Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Ltd.
(A Subsidiary of NTPC Limited)
“Ash Utilization Department”
Ref. No: BRBCL/AUD/01 Dated: 27.03.2019
In accordance with NTPC Ash utilization policy, It is being declared that Approx 60000-70000 MT
Fly ash shall be available for sale with time duration of 45-60 days. The terms & Conditions shall be
as follows.
1. The party has to submit expressionof interest for lifting of minimum ashquantity 10,000 MT.
2. Sale of fly ash shall be @ RS 150/ MT as derived from bidding process.
3. The party has to submit Contract performance Bank Guarantee @5% of total allocated
quantity & one month advance before commencement of lifting ash.
4. The sale of fly ash shall be on first come first serve basis however actual allocated quantity
shall be decided on 03-04-2019 by BRBCL .
5. The contract can be terminated any time without assigning any reason as per discretion of
6. The last date of submission of expression of interest shall be 02-04-2019.
7. For detailed Term and Conditions may please contact BRBCL Ash Utilization Section.
Ash Utilization Deptt
Contact Persons:
1. Sh S. K Jain (Sr Manager)
Mob. No 9650990106
2. Sh Gautam Kumar ( Manager)
Mob. No 7632997698