Promoters: NTPC Ltd. & GAIL (India) Ltd.
NIT No.: RGPPL/C&M/CS-2862/OT-128
Sub: Construction of Foundation for CGL Transformer.
Envelope-I (PART-A)
It must consist of 03 envelopes
containing following:
Bids shall be received up to 15.30
hours on 31/03/2020.
Part i) Tender Fees
if tender document not purchased Technical Bids shall be Opened on
from RGPPL)
31/03/2020 at 15.30 hrs.
Part ii) EMD
Place of opening:
C & M Dept, Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt.
Ltd., AT & PO: Anjanwel,
Taluka: Guhagar, Dist.: Ratnagiri,
Maharashtra – 415 634
Part iii) Shall consist of supporting
documents against the Qualifying
important conditions of bidding,
Technical offer, duly signed &
stamped our tender document and
other necessary documents as per
tender document etc.
Tender documents, if purchased from
RGPPL are non- transferable.
Date of opening of Price Bid shall be
informed separately to qualified bidders
after evaluation of technical bid.
Envelope-II (PART-B)
Shall consist of Price Bid only
The outside of the envelope should clearly indicate the Envelope no I or
II, Name of the Bidder and his Address. In addition, the left-hand
corner of the envelope or container should indicate the Name of the
The Bidder has the option of sending the bid by Speed/Registered
Post, in person only. Bids sent through any other media may not
reach us within the schedule time. RGPPL takes no responsibility for
delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents within the stipulated
date & time. Bids submitted by any other mode may not be accepted.
Envelope &
The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, Earnest Money Deposit
(EMD) in a sealed envelope of amount: Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. Fifty
Thousand Only)
The EMD of the Bidders whose Techno-commercial Bids has not been found
acceptable shall be returned. The EMD of the Bidders who are unsuccessful
after opening of price bids shall be returned immediately after placement of
award on the successful bidder.
The EMD of the successful Bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be
returned when the said Bidder has furnished the CPG/Security Deposit, as
The EMD may be forfeited:
Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD)
a. If the Bidder withdraws or varies its Bid during the period of Bid validity.
b. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid price, pursuant to
the clause mentioned in ITB
c. If any deviation, variation, additional condition or any other mention is
found anywhere in the price bid, contrary to the provision of bidding
d. In the case of a successful bidder, if the bidder fails within the specified
time limit
i) To furnish the acceptance of Letter of Award/Purchase Order/Service
ii) To furnish the required Contract Performance Guarantee, if the same is
required as per conditions of the P.O/LOA
e. If the Bidder/his representative commit any fraud while competing for this
Seal & Sign of the Bidder’s Authorized Representative)
Ratnagiri Gas & Power Pvt. Ltd.
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Regd Office: NTPC Bhawan, Core-7, SCOPE Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003
Site Office: At & Post: Anjanwel, Tal: Guhagar, Dist.: Ratnagiri -415 634, Maharashtra, India.