Simhadri Super Thermal Power Station located nearly 40 km from Visakhapatnam at PO NTPC Simhadri, Dist Visakhapatanm, Andhra Pradesh invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from

interested parties in the prescribed format for installation of Fly ash Extraction facility from from ESP Fields (preferably 3rd field onwards), on Build,Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis.

Interested parties are requested to submit their requirement as per format given in website:

Fly Ash Extraction facility from ESP fields (preferably from 3rd Field onwards) to a fly ash mini silo to be installed at Unit-1 & 2 of NTPC-Simhadri. From the mini silo of suitable capacity, the fly ash will be issued for export purpose thro either Bagging or loading in to a bulker/Tanker. Both bagging unit and Silo loading facility are to be provided simultaneously from the mini silos.

Interests can be submitted for establishing extraction facility of fly ash from 3rd fields of ESPs to a Mini Silo and suitable loading facility to 50 KG and/ or 1.4 MT Bags or Closed Tankers/Bulkers.

After Bagging or Loading into a ash tanker, agency will have to make their own arrangement for transportation of fly ash bags through trucks/ Railway wagons/Shipping port etc. Agencies are requested to submit their requirement of quantity, duration, schedule of drawl of fly ash for bagging, weighment facility, and willingness to pay cost for the fly ash along with rate at which they are intending to procure the fly ash from ESPs of NTPC. It is desirable that agency shall visit NTPC-Simhadri site and understand site conditions before submission of EOI.

Besides cost of the fly ash, interested parties shall be liable and responsible for payment towards any taxes, duties, levies, etc. applicable/ enforced (by State/Central Government) from time to time during the tenure of the contract

How to apply:

Interested Agencies may submit their EOI in the format to the address mentioned below on or before 15.06.2020.

The format may also be obtained from the address given below:

Address for Communication:

Additional General Manager(EMG & AU)


Parwada 531020


Tel:08924 243030 ; Fax: 08924 243092

Note: This announcement is not an offer for commitment for Fly ash tie up.


(On the company letter head duly signed by Authorised Signatory with company seal)

Expression of interest (EOI) for Installation of Fly Ash Extraction facility from 3rd Field onwards from ESPs on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis at NTPC Simhadri Super Thermal Power Station

6.Total Power requirement of Extraction facility from 3rd Field: ----------------------

Tel. No with std code: _____________________

Fax No: ________________________________

Mobile No: ______________________________

Email ID: _______________________________

Ash based products



Others (Please specify) _______________

9.Years of experience in the Fly Ash Handling / Extraction : _______________________

10.If Agency is Fly ash Exporter, details of tie-up with Technology/Service Provider for extraction of Fly ash

a)Details of License/Registration (if available):

b)Details of Address proof

c)Details of Tax Identification

d)Details of PAN Card

e)Details of GST

13.Whether have any experience of transportation of ash through Rail ------- no. of years

15. Requirement of Fly Ash at various prices:


We understand that Fly ash quality to be supplied would be “as is available basis” from plant ESPs (On Ex-works basis) and we will make arrangement for transportation of fly ash at our own cost through Bags/Closed Tankers/Trucks/ Railway wagons etc. We are liable and responsible for payment of cost as stipulated by NTPC from time to time including taxes, duties, levies, etc. applicable/ enforced (by State/ Central Government) from time to time during the tenure of the contract. We will adopt all safety practices and ensure that there will be no fugitive dust emission at Extraction facility area in an environment manner. We will also responsible for loading & transportation of ash in environment friendly manner.



1. Interested Agencies / Entrepreneur to visit site before submitting their offer agianst EOI for setting up of Facility to extract ash from 3rd field of ESPs at NTPC-

2.Interested Agencies / Entrepreneur to submit the detailed proposal comprising of techno-economical aspects with complete engineering details.

3.The ash extraction plant from ESPs is to be established on BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) basis.

4.The bagging unit details and the Tanker loading requirements are to be clearly brought in the offer.

5.The Agency / Entrepreneur to submit their commercial offer containing the Price/MT of ash to be offered to NTPC.

6. Space, Electricity, and water required for establishing Extraction facility from ESPs will be provided by NTPC

7.The total expenditure towards Establishment and Operation of Extraction facility from the 3rd field of ESPs, Bagging Unit and Tanker Loading Unit are in the scope of Agency

8.All logistics involved in moving the ESP Ash from NTPC premises are in the scope of Agency

9.The extraction of ash, Loading and movement of vehicles while operating the extraction facility shall carried out without any damage to the existing equipment of NTPC; Any damage to the equipment or property shall be appropriately compensated by

the Agency. Penalty will be levied for non-compliance of repair of damage to the equipment/property