NTPC Limited
Refurbishment of Stage#1 & 2 Rotor Blades of Siemens Make Model V94.2 Gas Turbine
Located at
(International Competitive Bidding)
Tender Ref. No.: 9900183313 Date: 01.08.2019
1. NTPC invites online bids on Single Stage Two Envelopes Bidding Basis (Envelope-I:
Techno-Commercial Bid & Envelope-II: Price Bid) from eligible bidders for
“Refurbishment of Stage#1 & 2 Rotor Blades of Siemens Make Model V94.2 Gas
Turbine” for NTPC DADRI GAS POWER PROJECT, Situated at VIDYUT NAGAR town in
district G B NAGAR, State of UTTAR PRADESH India, as per the Scope of Work
mentioned hereinafter.
The brief scope of work under this package shall includes the following: Refurbishment of
Stage#1 & 2 Rotor Blades of Siemens Make Model V94.2 Gas Turbine
3. Employer intends to finance the subject package through internal resources.
4. Detailed specification, scope of work and terms & conditions are given in the bidding
documents, which are available on-line (www.eprocurentpc.nic.in) as per the following
Tender Ref. No. 9900183313
NIT Date 01.08.2019
Source of IFB/NIT SSC- DBF & Hydro, Faridabad
Contract Classification O & M Works
Document Download Start Date & Time
01.08.2019; 1730 Hrs
Clarification Start Date
Clarification End Date 17.08.2019
Document Download End Date & Time
21.08.2019; 1500 Hrs
Last Date and Time for Bid submission
Date and Time for Techno-Commercial
Bid Opening
23.08.2019; 1100 Hrs. (IST)
Bid Conference
Not Applicable
Completion / Contract Period The period of Contract shall be Twelve (12)
Months from the date of Award.
Tender Fee
Amount in INR
Rs. 1350/-
Tender Fee
Amount in USD
USD 30/-
EMD (Bid Security) Amount in INR
1,00,000.00/- (Rupees One Lacs Only)
EMD (Bid Security) Amount in USD
1500.00/- (USD Fifteen Hundred Only)
Preference to Make In India
Splitting of the Package
Not Applicable
5. EMD (Bid Security) / Tender Fee shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline
by the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given below:
If benefits to MSE’s is applicable, MSE vendors are required to upload the MSE certificate
Online in Fee/EMD cover of tendering portal.
6. NTPC shall allow purchase preference, as indicated in the bidding documents, to
bids from local suppliers as defined in the bidding documents. The bidders may
apprise themselves of the relevant provisions of bidding documents in this regard
before submission of their bids.
7. Qualifying Requirements for Bidders:
The bidder should have sucessfully executed refurbishment job of gas turbine rotor
blades meeting any one of the following criteria during the preceding seven (07)
years prior to the date of techno-commercial bid opening.
Clause A1.1: The bidder should be a Gas Turbine Manufacturer/ Manufacturer of
Gas Turbine Blades / refurbishment agency of Gas Turbine Blades and should have
carried out/ got carried out Refurbishment / Manufacture of at least two (2) sets of
Stage#1 &2 air cooled blades for Gas Turbines having minimum rating of 98 MW
ISO at Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) of 990 Deg. C minimum, which should have
completed successful operation of at least one Hot Gas Path Inspection (HGPI) or
Major Overhaul (Minimum 15,000 EOH).
Clause A1.2: Bidder must either himself possess or have legitimate access for the
necessary technology of refurbishment/ coating of air cooled Blades of Siemens
make Gas Turbine model No. V94.2 of Dadri Gas Power Station having ISO rating of
142.42 MW at TIT of 1060 Deg. C
The Bidder at his option can also outsource any of the activities required for
refurbishment/ coating of above Blades subject to the condition that the chosen
outsourcing agency by the bidder also have the necessary technology for
refurbishment/ coating of air cooled Blades of Siemens make Gas Turbine Model
No. V 94.2 of Dadri Gas Power Station having ISO rating of 142.42 MW at TIT of
1060 Deg. C.
Clause A1.3: The bidder can be a licensee or Authorized Agent of Gas Turbine
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). In such case, the bidder can be
considered qualified based on the experience of their Principal who meets the
requirements mentioned at clause A1.1 & A1.2 above.
Clause A2.0: NTPC has the right to access the capability and capacity of the bidder
for carrying out the refurbishment/ coating of air cooled Blades/ Vanes of V 94.2 Gas
Turbine for its Dadri Gas Power Station.
B. Financial Criteria of Bidder
1. The average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three
financial years as on the date of Techno-commercial bid opening should not
be less than INR 99.81Lakhs (Ninety-nine lacs eighty-one thousand only).
