Bulk Issue of fly ash for nearby cement manufacturing company by Road
EOI No. AM-1/Fly ash/ 2019-20 Date:
Invitation for Expression of Interest
There is no cement industry near NTPC Kahalgaon Plant. NTPC Kahalgaon is inviting the EOI
from cement manufacturing entrepreneur interested in setting up plant in the vicinity.
NTPC may issue DFA at preferential rate / condition for the promotion of the same .NTPC
limited, the largest power generating company in India intent to facilitate the issue of fly ash to
the nearby upcoming cement manufacturing plant through road from its Kahalgaon Super
Thermal Power stations. The entrepreneur is planning to set up the cement plant in the vicinity
of NTPC Kahalgaon TPS within a distance of 50/80 km approximately may participate in this.
Presently five ash silos are working and more numbers of silos are coming up which may cater
additional 50000 MT dry fly ash per month within in one and half year. NTPC KH may consider
for issuing the fly ash at negotiable condition in the initial starting period of 03 years to establish
and stabilize the set up. After 3 years, ash to be supplied at market determined rate. During the
first three years, agency may express the quantity and the rate at which they would like to lift the
NTPC KH invites the Expression of Interest (EOI) from the interested upcoming Cement
entrepreneurs in the prescribed format for receiving fly ash in bulk quantity for manufacturing of
cement by Road. NTPC Kahalgaon having capacity of 2340 MW is situated very near to
Kahalgaon Railway station and the river Ganga and well connected to Jharkhand also. It is
situated at Kahalgaon, Bhagalpur district, Bihar.
Interested entrepreneurs are requested to submit their requirement in the specified format by
Aug 2019.
The standard format and general information for Expression of Interest have been uploaded
Format (Cement Industry) Annex -1
(On the company’s, letter head duly signed by Authorized Signatory with Company's Stamp)
EOI for Issue of fly ash from NTPC Kahalgaon STPS in bulker
1 Address of the cement Industry to be set up _______________________________________
2(a) Is the land already acquired and then submit the details of Rasid, Mutation certificate, etc.
(b) If is it a Lease Hold then give agreement / necessary document etc.
3. Classification of the Company : Public Limited / Private Limited/Partnership Firm
Others (please specify) ______________
4 Contact details : Name: ….....
Designation: ………………………………
Tel No. :…………………....( With STD code)
Fax No.: …...
Mobile No …...
Email ID: …………………………………….
5 Approx. distance from NTPC KH plant :
6. Is it well connected by Road from the plant of NTPC:
7. a) Likely Installed capacity of Cement Plant: ------------------------------------and Year of commissioning----------
b) Year of Experience in the industry ---
c) Annual Turnover of the Company---
8. Types of the cement to be manufactured: PPC/OPC/other------Ton per annum
9 Fly ash requirement on daily/ annual basis: --------- and Total Periodin Years -----------
10 Likelymode of transportation of fly ash: ----------trucks/ tankers/ bulkers
11. Present auctioned price Rate: Rs. 200 to 250 per TON
Qty Requirement Ton
Offered Price /Ton
i) For initial 3 years of manufacturing period
preferably at discounted rate
ii) After 3 years
As per market driven
12. Any other information like special consideration from NTPC, progress regarding submission of
clearances for industry, DPR, which may want to share in the EOI. -----------
13. We understand that fly ash quantity to be supplied would be “as available basis “from plant silo chute
and we have to arrange transportation at our own cost in bulkers/ closed trucks. We are liable and
responsible for payment towards any taxes, applicable from time to time during the tenure of the
contract/MOU. We understand that this is very general condition and criteria and decision of NTPC is final
in this regard in due course of time.
Date … / ….../ … Signature: ……………………
Name of the Person ………
Place: Designation: ………………..
Name of the Company: …
Address: ………………….
Company Seal:
Note: The party submitting the EOI shall be bearing all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of the EOI and NTPC will, in no case be responsible or liable for these costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the assessment/evaluation process.