Invitation for Expression of Interest for Issue of Dry Fly Ash & Bottom ash
from NTPC,Darlipali.
NTPC Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Issue of Dry Fly Ash & bottom ash from NTPC Darlipali, Dist-
Sundergarh- 770072, Odisha.
NTPC Limited, Darlipali Super Thermal Power Station located nearly 32 KM from Sundergarh at PO-Darlipali-
770072, Dist. Sundergarh, State-Odisha invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested agencies in the
prescribed format for issue of Dry Fly ash & bottom ash on chargeable basis from plant silos/ash pond The
total ash quantity available is as given below:
Station Capacity
Total ash available (in MMT)
No. of silos with storage capacity
(in MT)
Stage – I : 2 X 800 MW
1500 X 4
Interested parties are requested to submit their requirement as per format given in website . Fly ash quantity to be supplied would be “As is available basis” from
ex-plant silo chute and interested agencies have to arrange transportation at their own bulkers/closed trucks.
Agencies are requested to submit their requirement of quantity, duration, schedule of drawl of ash from silos
of NTPC Darlipali. Ash shall be delivered from Silo chute to bulkers and closed tankers.
Besides cost of the ash, interested agencies shall be liable and responsible for payment towards any taxes,
duties, levies, octroi ets. Applicable/enforced (by State/Central Govt.) from time to time during the tenure of
the contract.
How to Apply:
Interested agencies may submit their EOI in the format to the address mentioned below on or before
15.07.2019. The format may also be obtained from the address given below:
Address for communication:
AGM (C&M), Darlipali Super Thermal Power Station, NTPC ltd., PO-Darlipali, Dist-Sundergarh, Odisha – 770072,
Phone No: 06622-262667
Contact Person:
Kindly get in touch with following persons for any enquiries pertaining to this EOI
(i) Shri TVSS Prakash, AGM (C&M) Ph. No: 06622-262676 Email: tvssprakash@ntpc
(ii) Shri B K Mohanty Sr Manager(C&M) Ph. No: 06622-262667 Email:
(On the company letter head duly signed by Authorised Signatory with company seal)
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Issue of dry Fly Ash & Bottom Ash from
NTPC Darlipali Super Thermal Power Project, Sundergarh on Chargeable Basis
1. Name of the interested agency : ________________________________
2. Address : ________________________________
3. Nature of business: (tick the applicable box)
Cement Manufacturer: Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) :
Export / Import : Trader: Transporter:
Ash Based Product (other than Bricks/Blocks, pl specify):
Any Other uses ---------------------
4. Type of products being dealt : _______________________________________
5. Classification of company : Public limited Private Limited
Partnership Firm
Others (please specify): ____________________
6. Contact details: Name: _________________________________
Designation: _____________________________
Tel. No with std code: _____________________
Fax No: ________________________________
Mobile No: ______________________________
Email ID: _______________________________
7. Proposed end use of fly ash : Cement RMC Asbestos
Ash based products
Others (Please specify) _______________
8. Years of experience in the business : ________________________________
9. Annual turnover of the Business : ________________________________
10. Location & agency’s other details :
a) Distance of Ash Utilization unit from Darlipali Super Thermal Power Project: _____ km
b) Address:
c) Details of License/Registration (if available):
11. a) Total requirement of fly ash : ________________Tonnes / Annum
b) Total requirement of bottom ash : ________________Tonnes / Annum
12. Requirement of Ash at various prices:
For fly ash
Price offered by party
(Rs./MT) at the Plant Silo*
Quantity required
Period of requirement
(in No. of Years)
Bottom ash
Price offered by party
(Rs./MT) at the ash pond
Quantity required
Period of requirement
(in No. of Years)
*Excluding taxes, duties & freight.
13. Whether willing to enter into long term MOU : YES NO
We understand that Fly ash quantity to be supplied would be “as available basis” from plant silo chute &
bottom ash from ash pond and we have to arrange transportation at our own cost in bulkers/closed
trucks. We are liable and responsible for payment towards any taxes, toll taxes duties, levies, octroi etc.
applicable/enforced (by State/Central Government) from time to time during the tenure of the contract.
Date: Signature:
Place: Name of the Person
Name of the Company
Company seal Address