2. The bidder should have successfully executed any one of the following
“similar work” during the preceding seven years as on the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening:
a. Single (1) order of contract value not less than 79.85 Lakhs
b. Two (2) orders, each of contract value not less than 49.90 Lakhs
c. Three (3) orders, each of contact value not less than 39.92 Lakhs
3. Similar Work means Refurbishment of Gas Turbine Stage#1 & 2 Rotor
4. The word “executed mentioned above means the bidder should have
achieved the above mentioned financial criteria (B.2), even if the total contract
is started earlier and / or is not completed/closed.
5. In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of
Techno-commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results
certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable.
In case bidder is not able to submit the certificate from practicing Chartered
accountant, certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of the three
consecutive financial 5. years preceding the last financial year shall be
considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a certificate would
be required from the CEO/CFO as per the format enclosed in the bidding
documents stating that the financial results of the company are under audit as
on the date of Technocommercial bid opening and the certificates from the
practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters are not
6. In case the bidder is not able to furnish it’s audited financial statements on
standalone entity basis, the un-audited unconsolidated financial statements of
the bidder can be considered acceptable provided the bidder further furnishes
the following documents for substantiation of its qualification.
a. Copies of the un-audited unconsolidated financial statements of the
bidder along with copies of the audited consolidated financial
statements of the holding company.
b. A certificate from the CEO/ CFO of the Holding Company, as per the
format enclosed in the bidding documents, stating that the un-audited
unconsolidated financial statements form part of the Consolidated
Financial Statements of the Holding Company.
(Notes: Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.)
7. In case of any financial criteria submitted by the bidder in foreign currency, the
exchange rate as on 7 days prior to the date of Techno-Commercial bid opening
shall be used.
8. Techno Commercial Bid Opening date shall be first scheduled Techno
Commercial Bid Opening Date.
9. The bidder should have a separate valid GST registration number and PAN
10. Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer reserves the right to
assess the capabilities and capacity of the Bidder/ his collaborators/ associates/
subsidiaries/group companies to perform the contract should the circumstances
warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the Employer.
11. Employer reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the
Invitation for Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no
bidder / intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.
12. A Complete Set of Tender Documents may be downloaded by any interested
bidder free of cost through NTPC e-procurement portal,
http://eprocurentpc.nic.in. For logging in to the e-tender website (GePNIC) and
downloading Tender Documents, the bidder would require GePNIC User ID and
Password, which can be created by registering at our e-tendering website
For access in GePNIC site, a valid Class III digital signature of the authorized
person of the agency is a pre-requisite.
First time users not allotted any vendor code are required to approach NTPC at least three
working days prior to last date of bid submission and submit following details:
a. For creation of vendor code:
i. Company/ Firm registration copy, GST registration copy, PAN detail copy
ii. Valid email ID, Contact No.
iii. Address Proof
iv. Cancelled cheque & EFT form (to be verified by bank)
b. For registration in GePNIC (Govt. e-Procurement National Informatics Centre) portal
i. Go to site: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app
ii. Click on online bidder enrolment & fill up your details
iii. Send the copy of registration acknowledgement to dealing officer of case.
13. Issuance of Bidding Documents to any Bidder shall not construe that such Bidder
is considered to be qualified.
14. Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased by one intending Bidder to another is
not permissible.
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and
Village Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or
National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any
other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act
2006, for goods produced and services rendered, shall be issued the bid documents free of
cost and shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit.
Further, in case of tenders where splitting of quantity is possible, participating MSEs quoting
price within price band of L1 + 15 percent shall also be allowed to supply a portion of
requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from
someone other than a Micro and Small Enterprise and such Micro and Small Enterprise
shall be allowed to supply up to 20 percent of total tendered value. In case of more than one
such MSE, the supply will be shared proportionately (to tendered quantity).
However, in case of tenders where splitting of quantity is not possible, participating MSEs
quoting price within price band of L1 + 15 percent shall be allowed to execute the package
by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation where L1 price is from someone other
than a Micro and Small Enterprise. The award shall be made as follows:
a) Award shall be given to L1 bidder if L1 bidder is a MSE.
b) In case L1 bidder is not a MSE, then all the MSE vendor(s) who have quoted
within the range of L1 + 15%, shall be given the opportunity in order of their ranking (starting
with the lowest quoted MSE bidder and so on) to bring down its price to match with L1
bidder. Award for full quantity shall be placed on the MSE vendor who matches its price with
L1 Bidder at the price quoted by L1 bidder.
c) If no MSE vendor who has quoted within range of L1 + 15% accepts the price of
L1 bidder then the award shall be made to the L1 bidder.
The benefit as above to MSEs shall be available only for Goods/Services produced &
provided by MSEs for which they are registered.
MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose a attested/self-certified copy of
registration certificate as a part of his bid, giving details such as stores/services, validity (if
applicable) etc. failing which they run the risk of their bid being passed over as ineligible for
the benefits applicable to MSEs.
