6. The bidding documents shall be issued to all bidders upon their depositing the requisite cost of bidding documents along with
request letter without prima-facie examination of qualification status. The qualification status shall be examined by the tender
committee only during the process of evaluation. However, such issue of tender documents will not automatically mean that
bidders are considered qualified.
7. Single stage two envelope bidding system shall be adopted for the subject package.
(i) First envelope shall contain
a) EMD
b) No deviation certificate as per attached format only.
c) Supporting documents for fulfilling the qualifying requirements.
d) Signed and stamped tender documents, terms & conditions and unprice bid which shall be considered as technical bid &
(ii) Second envelop shall contain
a)price bid only duly filled in, signed and stamped.
b)Both technical and price bids shall be submitted before bid submission time and date. Bidder shall clearly indicate on the
respective envelopes as Technical Bid along with EMD details and Price bid.
8. For fulfilling the Qualifying requirements, intending bidder shall be required to submit the following documents along with
their technical bid.
a. EMD in prescribed forms(DD/BC/Bank Guarantee as per NSPCL format).
b. Certificate of CA, Audited Profit & Loss Statement/ Documents towards meeting financial criteria.
c. Copies of work orders/purchase order covering detailed scope of work/ terms & conditions/ bill of quantities along with
performance proof/successful operation for the period as mentioned in qualifying requirement . Documents like invoice
copy, stores receipt voucher (SRV)/ protocol jointly signed by purchaser & supplier may please be furnished by the
vendor for proof of supply. The bidder may provide the reference list for submitted POs with contact details/address.
d. Firm’s documents like Memorandum & Articles of association/ Partnership/ Proprietorship Deed/ Certificate of
Incorporation etc., with latest changes if any.
e. GST Number , Permanent Account Number (PAN), Sales Tax registration numbers.
9. Intending bidders who fulfill the above-stipulated qualifying requirements are advised to visit the site to familiarize
themselves with the nature and quantum of work/supply and site conditions.
10. Envelope containing Technical Bid, No deviation certificate, EMD and supporting documents for fulfilling the Qualifying
Requirements will be opened first on Technical Bid Opening date. Price bids of only those bidders will be opened who meet
the criteria of Qualifying Requirements as specified above. The date of opening indicated in tender/NIT is for technical bid
only. Price bid opening date will be intimated to qualified vendors separately.
11. NSPCL shall not be responsible for any loss/ postal delays/ non-receipt of request for tender documents, bids etc sent by
postal/courier. If the last date of receiving application and date of bid opening coincides with a holiday, the date will be
shifted to the next working day.
12. Tender without earnest money deposit (EMD) and No deviation Certificate will be rejected.
13. Transfer of Bidding Documents purchased by one intending bidder to another is not permissible.
14. Micro and Small Scale Industries(MSES) shall be exempted from payment of cost of tender documents and Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) as per applicable Govt. rule. Vendor has to submit a copy of relevant certificate while claiming such
The following information may be provided by the bidders about the companies/ organizations where orders have been executed
and same orders have been submitted in this tender for fulfilling QR:
a) Name of the customer/ company where similar order has been executed.
b) Year of execution.
c) Name & designation (Phone No. / Fax No. / email-id) of contact person of the customer.
Address for communication: Addl.General Manager (C&M)
NTPC-SAIL Power Company Pvt Ltd,
CPP-II, Administrative Building,
SAIL-RSP Complex,Rourkela Steel Plant,
Rourkela-769011, Odisha.