audited results for the three (03) consecutive financial years
preceding the last financial year shall be considered for
evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate
would be required from CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed
in the bidding document stating that the financial results of
the company are under audit as on the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening and the certificate from the practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying financial parameters is not
b) Other income shall not be considered for arriving at
annual turnover figures.
a. For bidders who are not eligible to get exemption (*) towards Tender Fee &
EMD: Tender Fee (DD/BC in original), Bid Security (EMD) (DD/BC/BG in
original) are to be submitted offline in sealed envelope within the bid
submission date and time to the address: SSC-C&M, ER-I HQ, Barh, NTPC
Ltd, PO- NTPC Barh,Dist- Patna,Bihar - 803215 . Bidders may send those
offline documents through their authorised representative for speediest
submission in tender box of ER-I SSC C&M dept, Barh.
It may be noted that Scanned copy of original DD/BC/BG attached in GePNIC,
will not be considered a valid Tender fee / valid EMD document.
b. For bidders who are eligible to get exemption (*) towards Tender Fee &
EMD: These bidders may enclose scanned copies of exemption certificate
like MSME UAM etc) in GePNIC Bid online.
For both a & b category bidder:
Technical & price bid to be submitted in online only in relevant GePNIC
Any online bids without acceptable Tender Fee/exemption certificate (in
online/offline mode, whichever is applicable as per above), EMD/
exemption certificate (in online/offline mode, whichever is applicable as
per above) will be considered as non-responsive bids and will be liable
to be rejected , hence will not be opened.
Online acceptance of GTE in GePNIC (General Technical Evaluation) will
be treated as bidder’s “unconditional acceptance” towards NIL deviation
certificate as attached as file name: 6.biddocument_NilDev_SecVI_scan
copy of signed stamped be attached online in relevant fold