16. Address for Communication:
AGM (C&M) / Manager (C&M),
Contact No. : 01292404513 / 01292404527
Email id: dsrawat@ntpc.co.in ; ankushgoyal@ntpc.co.in
NTPC Websites for reference: https://eprocurentpc.nic.in or www.ntpc.co.in
Registered Office:
NTPC Limited
NTPC Bhawan, SCOPE Complex,
7, Institutional Area, Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110003
Corporate Identification Number:L40101DL1975GOI00796
8/7/2019 NTPC Limited eProcurement Portal
https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=FrontEndTenderDetails&service=direct&session=T&sp=SCKNUzlgb%2Bs%2FdRnh71%2BWiqC2JrDgnfWAc5U7yktE33Gk%3D 1/2
NTPC Limited eProcurement Portal
Tender Details
Date : 07-Aug-2019 02:29 PM
Basic Details
Organisation Chain NTPC Limited||DBF Headquarter
Tender Reference Number NTPC/SSC - Hydro and DBF(Fbd)/9900183313
Tender ID 2019_NTPC_22168_1
Tender Type Open Tender Form of contract Service
Tender Category Services No. of Covers 3
General Technical Evaluation Allowed Yes ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed No
Payment Mode Offline Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ Yes
Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee Yes Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Payment Instruments
S.No Instrument Type
1 DD
2 BG
3 BC
Cover Details, No. Of Covers - 3
Cover No Cover Document Type Description
1 Fee .pdf EMD
.pdf Tender Fee
2 PreQual/Technical .pdf QR Documents
.pdf Data Sheet
.pdf Scope of Work
3 Finance .xls Price Bid
Tender Fee Details, [Total Fee in ₹ * - 1,350]
Tender Fee in ₹
Fee Payable To NTPC Limited Fee Payable At Payable At Faridabad
Tender Fee Exemption Allowed Yes
EMD Fee Details
EMD Amount in ₹ 1,00,000 EMD Exemption Allowed Yes
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD Percentage NA
EMD Payable To NTPC Limited EMD Payable At Payable At Faridabad
Foreign Currency Fee Details
S.No Currency Tender Fee EMD Fee
1 US Dollar 30.00 1500.00
Foreign Currency BOQ Details
S.No Currency Conversion rate in ₹
1 US Dollar NA
2 European Euro NA
3 Japanese Yen NA
Work /Item(s)
Title Refurbishment of Stage 1 and 2 Rotor Blades of Siemens Make Model V 94.2 at NTPC Dadri Gas Power Station
Work Description Refurbishment of Stage 1 and 2 Rotor Blades of Siemens Make Model V 94.2 at NTPC Dadri Gas Power Station
Pre Qualification Details As per tender documents
Independent External Monitor NA
Tender Value in ₹ 0.00 Product Category Serv - Others Sub category NA
Contract Type Tender Bid Validity(Days) 120 Period Of Work(Days) 365
Location NTPC Dadri Gas Power Station Pincode 201008 Pre Bid Meeting Place NA
Pre Bid Meeting Address NA Pre Bid Meeting Date NA Bid Opening Place Faridabad Gas Power Station
Should Allow NDA Tender No Prequalification Approval Date NA Allow Preferential Bidder No
Critical Dates
Publish Date 01-Aug-2019 06:00 PM Bid Opening Date 23-Aug-2019 11:00 AM
Document Download / Sale Start Date 01-Aug-2019 06:00 PM Document Download / Sale End Date 21-Aug-2019 03:00 PM
Clarification Start Date 01-Aug-2019 06:00 PM Clarification End Date 17-Aug-2019 06:00 PM
Bid Submission Start Date 01-Aug-2019 06:00 PM Bid Submission End Date 21-Aug-2019 03:00 PM
Tender Documents
NIT Document
S.No Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf NIT 674.21
Work Item Documents
S.No Document Type Document Name Description Document Size (in KB)
8/7/2019 NTPC Limited eProcurement Portal
https://eprocurentpc.nic.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=FrontEndTenderDetails&service=direct&session=T&sp=SCKNUzlgb%2Bs%2FdRnh71%2BWiqC2JrDgnfWAc5U7yktE33Gk%3D 2/2
1 Tender Documents TenderDocuments.rar Tender Documents 6583.04
2 BOQ BOQ_25034.xls Price Bid 285.50
View GTE Details
S.No Particulars Expected Value Mandatory
1.0 Do you accept NTPC Safety Rules Yes Yes
2.0 Do you accept the Fraud Prevention Policy of NTPC Yes Yes
3.0 Do you accept Withholding and Banning of Business Dealing Policy of NTPC Yes Yes
4.0 Do you certify full compliance on Qualifying Requirements Yes Yes
5.0 Do you certify full compliance to all provisions of Bid documents Yes Yes
Tender Inviting Authority
Name Ankush GoyalManager-Contracts
Address Faridabad Gas Power Station Village- Mujedi, PO - Nimka Faridabad 121004