The date of opening of Price Proposal shall be intimated separately by
NTPC after completion of evaluation of Techno-Commercial Proposal.
5.0 Bid Security (EMD), Tender Fee, NIL Deviation Certificate, and Certificate
of Compliance on Qualifying Requirements shall be submitted in a sealed
envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid submission closing date and
time at the address given below. Any bid without an acceptable Bid Security
(EMD), Tender Fee, NIL Deviation Certificate, and Certificate of Compliance
on Qualifying Requirements shall be treated as non-responsive by the
employer and shall not be opened. All credential filled up formats &
supporting documents as asked by NTPC are to be given online as
attachments with the bid.
6.0 Any document submitted by the agency in hard copy other than the
documents mentioned at Para 5.0 above, will not be considered. In spite of
this condition, if any document is submitted by the agency in hard copy other
than the documents mentioned at Para 5.0 above before bid opening shall be
ignored and the offer submitted through the e-tendering shall be binding on
the agency.
7.0 A complete set of Bidding Documents may be downloaded by any interested
Bidder at our E Tender Site ( For
logging on to the E Tender Site, the bidder would require to create user ID
and Password as per the Bidder’s Manual Kit provided in the aforementioned
web site. The payment (non-refundable) of the cost of the documents as
mentioned above in the form of a crossed account payee demand draft in
favour of NTPC Ltd., Payable at Ramagundam, DISTRICT: Peddapalli shall
be submitted in a sealed envelope separately offline by the stipulated bid
submission closing date and time at the address given below.
a) Small Scale Industries registered for similar work with the National Small
Scale Industries Corpn. and Udyog Adhar shall be exempted from payment of
tender cost / Earnest Money Deposit. SSI units registered with TSSSIDC are
also entitled for exemption of EMD / Tender Cost.
b) Tenderers seeking exemption shall submit a copy of MSME
Certificate/NSIC/SSI certificate in a sealed envelope separately offline before
the stipulated bid submission closing date and time at the address given
9.0 Qualifying Requirements:
Bidder should:
9.1 Bidder should be the sole owner of a Truck mounted Road vacuum sweeper
(2018 or later Model) with a minimum cleaning capacity of 11400 m2/hr,
Minimum hopper capacity 1.3 cu.m and sweeping speed of 1-6 km/hr.
Bidder should submit an undertaking to own and deploy the Truck mounted
Road vacuum sweeper of above specifications within three months of award
of contract. To ensure compliance to this, the bidder shall submit an
additional security of Rs.1,00,000.00 in the form of FDR / National Savings