CIN NO : U74900DL2008PTC176247
(A Joint Venture of NTPC & UPRVNL)
Meja Thermal Power plant P.O.- Kohdar, Tehsil Meja
Distt.- Allahabad-U.P. ( 212301)
Invitation to bid/ Notice Inviting Tender Domestic Competitive Bidding
Ref. No. MUNPL/C&M/Contracts/NIT/19-20/14 dtd 20.05.2019
Meja Urja Nigam Pvt. Ltd, in Uttar Pradesh invites sealed bids/ tenders/ proposals from eligible bidders for
the following packages.
Name of work
Est. cost
Tender fee
in Rs./
Money in
BID receiving
date & time &
opening time
dtd 20.05.2019
Handling of Coal
mill reject and
raw coal of
up to 11.00 AM
& opening at
11.30 AM on
same day
Qualifying requirements (QR) for bidders
1. The Bidder should have executed the following work (s) during last seven (07) years as on the
date of techno-commercial bid opening:
At least one similar work of minimum value of ₹27.11 Lakh
At least two similar works of minimum value of ₹16.95 Lakh
At least three similar works of minimum value of 13.56 Lakh
1. The word “executed” means the bidder should have achieved the criteria specified in
the above QR within the specified period even if the contract has been started earlier
and / or is not completed / closed.
2. Similar works shall include transportation of coal/ mill reject/ash/
earth/sand/aggregate/ stones.
3.1 The bidder should have achieved a minimum average annual turnover of 33.89 lakh.
(Rupees thirty three lakhs and eighty nine thousands only) during the last three financial
years i.e. 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18. Other income shall not be considered for
arriving at annual turnover.
3..2 In case where audited results for the last financial year as on the date of Techno
Commercial Bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing
Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to
submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial
parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years preceding the last
financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial parameters. Further, a
certificate would be required from the CEO / CFO as per the format enclosed in the
bidding documents stating that the financial results of the company are under audit as on
the date of techno-commercial bid opening and the certificate from the practicing
Chartered Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.
CIN NO : U74900DL2008PTC176247
(A Joint Venture of NTPC & UPRVNL)
Meja Thermal Power plant P.O.- Kohdar, Tehsil Meja
Distt.- Allahabad-U.P. ( 212301)
3.3 In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on standalone
entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder can be
considered acceptable provided the bidder furnishes the following further documents on
substantiation of its qualification.
A) Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder along with
copies of the audited consolidated financial statements of the Holding Company.
A) A certificate from the CEO / CFO of the Holding Company as per the format
enclosed in the bid documents stating that the unaudited unconsolidated financial
statements form part of the consolidated annual report of the company.
3.4 Notwithstanding anything stated above, the employer reserves the right to assess the
capabilities and capacity of the bidder / his collaborators / associates / subsidiaries / group
companies to perform the contract should the circumstances warrant such assessments in
the overall interest of employer.
4.0 Supporting documents to be submitted in support of Qualifying requirement:
4.1 Copy of award letters / copy of Purchase Order
Commissioning/work completion certificate.
4.2 Financial Statements
General Terms & conditions:-
a) Bid documents can be obtained from the address given below on all working days between 10.00
am to 4.00 pm (Sunday/holiday closed) during the bid documents sale start/stop dates indicated
above by submitting request on bidders own letter head along with the cost of bid document in the
form of a demand draft (non refundable). The demand draft should be drawn in favour of Meja
Urja Nigam Pvt. Ltd, Payable at Allahabad..
The bidding documents can also be downloaded from on registration
and online payment (non-refundable) towards cost of bidding document and the down loaded
documents can be used for bidding purposes.
In case the registered bidders who have downloaded the bidding documents require an additional
manual copy of the documents then such bidders shall be required to purchase the manual copy of
the bidding documents following the procedure detailed above.
b) Issuance of bid documents to any bidder shall not construe that such bidder is considered
qualified. Fulfillment of qualifying requirements by the bidders will be reviewed/ evaluated by
Meja Urja Nigam Pvt. Ltd (MUNPL). Date of opening of price bids shall be communicated only
to the bidders, who are found qualified at a later date.
c) The technical bid will be opened only of those bidders who have submitted proper EMD
along with Letter of Undertaking AND Declaration of Acceptance of Bid Conditions & No
Deviation. Total bid to be submitted by 11.00 AM on the BOD as indicated above at the
following address:
Meja Thermal Power plant
P.O.- Kohdar, Tehsil Meja
Distt.- Allahabad-U.P. ( 212301)
and technical bids will be opened on the same day at 11.30 AM.
d) Sealed tenders signed in all pages should be submitted in three parts. Part (a) for EMD, Letter of
Undertaking and Declaration of Acceptance of Bid Conditions & No Deviation, Part (b) for
Technical Bid containing total credential to fulfill all the criteria as mentioned in qualifying
requirements along with technical specification, catalogue etc., if any, and Part (c) the price bid.
e) The bidder must submit all the documents like detailed purchase order/award letter, proof of
execution, audited balance sheet alongwith profit & loss accounts of last three years, CA’s
CIN NO : U74900DL2008PTC176247
(A Joint Venture of NTPC & UPRVNL)
Meja Thermal Power plant P.O.- Kohdar, Tehsil Meja
Distt.- Allahabad-U.P. ( 212301)
certificate, if any, to establish their credentials in line of the qualifying requirements. Submission
of incomplete bids (i.e non submission of required documents) may be liable for
disqualification/ rejection of offer.
f) Transfer of tender documents purchased by one intending tenderer to another is not permitted.
g) MUNPL reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/ withdraw the invitation of bids
without assigning any reason whatsoever and in any such case no bidder/intending bidder shall
have any claim arising out of such action.
h) In case any stipulated date is a holiday, then tenders opening date will be shifted to next working
i) All credentials pertaining to this NIT must be before the date of NIT.
j) For any postal / communication delay, MUNPL will not be held responsible.
Note: Bids are to be submitted super scribing the tender reference. Tenders without having three
separate envelopes, i.e Part (a) EMD, Letter of Undertaking & Declaration of Acceptance of
Bid Conditions & No Deviation; Part (b) Technical bid and Part (c) price bid respectively will
not be considered.
Note:- For the detailed NIT and bidding documents please visit at or may contact AGM (C&M)
Phone-0532-2693120, 2693038, 2693101 Meja Thermal Power plant P.O.- Kohdar, Tehsil Meja, Distt.- Allahabad-
U.P (212301), Fax-0532-2693178, E-mail :