(A Joint Venture of NTPC & SAIL)
CPP-II, Administrative Building
Ph. 2520644/2510355, Fax 06612513179
(Contract & Materials Department)
NIT.NO.NSPCL/CS/ROURKELA/19-20/08 DATE: 29.02.2020
NSPCL, Rourkela invites Sealed Tender for the works from reputed Agencies:
Tender No.
Supply /Works
EMD (In Rs.)/
Tender Fee
(In Rs.)
Cost (In
Sale of Tender documents
Date of
Technical bid
period in
Closing Date
Miscellaneous electrical
maintenance work of the
termination /PM of the
Actuators /Earth pit
making /painting of light
poles etc.
24 months
Bid Document
Miscellaneous electrical maintenance
work of the Switchgear/Lighting
system/Cable termination /PM of the
Actuators /Earth pit making /painting
of light poles etc.
2 OF 5
Description: Miscellaneous electrical maintenance work of the Switchgear/Lighting
system/Cable termination /PM of the Actuators /Earth pit making /painting of light
poles etc.
Technical Criteria:
1. The bidder must have executed similar works during last 7 years of the scheduled
BOD either of the following :-
i) Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount to Rs. 19.60
Lakhs each (Rupees Nineteen Lakhs and Sixty Thousand only).
ii) Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.24.50
Lakhs each (Rupees Twenty Four Lakhs and Fifty Thousands only).
iii) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.39.20
Lakhs ( Rupees Thirty Nine Lakhs and Twenty thousand only).
The bidder should have valid HT electrical licence issued from the appropriate
authority or Endorsement required of outside contractor Licence issued by other star
state Electricity board (as per the GOVT OF ODISHA DEPARTMENT OF
ENERGY NOTIFICATION NO-9553 DTD 03-12-2013 EL MISC-28/13(pt)
Financial Criteria:
2. The average annual turnover of the bidder, in the preceeding three (3) financial
years as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening, shall not be less than
Rs.49.00 Lakhs (Rupee Forty Nine Lakhs only)
1) For QR number 1, bidder must submit documentary evidence in support of
meeting QR like copy of works completion certificate from the client /last
running bill / measurement book of last bill paid / protocol jointly signed by
owner and contractor/works bills along with the PO copy.
2) For QR No.2, the bidder shall submit the Audited Balance Sheet and Profit &
Loss Account for the specified period. In case where Audited results for the last
preceding Financial Year are not available, certificate of financial statements from
a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable. In case
bidder not able to submit charted account audited results of three consecutive
years preceding last FY shall be considered. Other income shall not be considered
for arriving annual turnover.
3) The word Executed“ means the bidder should have achieve the progress
specified in the QR even if the total contract is not completed/closed. The same
shall be supported by documentary evidence issued by the owner.
4) Similar works means : Electrical Maintenance /Overhauling/Erection/
Commissioning of relevant job like lighting /switchgear /cabling within last 07
(seven )years of scheduled technical BOD in any establishment.
Bid Document
Miscellaneous electrical maintenance
work of the Switchgear/Lighting
system/Cable termination /PM of the
Actuators /Earth pit making /painting
of light poles etc.
3 OF 5
Tender documents can be obtained from the office of AGM (C&M), NSPCL,
Rourkela on any working day from the tender sale start date as indicated in NIT.
Tender documents will be sold up to 17.00 hours of last date of sale. Request for
tender documents must accompany the cost of tender documents (Non-refundable) in
the form of DD/ Bankers cheque in favour of NTPC-SAIL Power Company Ltd,
Rourkela encashable at State Bank of India, Rourkela.
The amount against purchase of tender documents can be deposited through NEFT as
per following details :
NEFT/ RTGS Internet Bank Transfer to NSPCL, Rourkela Account No.10607497883
(State Bank of India), IFSC Code- SBIN0009678, SME Branch, Bisra Chhak,
Rourkela, Odisha.
After Deposit/Transfer of tender fee, acknowledgement /receipt of the document (Scan
copy) must be submitted/Emailed for obtaining Bid document.
1. The bids shall be received up to 3.30 PM on due date of bid opening in the office
of AGM (C&M), NSPCL, Rourkela and shall be opened at 3.45 PM on the same
date in the presence of those bidders who wish to be present. If the date of opening
happens to be a closed holiday, bids shall be received up to 3.30PM and opened on
the next working day.
2. Request for tender documents received after the last date of sale of tender
documents, due to delay on account of postal/courier service or without requisite
amount of tender documents shall not be entertained.
3. Detailed specifications of job including scope of work/ supply and all terms and
conditions of NIT shall be given in the tender documents.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, NSPCL reserves the right to assess
bidder’s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances
warrant such assessment in the overall interest of NSPCL and decision of NSPCL
in this regard shall be final.
