NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
PO-Kahalgaon, Dist-Bhagalpur (Bihar)
(Domestic Competitive Bidding)
NTPC invites bids from eligible Bidders for “Hiring of 01 no. 41 seater Bus for Station duty on 24 hours a day
basis for NTPC, Kahalgaon. C-54557.” through e-tender under Open Tender Two Envelope bidding.
1.0 Brief Information of NIT
NIT Subject
Hiring of 01 no. 41 seater Bus for Station duty on 24 hours a day basis
for NTPC, Kahalgaon. C-54557.
NIT No. /Date
Completion Period
24 months
Source of IFB/NIT
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station
Contract Classification
Services Contracts
Last Date and Time for Bid submission
18.09.2019 15.30 Hrs
Technical Opening Date & Time
19.09.2019 15.30 Hrs
Price Bid Opening Date
To be informed later
Cost of Bidding Documents
EMD Amount in INR
2.0 Clarification on Bidding Documents:
Bidder can seek clarifications through e-mail up to the time specified as mentioned in the
bidding document.
The queries will be answered by NTPC.
3.0 Qualifying Requirements of Bidders:
For QR, Please visit eprocurentpc.nic.in
4.0 Participation in the tender does not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified.
NTPC shall evaluate the qualifying requirement of each bidder as per NIT after opening of
technical bid and the bids of the bidder who is not meeting the qualifying requirement shall not be
5.0 NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the invitation for bids/IFB
without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have
claim arising out of such action.
6.0 NTPC will not be responsible for any loss/late receipt/non-receipt of applications for tender
documents/bids due to any postal delay or delay, in any form, in transit.
7.0 If the last date for receiving applications/ selling of bids/ date of bid opening coincides with
holiday, the date will be shifted to the next working day.
8.0 Package Co-ordinator:
1) Chander Mohan, DGM (C&M) Kahalgaon, e-mail: chandermohan@ntpc.co.in
2) Priti Pallawi, Sr. Manager (C&M), e-mail: pritipallavi@ntpc.co.in
9.0 Address for Communication:
Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Project
NTPC, Kahalgaon,
Dist: Bhagalpur
State: Bihar
PIN: 813214