17. In case of major break down /major maintenance / accident, Owner may provide substitute vehicle of
same type with all other compliance (like Year of registration / commercial registration. Make / Model
etc ) for the maximum period of one month with proper information/ request to EIC / contract Deptt.
In case of accident of vehicle during period of contract, there shall be no liability (of any
kind) on KBUNL.
18. Monthly bills (along with details of Log book) shall be submitted by the Contractor/ Agency
after completion of a particular month and shall be paid within next 30 days from the date of
submission of bills complete in all respect & certification of EIC.
19. Security Deposit Deduction: Initial SD Shall be deducted @5% of the value of fixed monthly hiring
charges of one year from 1st running bill.
20. GST (As applicable) or any other tax (in place of GST which comes into force during the period of the
contract) shall be paid by KBUNL to Govt. Department directly.
21. Following documents to be submitted to EIC (Engineer In-Charge) before deployment of Vehicle.
(A)Copy of ownership / registration
(B)Document related to Commercial registration, Valid Fitness / Pollution certificate)
(C)Copy of Pan Card / GST Registration of the owner of Vehicle (Whichever is applicable) / ID proof of
(D)Driving licence of Driver
(E)Valid Insurance Paper of Vehicle
22. All documents (like: Ownership, Commercial Tax Regn. Insurance, Road tax etc) related to the
vehicle to be verified with the original by EIC/Execution deptt. before release of the 1st RA bill.
23. If vehicle is financed by any bank/ financial institutions, then following shall be applicable:
“In case of failure of payment of EMI on time by the agency and any incident, as lifting/recovery
of vehicle by the financer, happens during the period of contract, then additional penalty of Rs.
2000/- shall be imposed and deducted from the bill of the agency and the contract may be
terminated with banning the agency for minimum two years.
24. Initially vehicle (closed jeep – Bolero / Scorpio / Sumo /Xylo / TUV only) shall be hired for
two year (from 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2021) which may be extended for another one year on
same rate / T&Cs as per requirement of KBUNL.
25. Preference shall be given to newer vehicle with respect to date of registration of
vehicle (re-registration shall not to be considered during preference)
26. Interested individual owner(s) shall have to submit a letter of undertaking (LOU) on
non-judicial stamp paper of value of Rs. 500/- in specified format of KBUNL. Format of
LOU is attached herewith.
27. All individual application / consent letter to provide hiring service of closed jeep shall be
accompanied with Letter of Undertaking (LOU) alongwith relevant papers of vehicle intended
for hiring (like: ownership / commercial registration, Insurance, Fitness, permit etc.) and
Earnest money deposit of Rs. 10,000/-.
28. Owners having with newly purchased vehicle (registration no. not alloted / registartion under
process) may also apply with a declaration that papers related to commercial registration will be
submitted within next one month from the date of deployment of Vehicle and in that case first
running bill will be processed only after submisioon of registration document / relevant papers.
29. The agency/ individual shall enclose the demand draft/ banker cheque of Rs. 10,000/- alonwith
application in favour of “ Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Limited” payable at Kanti Thermal. If the
individual/ agency will fail to deploy the vehicle in specified time then deposited security shall be
Accepted by
Name/ signature of owner with date