4. The bidding documents shall be issued to all bidders upon their depositing the
requisite cost of bidding documents along with request letter without prima-facie
examination of qualification status. The qualification status shall be examined by
the tender committee only during the process of evaluation. However, such issue of
tender documents will not automatically mean that bidders are considered qualified.
5. Single stage two envelope bidding system shall be adopted for the subject package.
First envelope shall contain following documents (ENVELOPE NO. 01) :
b) NO DEVIATION CERTIFICATE (as per format enclosed only).
Bid Document
Miscellaneous electrical maintenance
work of the Switchgear/Lighting
system/Cable termination /PM of the
Actuators /Earth pit making /painting
of light poles etc.
4 OF 5
c) Supporting documents for fulfilling the qualifying requirements.
d) Signed and stamped tender documents, terms & conditions and unprice
bid which shall be considered as technical bid & Second envelop shall
contain (ENVELOPE NO. 02)
e) price bid only duly filled in, signed and stamped.
Both technical and price bids shall be submitted before bid submission
time and date. Bidder shall clearly indicate on the respective envelopes as
Technical Bid along with EMD & ESIC details and Price bid.
6. For fulfilling the Qualifying requirements, intending bidder shall be required
to submit the following documents along with their technical bid.
(a) EMD & ESIC
(b) NO DEVIATION CERTIFICATE in prescribed forms.
(c) Certificate of CA, Audited Profit & Loss Statement shall be accepted in
support of Annual turnover.
(d) Copies of work orders/purchase order covering awarded value, detailed
scope of work/ terms & conditions/ bill of quantities along with proof of
execution/ completion certificate as per above qualifying requirement.
The bidder shall provide the reference list with contact address.
(e) Independent Provident Fund (PF) Code Number of their establishment
registered with the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC).
(f) Firm’s documents like Memorandum & Articles of association/
Partnership/ Proprietorship Deed/ Certificate of Incorporation etc., with
latest changes if any.
(g) Permanent Account Number (PAN)
(h) GST registration numbers.
(i) Vendor should submit Independent Employees State Insurance
Corporation (ESIC) code number of their establishment (17 digit
code). If the same is not applicable documentary evidence for the same
should be submitted along with bid.
7. Intending bidders who fulfill the above-stipulated qualifying requirements are
advised to visit the site to familiarize themselves with the nature and quantum of
work/supply and site conditions.
8. Envelope containing Technical Bid, EMD, ESIC and supporting documents
for fulfilling the Qualifying Requirements will be opened first as on Technical
Bid Opening date. Price bids of only those bidders will be opened who meet
the criteria of Qualifying Requirements as specified above.
Bid Document
Miscellaneous electrical maintenance
work of the Switchgear/Lighting
system/Cable termination /PM of the
Actuators /Earth pit making /painting
of light poles etc.
5 OF 5
9. NSPCL shall not be responsible for any loss/ postal delays/ non-receipt of request
for tender documents, bids etc sent by postal/courier.
10. If the last date of receiving application and date of bid opening coincides with a
holiday, the date will be shifted to the next working day.
11. Tender without earnest money deposit (EMD)/ inadequate amount of EMD and not
in prescribed form are liable to be rejected.
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi
and Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or
National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any
other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED
Act 2006, for goods produced and services rendered, shall be issued the bidding documents
free of cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit.
The award shall be made as follows:-
1. Award shall be given to L1 bidder if L1 bidder is a MSE.
2. In case L1 bidder is not a MSE, then all the MSE vendor(s) who have quoted within the
range of L1 + 15%, shall be given the opportunity in order of their ranking (starting with
the lowest quoted MSE bidder and so on) to bring down its price to match with L1
bidder. Award for full quantity shall be placed on the MSE vendor who matches its price
with L1 bidder at the price quoted by L1 bidder.
3. If no MSE vendor who has quoted within range of L1+15% accepts the price of L1
bidder then the award shall be made to the L1 bidder. The benefit as above to MSEs shall
be available only for goods/services produced & provided by MSEs for which they are
registered. MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose a attested/self certified
copy of valid registration certificate, giving details such as validity, stores/services etc.
failing which they run the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for the benefits
applicable to MSEs.
The benefit as above to MSEs shall be available only for goods/services produced &
provided by MSEs for which they are registered.
MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose a attested/self certified copy of
valid registration certificate, giving details such as validity, stores/services etc. failing
which they run the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for the benefits
applicable to MSEs.
Address for communication:Additional General Manager (C&M)
NTPC-SAIL Power Company Ltd.,
ADM Building, Room No. 108,
CPP-II, RSP Complex,
Rourkela-769011, Odisha.
Ph. No.: 0661-2520644, Fax: 0661-2513179
Contact: R.K.Verma, Officer (C&M)
Mob : 9425293850, E-mail:
Alternate Contact: Arun Kumar Sahoo, AGM (C&M)
Mob.: 9425234217, E-mail: