Nabinagar Super Thermmal Power Project (3x660MW)




A.NPGC Limited (Wholly Owned subsidiary of NTPC Ltd), Nabinagar Super Thermal Power Station, Aurangabad-

824303 invites bids from eligible bidders for the following package:




In addition to satisfactory fulfilment of the Qualifying Requirements stipulated in Section: ITB (Instruction to Bidders) of the Bid Documents, the following shall also apply.

1.1Technical Criteria

1.1.1The bidder should have executed the similar works during the preceding seven (7) years reckoned as on the date of techno commercial bid opening having:

a)Executed value not less than Rs. 494.0 Lakhs in a Single Contract.


b)Executed value not less than Rs. 308.0 Lakhs in Two Contracts each.


c)Executed value not less than Rs. 247.0 Lakhs in Three Contracts each

1.1.2The bidder should have valid Electrical Contractor Licence for works up to EHV system.

1.1.3Similar works is as explained in the following paragraphs and is in combination given hereunder:

Works in following combinations:

(A1 and A2 and A3) or (A1 and A2 and B3) or (A1 and B2 and A3) or (A1 and B2 and B3) or (A2 and B1 and A3) or (A2 and B1 and B3) or (B1 and B2 and A3) or (B1 and B2 and B3) or (C1 and C2) or (C3)

Notations as above are explained below:

A1. Maintenance of Electrical equipment / Installations comprising of any three of the following with voltage class 3.3 KV or above in Electrical Power unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

(i)Power Transformers


(iii)Electrical rotating machines

(iv)Power supply / cabling system

A2. Maintenance of Switchyard and associated equipment of voltage level 220 KV or above in Electrical Power unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

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A3. Maintenance of Control and Instrumentation (C&I) Systems comprising C&I of Steam- Generator (SG) and auxiliaries OR Turbine Generator (TG) and auxiliaries OR Station C&I in Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of techno commercial bid opening.

B1. Erection and Commissioning of Electrical equipment/Installations comprising of any three of the following with voltage class 3.3 KV or above in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

(i)Power Transformers


(iii)Electrical rotating machines

(iv)Power supply / cabling system

B2. Erection and Commissioning of Switchyard and associated equipment of voltage level 220 KV or above in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

B3. Erection and Commissioning of Control and Instrumentation (C&I) Systems comprising C&I of Steam Generator (SG) and auxiliaries OR Turbine Generator (TG) and auxiliaries OR station C&I, in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above in last 7 years as on the date of techno commercial bid opening.

C1. Complete maintenance contract of Electrical equipment / Installations in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

C2. Complete maintenance contract of Control & instrumentation equipment/Installations in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.

C3. Complete maintenance contract of BTG/Station including Electrical and C&I in two Electrical Power Generating unit of capacity 500 MW or above for a period of 2 years or higher in a single contract or repeat contract in last 7 years as on the date of technocommercial bid opening.


1.The word "executed" means the bidder should have achieved the criterion specified

in the QR, even if the total contract is not completed/closed. In case of contracts under execution as on the date of techno commercial bid opening, the value of work executed till such date will be considered provided the same is certified by the employer.

2.Repeat Contract means even if original contract was awarded for smaller duration, if the same contract period is extended, the total duration shall include extended duration in addition to original contract duration for the purpose of evaluation.

1.2 Financial Criteria

1.2.1The average annual turnover of the Bidder, in the preceding three (3) financial years as on the date of Technocommercial bid opening, shall not be less than Rs. 617.00 Lakh (Rupees

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Six Hundred Seventeen Lakh only).

1.2.2Net worth of bidder shall not be less than 100% of the bidder’s paid up share capital as on the last day of the preceding financial year. In case the Bidder meets the requirement of Net worth based on the strength of its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding Companies wherever applicable, the Net worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary(ies) and/or Holding company and/or Subsidiary(ies) of the Holding Company, in combined manner should not be less than 100% of their total paid up share capital. However individually, their Net worth should not be less than 75% of their respective paid up share capitals. For Consortiums/Joint Ventures, wherever applicable, the Net worth of all consortium/ Joint Venture members in combined manner should not be less than 100% of their paid up share capital. However individually, their Net worth should not be less than 75% of their respective paid up share capitals.

Net worth in combined manner shall be calculated as follows:

Net worth (combined)=(x1+x2+x3)/(y1+y2+y3)x100 where x1, x2, x3 are individual net worth which shall not be less than 75% of the respective paid up share capitals and y1, y2, y3 are individual paid up share capitals.

1.2.3In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder can be considered acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following further documents on substantiation of its qualification.

Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along with copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.

A certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company as per the format enclosed in the bid documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the consolidated annual report of the company.

1.2.4In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno Commercial Bid Opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents stating that the financial results of the Company are under audit as on the date of TechnoCommercial Bid Opening and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.

1.2.5In case a bidder does not satisfy the financial criteria, stipulated at Cl. 1.2.1 and/ or Cl.1.2.2 above on its own, the holding company would be required to meet the stipulated turnover requirements at Cl.1.2.1 above, provided that the net worth of such holding company as on the last day of the preceding financial year is at least equal to or more than the paidup share capital of the holding company. In such an event, the bidder would be required to furnish along with its bid, a Letter of Undertaking from the holding company, supported by Board Resolution, as per the format enclosed in the bid documents, pledging unconditional and irrevocable financial support for the execution of the Contract by the bidder in case of award.

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I.Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves. Free reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further any debit balance of Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and surplus.

II. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.

C.BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK: As specified in scope of work document.

D.Applicability of MSME, Local Purchase content, and Reverse auction clauses are indicated at SCC document. As per SCC, The bidders may apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding documents in this regard before submission of their bids.

E.A Complete set of bidding Document may be downloaded by any interested Bidder directly through NTPC eProcurement Portal,

F.Tender documents are non-transferable. No bidder other than the original bidder in whose name the tender documents are sold / downloaded can submit the offer.

G.Issuance of Bidding Documents to any bidder shall not construe that bidder is considered qualified.

H.Bidder shall ensure that EMD details (EMD Exemption Claim / Original Bank Guarantee / Original Demand Draft / Original Banker's Cheque, as applicable) shall reach us on or before the Bid Submission End Date & Time. Bid Security / EMD is to be paid in the form of Bankers Cheque / Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Nabinagar Power Generating Co. Ltd.” Payable at Majhiawan/Barun/Aurangabad, DISTRICT: Aurangabad, Bihar”.


An irrevocable Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank* in favour of Nabinagar Power Generating Co. Ltd., as per NPGC pro-forma shall also be accepted as Bid Security / EMD. Pro-forma of the Bank Guarantee given in bid documents section VII.EMD / Bid Security of inadequate-value / unacceptable format shall not be entertained and such bids shall not be opened.

(* List of banks is given in tender documents)

“Bid Security” shall be submitted in sealed envelopes separately offline by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security shall be treated as non- responsive by the employer and shall not be opened. All credentials/ filled up formats & supporting documents as asked by NPGC are to be submitted as attachments with the bid.

I.NPGC Ltd reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel / withdraw the Invitation For Bids (IFB) without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.


AGM (C&M-Contracts), NPGC LIMITED, Nabinagar Super Thermal Power Station, Post: Ankorha, Distt. Aurangabad, Bihar- 824303

Contact Phone: 06332-23-1028/1008

E-Mail: / /

Websites: or

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