(A Joint Venture of NTPC & SAIL)
Captive Power Plant -II, D.S.P. Complex, Durgapur-713203, Dist- Burdwan(W. B.)
Phone: 0343-2970034 / 9800704994 / 9800706353/ 9800972353 / 9800597353
Contracts & Materials Management Department
Notice Inviting e-Tender
NIT No. NSPCL/DGP/ C&M / OT/e-Tender / 03 / 2019 Dt..15.03.2019
NSPCL, a joint venture of NTPC & SAIL, at Durgapur, invites E- tenders from the eligible parties / agencies for
the following Works. The detailed Scope of Work & Tech. Specifications etc. are given in the Tender
Pkg No.
Description of Works / Materials
(Rs.Lacs )
EMD (Rs.)
Cost of
Tender Paper
BOD of
Technical Bid
Tender Documents sale date from 04.04.2019 to 23.04.2019 from our e-tender (SRM Portal) website
Abridged NIT along with Qualifying Requirement may be viewed at www.ntpctender.com ,
www.ntpc.co.in, www.nspcl.co.in. The details of tender for e-bidding shall be available at
Instruction for e-bidding:
1. The bidder must have Digital Signature Certificate (Class-III).
2. The bidders who already have valid SRM User ID:
a) Login the SRM Portal and click on RFx and Auction button.
b) Rfx will be available to view for all the bidders which are already having valid SRM User ID’s.
c) Interested bidders have to register first against the Bid invitation by clicking on “Register” button placed into Rfx header
d) Tender document fee should be submitted on line only except exemption document and EMD also may be submitted
e) Once Registration step & Tender fee submission is done by bidder and the tender fee received by the NSPCL and updated
into the system then Bidder could able to “Create Response” and submit the bids against the Bid invitation into the system.
3. New Bidders which are not having SAP/ERP Vendor Code and or SRM User ID:
a) In case a new bidder wants to participate for a particular Bid invitation in SRM portal, the bidder first of all has to submit the
filled Registration Form & NEFT Form along with required supporting documents e.g. as specified in forms and Tender
document cost, till 18
APRIL 2019 to C&M department, NSPCL Durgapur in hard copy or scanned copy through e-
mail at: nspcldgp.cm@gmail.com, ajoykumar.gupta@nspcl.co.in, c.bhattacharjee@nspcl.co.in,
b) C&M department will initiate the process for vendor ID creation in SAP & send the bidders SRM Credentials (User ID along
with initial Password)
c) After creation of SRM Credentials the step 2 ( above ) shall be followed by the bidder.
EMD through Demand Draft in favour of “NSPCL” payable at Durgapur, West Bengal. Original D/D and EMD documents to
be sent to AGM(C&M), NSPCL/Durgapur -713203, Dist-Burdwan, W.B. & confirmed by e-mail, so as to reach the site before
Technical Bid Opening date.
Online Tender fee and EMD submission Procedure are attached here with “SRM Online TFE &
EMD Payment Manual”.
May please click on link:- https://www.nspcl.co.in/pages/nspcl-srm-portal
All eligible MSME, NSIC / SSI units with proper certificates from the appropriate authority shall be exempted for payment of
Tender Document Fees & EMD. Bidders seeking exemption have to enclose a copy of valid Registration Certificate giving details of
Stores, Monetary limit & Validity and send to us; failing which their bids may not be considered.
NOTE- The benefit of MSEs shall be available only for Goods / Services produced & provided by MSEs for
which they are registered. MSME Benefits are not applicable for “Works Contract”.
Addl. General Manager ( C & M )
Package Name : Coal Shifting from DSP beds to NSPCL Coal yard (PP-II & PP-III).
Package No. : CS/18196 Completion Period : 18 Months
Techno-Commercial Criterion for Bidder:
1.0 The Bidder must have the experience of execution of Similar work i.e. Shifting / Transportation
of Coal / Earth / Ash / Boulder / Slag / Ore and should have shifted a minimum of 2500
MT(Metric Ton) of such materials on any single day.
2.0 The Bidder should have executed Similar work in preceding 7 (Seven) years from the date of
Technical Bid opening with Order value as under –
(a) Single Order/Contract of value not less than Rs. 305.23 Lakhs
(b) Two Orders/Contract of value not less than Rs. 190.77 Lakhs each.
(C) Three Orders/Contract of value not less than Rs. 152.62 Lakhs each
Financial Criterion for Bidder:
3.0 The Average Annual Turnover of the Bidder in the preceding three (03) Financial Years as on
the date of Techno-commercial bid opening shall not be less than Rs. 254.36 Lakhs. (Rupees
Two Crores Fifty-four Lakhs Thirty-six thousand only).
In case where audited results for the last preceding financial year as on the date of Techno-
Commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a practicing Chartered
Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is not able to submit the Certificate from
practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its financial parameters, the audited results of three
consecutive financial years preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the
financial parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the
CEO/CFO/Proprietor/Partners as per the format enclosed in the bidding documents starting that
the financial results of the Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-Commercial bid
opening and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered Accountant certifying the financial
parameters is not available.
The word Similar Work shall mean Shifting / Transportation of Coal / Earth / Ash /
Boulders / Slag / Ore in the past in any Govt. Organization / PSU / Joint Venture (One partner
of JV must be either Govt. Organization or PSU).
The Word “Executed” means that the bidder should have achieved the progress specified in the
QR para 2.0 even if total contract/ Order is not completed/ closed. The same shall be supported
by documentary evidence issued by the owner/ Employer such as Completion Certificate/ Joint
protocol / Running Final Bills etc.
While computing the annual turnover other income shall not be considered.
In case of JV of Two or more individual / firms / companies all the partners of Joint Venture
Consortiums shall be collectively required to meet the Criterion of Annual Turnover as per QR
para 3.0
In case of JV of Two or more individual / firms / companies to Qualify for QR para 2.0 Executed
Work Order value of individual / firms / companies shall be considered.
Necessary documentary evidence in support of requirements of QR are to be submitted.