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1. The agency can login e-tender site (GEPNIC-E-Procurement portal) for participation
in our tendering after complying to above. The agency can reach our e-tender site
GEPNIC login site) directly through below mentioned address.
2. Digital Certificate (Class III) is a must for vendors desiring to participate in this
tender. For further details regarding this please visit the link “Bidders manual Kit” in
E-procurement portal. NTPC won’t be responsible for any vendor not having a
suitable valid digital certificate.
Qualifying Requirements against expression of interest
a) The bidder should have ownership of at least one commercial vehicle. The Vehicle should be
owned by the bidder ( sole or joint or associates)
b) The bidder should have experience of deployment of at least one commercial vehicle for the
period of minimum 6 months in any of the PSU or its joint venture company / Govt. or semi
Govt. department / PSE / SEB / Private Limited Company / private enterprise during the last
five years. For the verification, agency is required to submit documents such as purchase
order copies / LOI / agreement copy, bank passbook / bank statement, etc.
c) The bidder should be an individual / Company / Firm or a registered society having a PAN
No and GST registration no. However, the small service providers who are exempted from
GST may also submit their bid certifying that they are exempted from GST
d) The acceptance of the EOI shall be at sole discretion of NTPC
The scanned self – attested copies of the following documents shall also be submitted /
uploaded by the bidders:
(a) Signed copy of Scope of Work and Special T&C,
(b) Ownership document,
(c) Registration document,
(d) PAN card,
(e) Insurance document,
(f) Fitness Certificate & All India Permit,
(g) PUC certificate,
(h) PF Reg (If applicable),
(i) Letter Head / Other as per advt.
Original documents for verifications shall be produced as and when called for.
"Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to undertake· a
physical assessment of the capacity and capabilities including financial capacity and capability
of the Bidder / his Collaborator(s) / Associate(s) / Subsidiary(ies) / Group Company(ies) to
perform the Contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest
of the Employer.
The physical assessment shall include but not be limited to the assessment of the
office/facilities/banker's/reference works by the Employer. A negative determination of such
assessment of capacity and capabilities may result in the rejection of the Bid.