NIT No.: 2019_NTPC_13630 _1 Date: 08.01.2019
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consecutive financial years preceding the last financial years shall be considered for evaluating
the financial parameters.
3.0 Guideline for submission of bid:
1. Original EMD (Bid Security) as mentioned in GePNIC portal shall be submitted in a separate
sealed envelope super scribing as “EMD”. However, scan copy of same shall also be
uploaded online. Any bid not accompanied by requisite & acceptable EMD in a separate
sealed envelope shall be rejected as being non responsive and returned to the bidder without
being opened.
2. The bidders shall have necessarily to upload the relevant documents in support of meeting
the Qualifying Requirements (QR) specified at 2.0 above online in GePNIC portal along with
their offer, which inter-alia shall include the following.
a) Documentary evidence / proof (Like Manufacturing License / BIS certification / ISO
certification / SSI / NSIC certificate etc.) that the bidder is a manufacturer or their
authorized dealer of manufacturer and same shall be uploaded online.
b) Documentary evidence towards proof of supply/execution shall be submitted by way
of furnishing Invoices, GR/LR, PO copies, payment proof etc. The credentials / PO /
LOA / Agreement, etc. documents in support of Qualifying Requirements (as per
Annexure-QR, etc.) shall be uploaded online.
3. In case the bidder fails to submit the documents in the support of meeting the QR, the offer
shall be liable for rejection. Offer of the bidder not fulfilling the QR shall be rejected and shall
not be considered for evaluation further.
4. In case bids are not received as per above instructions, the same shall be liable to be
rejected and returned back in unopened condition.
5. Employer/NTPC shall not be responsible for any postal / courier delay.
6. NTPC reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
7. Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Employer/NTPC reserves the right to assess the
bidder’s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant
such assessment in its overall interest and the decision of NTPC, in this regard shall be final.
8. Following documents are required to be submitted offline (Hard copy) in a sealed envelope,
well in advance before opening of technical bids, super scribing on respective envelop as
mentioned below :
a. Tender fee: This envelop is meant for Tender fee towards cost of Bidding Documents.
Bidder shall submit the requisite documents in favour of M/s. NTPC Limited,
payable at NTPC Tanda such as DD, BG or as per provisions of bidding document