Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant
certifying that financial parameters is not available.
(a)In clause 1.1& 1.2 above, the word “executed”
means the bidder should have achieved the criteria
specified in the qualifying requirements, within the
preceding seven (7) years period, even if the
contract has been started earlier and /or is not
completed / closed.
i) Bidder must submit requisite credentials in support
of having met the qualifying requirement. A
summary sheet of all documents need to be
submitted along with the technical offer. Summary
Sheet should clearly describe the eligibility
credentials. Credentials may include:
1. 1. Purchase order/ work order copies.2. Work
Completion Certificate against purchase order/
Work Order Copies
ii) Reference work executed by a bidder as a sub-
contractor may also be considered . In such a case, the
bidder shall submit the documentary evidence in
support of above
(iii) In case of composite work/BOQ, the bidder shall
have to furnish Certificate from owner certifying the
value of specific nature of work, as mentioned in
clause 1.1&1.2
b)Other incomes shall not be considered for arriving at
the annual Turnover.
c) For order in foreign currency, the exchange rate
as on the date of techno-commercial bid opening shall
be used
a. For bidders who are not eligible to get exemption (*) towards Tender Fee &
EMD: Tender Fee (DD/BC in original), Bid Security (EMD) (DD/BC/BG in
original) are to be submitted offline in sealed envelope within the bid
submission date and time to the address: SSC-C&M, ER-I HQ, Barh, NTPC
Ltd, PO- NTPC Barh,Dist- Patna,Bihar - 803215 . Bidders may send those
offline documents through their authorised representative for speediest
submission in tender box of ER-I SSC C&M dept, Barh.
It may be noted that Scanned copy of original DD/BC/BG attached in GePNIC,
will not be considered a valid Tender fee / valid EMD document.