Up to 10.10.2019 (15:00hrs.)
As mentioned on the website
Last Date and Time for Bid Submission
Techno Commercial Opening Date &
Cost of Bidding Document in INR
2655 /- (Including GST @ 18%)
Rs. 2,00,000/-
(Rupees One Lakh only)
As per provisions of bidding documents, the bidders shall submit “Techno-
Commercial Proposal” and “Price Proposal” online on our website
https://eprocurentpc.nic.in within the bid submission date and time as
mentioned above. Only Techno-Commercial proposals will be opened on the
above mentioned date at 15:30 hrs (IST).
The date of opening of Price Proposal shall be intimated separately by
KBUNL after completion of evaluation of Techno-Commercial Proposal.
Bid Security (EMD), Tender Fee, NIL Deviation Certificate,
and Certificate of Compliance on Qualifying Requirements shall be
submitted in a sealed envelope separately in offline (in physical form/ Hard
copy) within the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the
address given below.
Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security (EMD), Tender Fee, NIL Deviation
Certificate, and Certificate of Compliance on Qualifying Requirements shall be
treated as non-responsive by the employer and shall not be opened. All
credential filled up formats & supporting documents as asked by KBUNL are
to be submitted in online as attachments with the bid.
Any document submitted by the agency in hard copy other than
the documents mentioned at Para 5.0 above, will not be considered. In spite
of this condition, if any document is submitted by the agency in hard copy
other than the documents mentioned at Para 5.0 above before bid opening
shall not be taken into consideration evaluation shall be done on the basis of
offer submitted through the e-tendering portal https://eprocurentpc.nic.in
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by
any interested Bidder at our e-tender Site (https://eprocurentpc.nic.in).
For logging on to the above e-tender Site, the bidder as first time user would
require to create user ID and Password under tab online Bidder enrollment .
The payment (non-refundable) of the cost of the documents as tender fee as
mentioned above shall be made in the form of a crossed account payee
demand draft in favour of Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Ltd. Payable at Canara
Bank , Kanti, Branch Code: 4189, Dist.: Muzaffarpur , Bihar
shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline before the the
stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below.
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